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Fx Female Lesbian Romeo-&-Juliet-like Plot Idea!


Nov 29, 2018
Heya there! This thread will probably change around a bunch over the course of however long I write here, but I want to leave this here because I had an idea for a plot that I think might pique more than just my own fancy. And I'm not just looking for female writers, just someone willing/comfortable writing a female character. It's not entirely original, but I love the premise, so...

Essentially it's a Romeo and Juliet plot, but instead of a man and a woman, it's two girls. And instead of their families holding them back, it's their social circles. This could be either in high school or college, but I think it's more plausible that it would occur in a high school. Aged 16-18, whichever makes YOU feel most comfortable. This plot is not designed with Dom/sub elements in mind, but that could play out more in the bedroom. This plot also is not designed with pure smut in mind. I want romance, tension, PASSION. These girls will end up head-over-heels in love, and not just puppy love.

Before I get really into it, here are a few applicable ONs:
-Light Bondage
-Dirty Talk
-Tribbing (Tribadism)
-Strapons/Sex Toys

Some basic NOs:
-Males (Sorry, I'm not looking to swap in a male for one of the girls. At most, one of them might be trans, but I really want to keep it to girls comfortable with their biological genders)
-Bathroom Play
-Genuine Malice

Now the plot!
(Funny enough, this plot is slightly inspired by an old episode of Fairly OddParents from when I was a kid, from where Timmy got turned into a girl and became friends with Trixie)

It's the start of another boring semester at <Blank> and two girls are blissfully unaware of the action packed year they have in store. The first girl, a young, bright young lass who perhaps didn't get the best roll of the genetic dice when it came to her looks. Granted, she's fairly decent, but she's really not the kind of girl who would draw a second glance. She's fallen in with the nerdy crowd: Loves video games, is in honors, part of the robotics club. Anything you can think of that might signal 'nerd', she's probably into. She's genuine, an probably wears her heart on her sleeve to much. She's the target of bullying, but has a decent enough home life that her life isn't a living hell. While her family isn't the most well off, she's happy with what she has. And she's proudly out as a lesbian. The second, another intelligent young lady, has gotten a far better hand in life. She's beautiful, charming, and incredibly wealthy. She cycles through boyfriends like a race car goes through tires, never really being satisfied with the doting idiots that are 'popular' enough to get to date her. Because if there's one thing that's for certain, it's that the social peak at <Blank> school is not a nice place. Constant pettiness, the need to watch out for yourself at every turn. Every action is scrutinized, and any dirt someone can get on you means that they can rise above you in the social ladder. And this girl is near the top. She maintains a high maintenance network of people and never lets her guard down, never lets anything slip so that she isn't buried by the snakes that surround her. It's not just expected of her by her peers, but her parents as well. Her parents treat this as practice for the real world, where she'll have to do the same at parties, businesses, and anything else she gets involved with. But there's more to her than just the popular girl. Secretly, she also likes nerdy stuff. But liking that stuff isn't 'cool'. If anyone were to find out her secret, her social status would be seriously ruined! And then there's something even deeper to her. She's gay.

This plot would involve a romance between the nerd and the popular girl, as they try to keep their own social circles ignorant to their affair. The nerd at first has no issues, but then realizes the contempt that her best friends hold for the popular group, who are also usually the worst bullies. If they were to find out she was dating one... And then obviously, the popular girl has to make sure that her 'friends' don't suspect she even knows the nerdy girl exists.

For this, I want the popular girl to kind of have to feign cruelty occasionally, but inside have a heart of gold. I think there could be a lot of cute moments, AND a lot of spicy sex.

Please PM me if interested! I'd love to get something going!
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