Hello Everyone, hopefully the title drew you in
This thread is specifically for my desire to write for the darker desires of my depraved mind. It's more of a general cravings thread, that will include pictures (some nsfw some not) and some basic plot ideas.
NOTE: Looking to DOM, will play Male or Futa. There are also new NSFW pictures to peruse!
Here is my F-list for your perusing desires, before we get into the goodies of cravings please look through the link and read my conduct requests below that.
Preferences abound! Clink to see kinks :3
Nifty little crash course for my RolePlay writing specifics seeing as the link is mostly for kinks:
1: Please contact me through the private message system if interested, Out of character.
2: I write in Third person, typically about two to three paragraphs.
3: My three mediums I am willing to RP over are: Private Message here, Email, and Messenger system. Email and Private Message can be responded to in more depth but with less immediacy. A Messenger system will get more frequent responses when not at work or otherwise busy with RL.
4: I enjoy detailed responses over any of my mediums, and am very easy to get along with. I do have a job and a social life to balance as well, so please have patience with any delay's in responding and I will have the same courtesy for you.
5: I will NOT write anyone under age in anything remotely close to a sexual situation. If secondary characters that are underage are included in the plot, they will be far away from any sexual scenes.
6: I love image inspiration, so if you have art or a gif or picture you would like to have incorporated feel free to bring it up in your message.
7: If you got through all of that please put the word 'Otter' in your message subject line or opening message when you contact me.
If you do not have the key word, then your message will most likely be ignored, as the sender hasn't read through my conduct requests well enough to find it.
Now that those are out of the way, RP desire time!
I'm looking for plots with a 60-40 or 70-30 Smut to Plot ratio for writing, this is flexible too though. Themes, settings and specific kink craving if applicable will be listed with each idea. If you see some you partially like and want to combine, or want to suggest a plot of your own along similar lines that you've been desiring; but haven't found that right partner for feel free to send me a message.
Theme desires: Dark plots: Looking for darker ideas right now. The darker the better for me, as long as a kink is not in my NO list I'm pretty much willing to give it a shot. I love anything to do with:
Conquered peoples and their new overlords
Adventurer or Hero that's Way in over their heads
Bad ends (no death)
Prey\delicate Sub against far stronger\predator Dom (elf and orc or faun and hunter)
Fantasy\sci fi species
Monsters (I play a pretty huge range of monsters)
Size difference
These are all general concepts that barely scratch the surface, I am open to far more for the RP to be placed in. Feel free to suggest your own ideas as well.
Species I am especially thirsty to play against right now include:
Fairies\minigirls ( 1 to 3 feet tall)
Monster girls
Living dolls /androids
Pictures! (nsfw and dark, will add more later)
Elf woman
Elf woman 2
Elf woman 3
Elf male
Elf male 2
Elf femboy 1
Doll female
Minigirl 2
Fairy female 1
Fairy female 2
Fairy female pair
Bunny female 1 (this one would be sized up as I like her design but don't want her quite so small)
Bunny female 2
Demon male
Demon female pair
If any of these have caught your eye and you wish to start an rp based off the picture or to play the character in the picture, please feel free to bring it up! I'll be delighted to play against any of these.
Wrap up.
Thank you for reading, I hope something sparks your interest and I look forward to hearing from you
NOTE: Looking to DOM, will play Male or Futa. There are also new NSFW pictures to peruse!
Here is my F-list for your perusing desires, before we get into the goodies of cravings please look through the link and read my conduct requests below that.
Preferences abound! Clink to see kinks :3
Nifty little crash course for my RolePlay writing specifics seeing as the link is mostly for kinks:
1: Please contact me through the private message system if interested, Out of character.
2: I write in Third person, typically about two to three paragraphs.
3: My three mediums I am willing to RP over are: Private Message here, Email, and Messenger system. Email and Private Message can be responded to in more depth but with less immediacy. A Messenger system will get more frequent responses when not at work or otherwise busy with RL.
4: I enjoy detailed responses over any of my mediums, and am very easy to get along with. I do have a job and a social life to balance as well, so please have patience with any delay's in responding and I will have the same courtesy for you.
5: I will NOT write anyone under age in anything remotely close to a sexual situation. If secondary characters that are underage are included in the plot, they will be far away from any sexual scenes.
6: I love image inspiration, so if you have art or a gif or picture you would like to have incorporated feel free to bring it up in your message.
7: If you got through all of that please put the word 'Otter' in your message subject line or opening message when you contact me.
If you do not have the key word, then your message will most likely be ignored, as the sender hasn't read through my conduct requests well enough to find it.
Now that those are out of the way, RP desire time!
I'm looking for plots with a 60-40 or 70-30 Smut to Plot ratio for writing, this is flexible too though. Themes, settings and specific kink craving if applicable will be listed with each idea. If you see some you partially like and want to combine, or want to suggest a plot of your own along similar lines that you've been desiring; but haven't found that right partner for feel free to send me a message.
Theme desires: Dark plots: Looking for darker ideas right now. The darker the better for me, as long as a kink is not in my NO list I'm pretty much willing to give it a shot. I love anything to do with:
Conquered peoples and their new overlords
Adventurer or Hero that's Way in over their heads
Bad ends (no death)
Prey\delicate Sub against far stronger\predator Dom (elf and orc or faun and hunter)
Fantasy\sci fi species
Monsters (I play a pretty huge range of monsters)
Size difference
These are all general concepts that barely scratch the surface, I am open to far more for the RP to be placed in. Feel free to suggest your own ideas as well.
Species I am especially thirsty to play against right now include:
Fairies\minigirls ( 1 to 3 feet tall)
Monster girls
Living dolls /androids
Pictures! (nsfw and dark, will add more later)
Elf woman
Elf woman 2
Elf woman 3
Elf male
Elf male 2
Elf femboy 1
Doll female
Minigirl 2
Fairy female 1
Fairy female 2
Fairy female pair
Bunny female 1 (this one would be sized up as I like her design but don't want her quite so small)
Bunny female 2
Demon male
Demon female pair
If any of these have caught your eye and you wish to start an rp based off the picture or to play the character in the picture, please feel free to bring it up! I'll be delighted to play against any of these.
Wrap up.
Thank you for reading, I hope something sparks your interest and I look forward to hearing from you
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