Fx Any Female chasing her carvings


Feb 19, 2019
I realize this will not be most people's cup of tea but if I can find just one person who is willing to help me chase my literary desires, my attention will be their's undividedly. I am a simple girl who is not over the top with her wants, desires and needs. Sure, I do not mind to spice my roles up by adding some kinks throughout but my biggest desire is writing a story, focusing on a plot and developing characters while mixing in different forms of smut. However, we will get to that. Allow me to quickly allow you to see beyond the screen and at the young lady who sits beyond it. My name is Allison Davis, but my friends may call me Allie. I am a nineteen year old college student, though I am a misplaced in time eighties baby, who works throughout the summer but is free to roleplay almost any time throughout the typical work hours. My fandom and nerdy nature draws me toward superheroines and comics. I have the MCU, but really wish DC could tell stories just as entertaining and fun. I guess that is what draws me toward DC characters more than anything. I want to enjoy their characters as badly as I do Marvel's, even if I have to tell the story myself in a roleplay.

As for what I am looking for, that is a broad question with a simple and complex answer. I could say anything and everything because a story with realistic stakes makes the most sense and keeps your emotions more in touch. However, I do have certain desires and school girl dreams of happy endings. I know some people here prefer the darker endings, but that is not for me. I enjoy the happy endings, they make me feel good even when they are heart breaking at the same time (Looking at you End Game). This does not mean the road along the way does not have to be rough, heart breaking or just simply brutal (Now looking at you Nolanverse Batman). So yes, while I am perfectly fine with non-con and the rougher acts which come with it like extreme bondage, sexual torture and abuse along with degradation but I also long for romance and tender love. I know in these types of stories, that may seem out of place but every heroic character has a love interest, why can't we make that part of the story?

As for the universe, I'd prefer if we built our own slowly. Let's focus on one character and develop her story. If we do that with success, maybe we can do another character the same way. I will use face claims throughout these plays as well just to add visuals, because a picture is worth a thousand words after all. I am not going into this either with pre-set plots either, because I want to hear your ideas. That does not mean I have no ideas, because I have tons but I try to be open to those willing to work with me. I try to make my characters more realistic looking as well, rather than money inflated bodies.

The characters I am looking to play need to be rookies and the stories pretty much origins for now. They do not have to be strick by comic book canon but close. I'd like something without the male heroic counter parts so no Batman or Superman for example. I want this to be true girl power. I hope people understand what I am saying because Bruce Wayne for example, is a perfect character still though he is not Batman.

I typically write two to four paragraphs each time I post and typically can reply multiple times a day. I hope you have enjoyed the rear snd and get back to me quick. Bye for now.
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