Hello all, thanks for coming to take a peek at my thread
This one is for my hope to find some writing partners for the Steven Universe fandom.
I'm looking for partners who like to write for a couple of canon characters and or OC's. As indicated by the thread name, I would like any RP's that come out of this to include Pearls. Whether those are Your own OC pearls or mine, or even the canon ones from the show is all up for grabs.
Here is my F-list for your perusing desires, before we get into the goodies of cravings please look through the link and read my conduct requests below that.
Preferences abound! Clink to see kinks :3
Nifty little crash course for my RolePlay writing specifics seeing as the link is mostly for kinks:
1: Please contact me through the private message system if interested, Out of character.
2: I write in Third person, typically two to three paragraphs (or longer) for private message or email format. I also prefer long term partners.
3: My three mediums I am willing to RP over are: Private Message here, Email, and Messenger system. Email and Private Message can be responded to in more depth but with less immediacy. A Messenger system will get more frequent responses when not at work or otherwise busy with RL.
4: I enjoy detailed responses over any of my mediums, and am very easy to get along with. I do have a job and a social life to balance as well, so please have patience with any delay's in responding and I will have the same courtesy for you.
5: I will NOT write anyone under the age of eighteen in anything remotely close to a sexual situation. If secondary characters that are underage are included in the plot, they will be far away from any sexual scenes. (For this particular fandom Steven Universe, the aging of the gems themselves pretty much voids this one for this specific species)
6: I love image inspiration, so if you have a fanart or gif or picture you would like to have incorporated feel free to bring it up in your message.
7: If you got through all of that please put the word 'Cuttlefish' and the pairing\idea your interested in your message subject line when you contact me.
Now that those are out of the way, RP desire time!
I'm looking for plots with a 60-40 or 70-30 Smut to Plot ratio for writing, this is flexible too though. Themes, settings and specific kink craving if applicable will be listed with each idea. If you see some you partially like and want to combine, or want to suggest a plot of your own along similar lines that you've been desiring; but haven't found that right partner for feel free to send me a message.
I will write as Dom Or Sub, and as the show is 90% female characters most of my ideas are going to be FxF or female presenting. I like to write the gems typically as either fully female or futa\shemale for genitals as well.
Themes\Ideas\ Characters:
Characters I will play:
Jasper (main jasper in show)
Pearl (Crystal Gems)
Yellow Pearl
Blue Pearl
Holly Blue Agate
Skinny Jasper
Original: (created to partners tastes for personality)
Amethyst Guard
Pretty much any gem type you want to play a character against I'm more than happy to create something for us to use, even male presenting gems.
Pictures!! Some Pearls and Gems I thought it would be fun to play as or against.
Plot bases:
Pearl Creation\Oyster-bed:
A gem in charge of running an oyster-bed for home world is diligent in her quality control tests with each new finished Pearl. This would be a series of scenes (how many or how long each is, is up for discussion) featuring several pearl characters as they go through training before being sent to their owners. How dark this goes is up to us.
As you command: Home world and its many outposts have special relaxation spires for the individuals of their respective diamonds courts. Each spire has different levels, where various methods of relaxing or indulgence may be gifted to both the elite and the common soldier. One of these levels is a brothel specializing in highly trained pearls. This could be a single pair of characters and their interactions between missions, or a look into the lives of a couple of different pleasure pearls. Once again the darkness of the plot is up to us.
Lost between the cracks: Whenever you have something flaunted about by those who have earned or bought a special prize, there will be those that covet and steal them away. The black market hidden on the various planets owned by the diamonds houses many treasures. Organic life, illegally upgraded gear, and stolen Pearls. This one could be canon or OC driven, with lots of possibilities.
Discount\Gently used: Pearls who have lost their original owners or been returned are collected and then given away again under slightly less picky standards to gems who otherwise would not be able to afford one. Canon or OC's as well.
Gemlings: With the resource crisis, the diamonds have begun to search for alternative ways to get the soldiers they need. A nacre was given the job of finding them a solution, and she has finally made a breakthrough by studying how organic reptiles go about reproduction. Taking several types of gem cuts, the Nacre altered them to be able to produce Gemling clutches, which take a fraction of the time to produce if your careful about how you treat the breeders. This would involve different types of gems, pearls and other 'breeders' as well as 'stud' types. An emphasis on Heats and Ruts, as well as breeding. One pair of characters focused or several, up to us.
Wrap up:
Thank you for reading, I hope something caught your eye
Look forward to hearing for you.
I'm looking for partners who like to write for a couple of canon characters and or OC's. As indicated by the thread name, I would like any RP's that come out of this to include Pearls. Whether those are Your own OC pearls or mine, or even the canon ones from the show is all up for grabs.
Here is my F-list for your perusing desires, before we get into the goodies of cravings please look through the link and read my conduct requests below that.
Preferences abound! Clink to see kinks :3
Nifty little crash course for my RolePlay writing specifics seeing as the link is mostly for kinks:
1: Please contact me through the private message system if interested, Out of character.
2: I write in Third person, typically two to three paragraphs (or longer) for private message or email format. I also prefer long term partners.
3: My three mediums I am willing to RP over are: Private Message here, Email, and Messenger system. Email and Private Message can be responded to in more depth but with less immediacy. A Messenger system will get more frequent responses when not at work or otherwise busy with RL.
4: I enjoy detailed responses over any of my mediums, and am very easy to get along with. I do have a job and a social life to balance as well, so please have patience with any delay's in responding and I will have the same courtesy for you.
5: I will NOT write anyone under the age of eighteen in anything remotely close to a sexual situation. If secondary characters that are underage are included in the plot, they will be far away from any sexual scenes. (For this particular fandom Steven Universe, the aging of the gems themselves pretty much voids this one for this specific species)
6: I love image inspiration, so if you have a fanart or gif or picture you would like to have incorporated feel free to bring it up in your message.
7: If you got through all of that please put the word 'Cuttlefish' and the pairing\idea your interested in your message subject line when you contact me.
Now that those are out of the way, RP desire time!
I'm looking for plots with a 60-40 or 70-30 Smut to Plot ratio for writing, this is flexible too though. Themes, settings and specific kink craving if applicable will be listed with each idea. If you see some you partially like and want to combine, or want to suggest a plot of your own along similar lines that you've been desiring; but haven't found that right partner for feel free to send me a message.
I will write as Dom Or Sub, and as the show is 90% female characters most of my ideas are going to be FxF or female presenting. I like to write the gems typically as either fully female or futa\shemale for genitals as well.
Themes\Ideas\ Characters:
Characters I will play:
Jasper (main jasper in show)
Pearl (Crystal Gems)
Yellow Pearl
Blue Pearl
Holly Blue Agate
Skinny Jasper
Original: (created to partners tastes for personality)
Amethyst Guard
Pretty much any gem type you want to play a character against I'm more than happy to create something for us to use, even male presenting gems.
Pictures!! Some Pearls and Gems I thought it would be fun to play as or against.

Plot bases:
Pearl Creation\Oyster-bed:
A gem in charge of running an oyster-bed for home world is diligent in her quality control tests with each new finished Pearl. This would be a series of scenes (how many or how long each is, is up for discussion) featuring several pearl characters as they go through training before being sent to their owners. How dark this goes is up to us.
As you command: Home world and its many outposts have special relaxation spires for the individuals of their respective diamonds courts. Each spire has different levels, where various methods of relaxing or indulgence may be gifted to both the elite and the common soldier. One of these levels is a brothel specializing in highly trained pearls. This could be a single pair of characters and their interactions between missions, or a look into the lives of a couple of different pleasure pearls. Once again the darkness of the plot is up to us.
Lost between the cracks: Whenever you have something flaunted about by those who have earned or bought a special prize, there will be those that covet and steal them away. The black market hidden on the various planets owned by the diamonds houses many treasures. Organic life, illegally upgraded gear, and stolen Pearls. This one could be canon or OC driven, with lots of possibilities.
Discount\Gently used: Pearls who have lost their original owners or been returned are collected and then given away again under slightly less picky standards to gems who otherwise would not be able to afford one. Canon or OC's as well.
Gemlings: With the resource crisis, the diamonds have begun to search for alternative ways to get the soldiers they need. A nacre was given the job of finding them a solution, and she has finally made a breakthrough by studying how organic reptiles go about reproduction. Taking several types of gem cuts, the Nacre altered them to be able to produce Gemling clutches, which take a fraction of the time to produce if your careful about how you treat the breeders. This would involve different types of gems, pearls and other 'breeders' as well as 'stud' types. An emphasis on Heats and Ruts, as well as breeding. One pair of characters focused or several, up to us.
Wrap up:
Thank you for reading, I hope something caught your eye
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