- Joined
- Jun 9, 2019

The hitch of a hip, the caress along a leg, the deepening of desire
First, let me compliment you on your exquisite clicking sense. Such a discerning mind is bound to be a builder of worlds with me - though worry not if you don't quite have the 6e21 metric tons lying around needed to make that a literal reality. Let us weave our lands instead out of the gossamer threads of our words, winding them into tapestries of fantasies and stories to set our minds and desires ablaze. Together, we'll keep conversations going to keep our plots harmonized, our senses of humor tickled, and our deviousness sated.
Let us point these out in bullet form, so as not to play favorites where none exist.
- Customizing a story to work with your desires as well as mine is paramount. Please don't take any of my suggestions "off the shelf"; let's make bespoke creations together to scratch our joint and several itches! This desire is why I ask a number of questions, even in the pairing prompts.
- I enjoy a varied tone and sentence structure. Yes, we'll likely take our desires seriously, but if humor or playfulness naturally arises between our characters, let's roll with it! Sex and stories aren't always straightforward activities, and our play will reflect that.
- Around three paragraphs in a response keeps sufficient detail in replies to let us have text to work with and yet be relatively free of fluff or filler. However, I have no strict word or sentence counts in mind, and this is just a general guideline. My starter posts are typically much longer to help establish a world, and when I'm particularly excited or captivated, my prose tends toward prolixity.
- Face claims aren't necessary, though they can be appreciated. For more realistic roles, pictures of real people are preferred. More fantastic roles may require illustrated people, though I still prefer the artistry to be more realistic than stylized (thus, anime or chibi characters aren't my cuppa).
- Though I have an abiding interest in first-person present-tense roleplays, I also know that not every situation can negotiate that. I'm more than conversant in third-person past-tense play.
- Should we enjoy each other's company or need space and time for our stories to grow, I'm happy to play by Google docs or email. I'd also be interested in Skype or Discord for shorter, more immediate scenes. On this site, PMs may work better than threads, though my availability on this site is far more limited during work hours than other methods.
More points, more bullets.
- OOC chatter allows us to plan a narrative and build friendships. How better to explore what we'd like to explore than by talking it out and giving ourselves guideposts? It also lets us suss out what works well for us, what needs rejiggering, and what might be fun to introduce. But I also enjoy the chatter, the getting to know another person.
- Mutuality in starting and maintaining the roleplays ensures each of us includes ingredients to make the whole of our stew tastier than its parts. You'll note I ask a number of questions in each scenario; please answer at least some of them and come up with your own when first messaging me. That way, I'll know you've read this and can contribute to creating rather than having me do it all.
- Indeed, if you have something else in mind besides what I propose here, be specific about that something when you PM me as opposed to just pointing me to a request thread with no guidance. Tell me what specifically makes you think of me so that we can spin it off together into something special for us.
- Daily or so responses help move the plot along and sustain interest. However, I fully understand that life arises, and as long as we can keep in touch, I'll be glad to resume when you can. Leaving unannounced for a week or more might hearken the need for adjustments in our story. Double that, and I'll assume we might need an entire revamp.
- A smutty one-off can be a delectable teaser, but longer-term roleplays need a balance of story and smut to propel the plot and confound our characters.
I will play dominant characters. My preferred style of domination involves sensuality more than raw force, though force is assuredly in the toolbox, particularly a bare hand for spankings. I prefer YC not "brat", though any submissive should come with a mind of her own and an ability to contribute equally to any smuttiness rather than expecting MC simply to direct her like a rag doll. I'm not interested in scat, vore, furries, and other such activities; however, others are happily on the table. I'm also curious what taboos you might like to explore, and I'm open to a variety of them, so please, ask away!
The following are ideas to give you a sense of what I might enjoy. However, I fundamentally enjoy building a world together with my partner. Should you be interested in me as a partner but not cotton to any of these roles in particular, please feel free to advance your own cravings, and we'll weave a wonderful web together.
PAIRINGS AND PLOT BUNNIES (bold=MC, * = particular craving)
Professor* x student
- What year is YC, and what major has she chosed (or is she thinking of)?
- What age difference do you envision between our characters?
- What is YC studying? How might that fit into what MC would teach?
- Is YC a good student? struggling? indifferent? hostile?
- What draws YC to a life of crime?
- Would you prefer a relationship with an established figure or someone rising through the ranks?
- What does YC do when not with MC?
- Where is YC from?
- Is this a business transaction or something more personal?
- Are the means sought monetary, property, or something else?
- Is this the first time YC has ever done something like this, or is she accustomed to seeking this out (and from MC or others)?
- In what time period would this take place?
The process of discovery is fraught with frustration, dead-ends, and disappointment. However, YC and MC are tantalizingly close to finally understanding an incredible phenomenon. Our characters have been working together to crack its secrets, and it seems like one last twist of the study's procedures or permutation of our instrumentation holds the key to making that final breakthrough. The excitement is palpable, and we eagerly anticipate the fruition of our intellectual labors. Below are some questions that will add texture to the stories we might tell in this scenario:
What sort of discovery are we about to make?
What sort of discovery are we about to make?
- Does it pertain to the natural world?
- Is it something profound about the human experience?
- Does it entail supernatural or other-worldly phenomena?
- Is YC a coworker or a case study?
- If a coworker, what drew her to investigating this problem?
- If a case study, what kind of condition might she have that separates her from typical human experience?
- Have our characters been working on this constantly, or have they been doing other things intermittently?
- Have our characters been erotically linked during this project at all, or will it blossom afresh as we tell the story?
- Is this discovery a boon or bane for the world?
- Who might be funding the work our characters are doing?
- Is this their full-time job (and if so, how might their funders want the results of their research distorted for their own ends)?
- Has this been a side project that's been scrapped together from a variety of sources, any of which needs updates (and thus might break secrecy)?

Inspired by my introduction thread, I want to indulge in an erotic exploration of an investigation of the rise of the Old Ones, construed as broadly as possible. I envision a scenario in which your character is joining a team of investigators who want to understand the threat posed by creatures who threaten to destroy the sanity of those who learn of them. My character is in a lead role on this team, which fits my overall dominant orientation. Somehow, the Old Ones pose a danger to our world, and we must ensure that danger does not unfold. I'd be eager to create our own version of them so that we're a) not bound by any particular previous mythology and b) free to explore mysteries instead of variations on a theme. Among the questions I'd like to consider OOC before starting the story are:
- How many other investigators are there?
- Is the team newly forming? Is your character an addition to an established team? Or reforming a skeletal team after a debacle?
- Are the Old Ones confirmed or just suspected?
- Does the rest of the world know of the Old Ones?
- If so, is it just through myth? Or has their presence been made known?
- Are the Old Ones malicious or forces of preternature?
- What kind(s) of threat do the Old Ones pose?
- What kinds of mental effects might they have?
- Do they represent a physical danger to the world?
- Can the Old Ones be stopped - or just contained?
- By the actions of those in our dimensional plane?
- By instigating conflict among them?

In the city of Apraka, unlike the nights, the days were mirthful and merry. Nestling at the heart of the entire land's commerce meant many roads led into the village, bringing a cosmopolitan wealth of traffic into the varied markets. The dusty ground and cobblestone streets alike hosted a melange of people, wares, and ideas that all fought for consumption at various times. Even when the midday sun grew brutal, the bazaars and academies alike were abuzz with activity.
And when night fell, all of Apraka fell alone, as well.
The academies boarded up.
The silken tents of the bazaar's shops were taken down.
The service providers and restaurateurs alike vacated the squares.
All retreated to their domiciles and lit lamps to keep the servants of the night away. The servants who roamed. The servants who rent. The servants whose jaws slathered. At night, their fangs gleamed in the moonlight as they revened underneath the starry night.
The gaunt master guided them from the midst of the pack. How long he had done so, no one knew. How many were in his thrall, no one knew. But the rags tattering along his limbs, the feral glint hinting occasionally from beneath his black cowl revealed him to be a being who the day dwellers would never approach.
He was the reason they burned their dead.
He was the terror that haunted their dreams.
He was the nightmare that never slept.
But when dawn crested and his minions retreated into their holes and their crypts and their caves, he remained. Every morning, a different name and face concealed his sunken skin and dread purpose. Every afternoon, a new spice or liniment or carcass purchased to allow him to attempt more necromancy. Every evening, a farewell to friends who saw him only on occasion and yet every day.
He kept a dozen dwellings, each with a different trap door or alleyway entrance or rooftop ladder with which he could abscond with his experiments. But none of his friends saw him at night - so terrifying was the marauding wraith who patrolled their streets! To the rest of the city's inhabitants, he was a kindly yet fearful man of a thousand faces, each of which was unrecognizable to all the others.
Such a scenario raises at least some of these questions for OOC consideration:
And when night fell, all of Apraka fell alone, as well.
The academies boarded up.
The silken tents of the bazaar's shops were taken down.
The service providers and restaurateurs alike vacated the squares.
All retreated to their domiciles and lit lamps to keep the servants of the night away. The servants who roamed. The servants who rent. The servants whose jaws slathered. At night, their fangs gleamed in the moonlight as they revened underneath the starry night.
The gaunt master guided them from the midst of the pack. How long he had done so, no one knew. How many were in his thrall, no one knew. But the rags tattering along his limbs, the feral glint hinting occasionally from beneath his black cowl revealed him to be a being who the day dwellers would never approach.
He was the reason they burned their dead.
He was the terror that haunted their dreams.
He was the nightmare that never slept.
But when dawn crested and his minions retreated into their holes and their crypts and their caves, he remained. Every morning, a different name and face concealed his sunken skin and dread purpose. Every afternoon, a new spice or liniment or carcass purchased to allow him to attempt more necromancy. Every evening, a farewell to friends who saw him only on occasion and yet every day.
He kept a dozen dwellings, each with a different trap door or alleyway entrance or rooftop ladder with which he could abscond with his experiments. But none of his friends saw him at night - so terrifying was the marauding wraith who patrolled their streets! To the rest of the city's inhabitants, he was a kindly yet fearful man of a thousand faces, each of which was unrecognizable to all the others.
Such a scenario raises at least some of these questions for OOC consideration:
- What kind of woman would wander the streets of Apraka?
- Is she a vendor? A performer? Trapped within a pub? A traveler?
- Is she human? Or is she some kind of human-like being?
- Does she have magic of her own?
- If so, what kind? What is her specialty?
- What's gone wrong for her when she's used magic before?
- Is magic even known in this world, or is it just whispered about and dismissed as superstitious claptrap?
- Are magics combinations of natural phenomena or elements?
- Does it stem from a user's personality?
- Would the undead be sentient?
- Does this differ by the type of undead?
- Are some of them physically attractive in some way or able to hide their status?
- Is the necromancer a friend or foe to your character?
- If a friend, how did that friendship develop, and how deep is it?
- If a foe, what makes him so vile? How would you see your character overcoming that revulsion?
- Or perhaps there's no relationship between them at all?

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