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A Harry Potter Oc


The original Valkyrie
Apr 27, 2012
The Void
Ella Velacour
Half blooded- Half Veela
Wand: 9 1/2 cherry wood, Unicorn hair
Her personality: Shy at times, sarcastic but loyal and loving
House Ravenclaw
Year 6 or above

Plot in honestly wanting to do a arranged marriage rp with this one. Maybe a pureblood wizarding family is wanting to branch out after the war or maybe the pureblood family wants to intertwin there two familys because the Velacour name is a pureblood but what they don't know is she was a lovechild of something else.

Another plot:
The twins heartache-
What if the Weasley twins both fell for the girl. She excepted both of them where one was tender and loving in the bedroom the other was rough and dominating. They both enjoy her and she enjoy them.

If you have a plot let me here it im more then willing to here yours out as well
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Bump only message me if your serious about this kinda getting fed up with people working on a plot wirh me then disappearing
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