sunset's cravings


Jun 8, 2019
hello! welcome to my new request thread. i’ll make my introduction brief; i’m an experienced roleplayer who enjoys slice of life type pairings with plenty of romance, drama and angst. i love dark and light themes in equal measure, meaning i’d be open to a lot of fluff as well as the grittiness that real life has to offer. i write in third person, i don’t do one-liners (rather 3+ paragraphs, usually no less than 2), i write male and female characters, use realistic faceclaims and love bouncing ideas off of my writing partners. my preference, in order, is m/f, m/m, f/f - but i’m more than willing to do any. i also only use lowercase in ooc, not ic.

i’m looking for someone that has a good grip on grammar and spelling. i’m not expecting perfection and a few mistakes is neither here nor there. but i do need something that is tangible and something meaty enough for me to be able to reply to, so please no one-liners. if interested, please pm me instead of replying below.

as for smut; i’m all for it! but i’m more plot-based. i’d say the ratio of plot to smut would be 70:30. but it completely depends on what the plot is and how much smut it calls for. that being said, too much smut too quickly bores me.

hard no’s: scat, overly gore, incest, toilet play, water sports

now, onto the good bit! listed below are some pairings, fandoms and plots i’m interested in. anything in bold is what i’m really craving at the moment or what role i’d rather play. i’ll be adding to this list once i get more ideas.

mafia member x mafia boss’ daughter
good girl x bad boy
openly gay x closet gay
brothers best friend x sister
friend x best friend’s girlfriend

skins uk (really craving !! 3-4 characters each, skins-inspired; drugs, sex, drama and angst)
vampire diaries
call me by your name
american horror story
true romance
harry potter


  • a summer romance: aka grease rewritten without the singing and magic flying car. muse a and b meet on vacation and a summer romance blossoms between them. they're from two completely different words and don't expect to see each other again. so when muse a transfers to muse b's town to attend the college, it's a shock. there's a difference in muse b's personality while surrounded by their friends and muse a suspects muse b was never genuine about who they were.
  • one night or a lifetime: muse a is young (18-20) and naive, always looking for trouble. they find that with muse b, an older (21-25), cooler type that they encounter somewhere they have no business being with their fake id. muse b is attracted to muse a on a physical level, but once muse a's age reveals itself, muse b lays down the harsh truth: they're not interested in anything beyond a one night stand and they're definitely not what muse a needs (and vice versa). reluctant to let the opportunity to be with muse b slip away, muse a convinces muse b to take them home. lust clouds muse b's judgment and they let muse a spend the night. caught up in the heat of the moment, with the chemistry is so obviously there, muse b says all the things muse a wants to hear. once the night is over, however, muse b's attitude toward muse a hasn't changed - but muse a doesn't believe it's a hopeless cause. much to muse b's dismay, muse a works their way into muse b's life. muse b insists their relationship will never be, yet muse b can't help sending mixed signals when they continue to fall into bed with muse a.
  • opposites attract: muse a is dead-set in their bachelor/bachelorette lifestyle and isn't willing to compromise for anyone. they're happy being single. then they happen to meet muse b, perhaps through a friend, and the two of them are completely different. muse b is a hopeless romantic - overly enthusiastic, kind and good-spirited. muse a is self-reliant, blunt and standoffish. by trial and tribulation, the two end up together.
if you have any other pairings or plots you've been craving that haven't been listed below, let me know! as long as they include romance, drama and are modern/slice of life, chances are i'll be interested.
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