Seek and ye shall find


Jun 3, 2019
I suppose let's list a few core elements that need to be considered.

  • Chances are I will end up writing pages more so then paragraphs. Especially when I hold the ability to take my time in responding to a thread of a forum. If you feel pages are too much to read, then I would not be for you.
  • While I write pages I do not hold the same expectations from those I write with. As long as I can receive at least two or three paragraphs then I have enough to work with for my own post, usually. I do not expect people to match what I write. (Though finding people who love to write as much as I do is always welcome)
  • My characters are in essence their own people, I cannot write or make them do things out of character for them without a reasonable explanation (Example: Hypnosis, mind control, etc).
  • If I have to create a new character for a story, it may take me an extra day or so before I am ready with my first post. You can get a small idea of how I go about character creation here. I do not make empty characters.
  • I do not play dominate characters. Even aggressive or dominate seeming characters I write for have the desire to be dominated and 'put in their place' by someone strong enough to do so.
  • My characters generally are straight or they lean towards a male preference. Manipulation could lead to other interests I'm sure but they will never start out seeking female attention of that nature.
  • I hold NO LIMITS to what can happen within a story. With that said, it does not mean I will write my characters outside of who they are. I cannot make an extremely shy girl suddenly have the confidence to strip naked before an audience. I cannot make a prideful character suddenly act humbled just to avoid hurting another character's feelings. These things CAN happen in a story, but only with proper character development and story progression, not with a request out of character to change them. It's not just that I won't, but that I literally cannot, I hit writer's block when I try to write them out of character of who they are.
  • I prefer Realistic Modern Horror with Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Supernatural elements. Whether these are obvious elements and commonly used things like demons, werewolves, vampires, etc. To original concepts or ideas that hold elements outside of our reality as we know it.
  • I enjoy writing for the victim, the prey, the one who falls to the clutches of a monster be it supernatural or the darker depths of human nature. I like to watch my characters struggle with their own moral compass and fight to survive in whatever twisted darkness they fall into. So bring me your monsters, bring me the nightmares, feed the itch your characters may have.
  • I would prefer to keep stories to threads on here instead of pm's but it is not a requirement by any means.
  • I write in the third person, this will never change for me. Ever. If you want first-person perspective writing I will not be a good rping match for you.
  • I enjoy the story. That is what I seek and will always seek. Sexual content within a story doesn't bother me, it doesn't even bother me if it becomes a core element so long as there is still story progression taking place. If it just becomes one endless sex scene over and over it will grow boring quickly for me.
  • Masters at manipulation and mind games I find the most fun. I have intelligent characters. Having them be outwitted and outmatched intellectually I find extremely fun and if you have an 'evil' character capable of this you will catch my attention quick.
  • I do not do canon characters, nor am I able to write for 'pre-made' characters someone else creates. It has to be my own character so that I can properly understand their headspace. Just how it is for me.

I suppose that's enough of a list to give a general idea of the basics of what to expect with me and a little bit of what I am interested in. Here's more detailed information in what I am seeking in a story specifically.

  • Male characters, though this is not a hard requirement. It will take a very particular female character that sparks my interest for me to get into the story. Feel free to bring me your idea if you want to go female but please be aware it may be a no go.
  • Hunter types. I want my characters to be hunted in some form or fashion. Be it to dominate, control, devour, enslave, experiment, collect. I want to write a horror story, something dark and twisted. I want to see my characters squirm and struggle to survive whatever hardships or dangers your character creates.
  • I want to use a character I already have created more often then I want to create new characters. I am very familiar with the ones that I have and love to see how they handle what struggles they face. However, for the right story idea, I'm not against creating a new character if one of my characters will not fit the premise or idea well.
  • I prefer the Realistic Modern Horror with Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Supernatural elements, but a completely realistic modern horror also is doable for me.

I am not the best with adverts and being as open as I am, it's hard to narrow down what I'm looking for. This is all that I can think of at this given moment to write. I will try and come back and edit/re-adjust this with time. Eventually, I will try to add profiles for my characters as well to give people an idea of who they could possibly 'hunt' within a story. Until then, thank you for reading and considering me.
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