Craving Darker Plots and Slice of Life

Miss Ember

Jun 3, 2019
Hi my lovelies!

You can call me Miss Ember or Ember. I am back after a looooong hiatus, I got too busy with; college, marriage, kids, and growing my career. That being said, I tried to do a few rapid reply roleplays, but that is just not for me anymore. I would prefer to write with people that I could reply at the most a couple times a day, this will be my short-term roleplays more likely. I also would like partners that I could leisurely play with, that will not expect reply’s more than once a week. This will probably be long term, with a lot longer post length.

I will play on either Pm or Thread, I could be convinced to play on Discord. When posting a few mistakes is a given, but I am a professor, so constant literary issues will rake on my nerves.

If I decide that I do not like the direction of the roleplay, I will let you know. I expect the same curtesy in return. If you get busy let me know and take your time on a post. Don’t worry about rushing something out to me because I know a thing or two about busy, and I completely understand.

My characters are never damsel’s in distress. That meaning I won’t play purely mindless submissive characters. I like my characters to add to the story, instead of waiting for your characters every move.

I found out that F-Lists are still a thing! So hooray for that, but it will take me some time to set down and get to work on that, so here is a quick starter list on my No’s.

Big No’s:


any bodily fluids or excrement besides semen.


Sexual gore.

As for what I enjoy roleplaying, I have quite a scatter of items I enjoy! Typically I enjoy fantasy, with big burly monsters, suppose you could say this is my current ‘obsession’ if my kindle list is to be believed. I also quite like mundane things, current love for that is Motorcycle Club stories (MC). I also can play Female or Male, though I prefer female. If a story interests me enough I will do just about anything. Feel free to send me your ideas, I am very open. I will list some below here, and periodically add more.

Parings I am currently into:

Serial Killer x Victim/Police Officer/figure of authority.

Biker x Innocent young woman

Monstrous being x human

New roommates (with fantasy setting)

anything post-apocalyptic

After reviewing my thread, I have decided to take out the plots listed, why you ask? They seemed like they were geared towards short term roleplays. Feel free to send me your ideas or send me a pairing and we can work it out together. I will add a plot here eventually. Bonus: If you have read my thread write your favorite animal in your message to me.
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