Fx Male The prosecutor and the escaped convict


Nov 2, 2018
I have a scene I'd like to develop with a rope wielding bad boy.

I am a criminal prosecutor. I take a cab home after a court date dressed in a mid thigh length dark grey skirt, stockings and black heels with a black silk blouse. As I am walking up to my door I hear a funny noise in back. I had some work done on my house and wonder if the men had come back to get the pile of trash they left behind so I start to go around back but see a rough looking man prying my window open. I quietly open my purse, pull out my pistol and sneak up behind him saying
'Hold it right there mister,'
He turns and sees me and gets this weird smile on his face saying
'Don't recognize me bitch?'
I stay focused keeping my gun aimed at him as I point to a rope sitting on a stack of trash left by the handymen saying
'Drop the knapsack. Drop the pry bar. And pick up that rope. Then lay face down and put your hands behind your back. If you please. And no. I don't recognize you. Should I?'
Out of nowhere a gun pokes my back and a voice says
'I bet you'll recognize me bitch. Drop the gun. NOW. How about YOU pick up that rope and you put your hands behind you back? If you please.
I freeze, slowly turn my head to see this man.. an armed robber (YC) I got convicted a couple weeks ago. I look shocked as I wonder how on earth you are not in jail. I know you are very dangerous and I must obey. His partner snatches my gun out of my hand and stuffs it in his belt then picks up the rope as I raise my hands, walks up to me looking very arrogant, grabbing my wrists and twisting them behind me very roughly. As he yanks the first coil tight around my wrists you step in front of me poking your gun in my tummy as I glare at you angrily saying
'You won't get away with this. You need to leave right now and pray you get far enough away before I can get my hands untied and call the police.'
You laugh in my face saying
'How cute. You think we're just tying up your hands'
I give you an outraged stare as your partner finishes tying my wrists together with a very tight cinching coil then grabs my purse and starts digging thru it. He smiles and says
"Got her keys. Let's get the bitch inside and make her a little less comfortable.'
You turn me towards my back door, grab my ponytail in your fist and shove me forward as your partner finds the key that unlocks it. He pushes the door open, looks inside then steps back and looks around making sure nobody has seen us as you shove me forward and push me thru the door saying
'Ladies first, right bitch?'

Anyone interested in a bondage saturated sexy role play PM me and let's create some drama! write in first person and tend to write multi paragraph responses. I don't like torture, sadism or meanness . .. .other than aggressive rough handling and arrogant gloating captors, of course :)
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