Stone Cradle
Unwavering Moon
- Joined
- Jun 3, 2019

Welcome my search thread, I hope I can offer what you are looking for!
If not, then good luck finding your perfect partner!
Please for the love of toast, stop asking me to go to your search thread- I promise, I didn't make this one just to kill time.
1/ Taken
2/ Taken
3/ Taken
4/ Open

↣ Call me Ghost! Ghosty! 'Hey you over there' Whatever floats your boat!
↣ I play females as mains and double as both males and Females.
↣ If you aren't bother to even say hello to me when you message me, this might not work.
I'm a person too, not a rp robot and I want to make fiends.
↣ Keep getting asked for my F-list so here it is!
↣ Please understand that my women are not submissive unless the plot specifically calls for it
they will not let themselves be pushed around.
↣ I am not my characters, you are not yours; do not pm me sexual messages.
↣ I do not take part in 100% SMUT oriented role-plays, sorry! I need it to be story oriented
or it's not for me! My smut to plot ratio is 30/70, when the story calls for it.
↣ I love casual conversation with partners or otherwise, so send me a pm to say hi! Do it!
Conversation is a must for me. I really want to get to know my partners!
↣ I'm an adult, no need for my specific age, we aren't getting married just yet. Just so you
know I'm in my mid' 20s.
↣ I'm Irish, spending summer in France and am an avid muncher of all things sweet and delicious.
You will literally always find me with tea in hand or in the process of brewing some!
↣I love platypus, they are duck puppies and need all the love in the world. That's all.

↣ First off, I exclusively play female roles as my mains but will use non-romantically involved men as secondary characters to make the world more believable!
Wouldn't make sense for it to just be two people, kind of dull no? I can promise that I will keep the world vibrant and alive through multiple backgrounds characters
and events.
↣ Please take note that this is generally a starters length for me. I'm not here to shame you, because you being here already means you are taking initiative to write
more, and that is a wonderful thing. However, if I give you the following and receive only four paragraphs back, I will be disappointed and disheartened.
Please be honest and considerate towards me when you approach me for a role-play.
“She was looking about for some way of escape, and wondering whether she could get away without being seen”
Alice in wonderland, chapter 9
Alice in wonderland, chapter 9
Shapes and shadows rippled across her distorted vision.
Through eyes clenched shut and trembling fingers covering her face she could still feel them. They were there.
They were always there. Watching. Waiting.
A merciless glacial wind beat down upon her huddled body in the murk, like thousands of fiery needles piercing her skin relentlessly, lathering her in their sadistic embrace. Under her pale shivering form, her feet were going numb, her knees aching from kneeling on them for too long, but not daring to move so much as a muscle. She couldn’t. If she did, they would see, they would come for her.
Their snatching, bony little hands had dragged her into the darkness and left her there in this place beyond help. The pitch had swallowed her whole, but she knew that somewhere out there, just ever beyond the limits of her sight they were ready, eagerly waiting for a pretext. Just a moment’s hesitation, one wrong move and they’d be upon her like a thousand starving rats.
She could feel their hungry eyes in the dark. Her lungs burned, she needed to breathe. How long had it been since she drawn breath?
Her eyes watered in agony, her fingernails digging into her face in protest. But her mouth opened nonetheless and as their crooked carcasses rushed towards her, she echoed a silent scream.
Their eyes.
Oh god their eyes. They were-
“So, which class are you taking?”
Dark eyes snapped open to meet a pair of baby blues staring back at her in anticipation.
Shrill was the voice that broke through her trance, causing her to take in a sharp breath that she had been holding for so uncomfortably long that her lungs had protested painfully. The interruption had come from a young woman standing far too close to her and it took only that one moment to understand that she was the epitome of ostentatiousness.
At first glance, it was the very short fully golden V-neck dress that bordered on mustard in colour which caught attention, willing or not. The fabric was synthetic with a plastic shine and it clung to her form like clingfilm, so much so that it only just covered her behind by a few centimetres. To be fair though she had to admit the girl had a very nice rump, one worthy of a wolf whistle! Her bosom was almost completely on display as large necklace made of multiple layers of pearls hung down the front of her exposed chest. Platform heels added a good ten centimetres to her height, but there was a clear wobble as she walked. After a few glasses of champagne, they would either have a miracle on their hands or an accident waiting to happen.
Her auburn dyed hair was let loose, but its movement was restricted by the staleness of one too many puffs of hair spray. Her eyes were very pretty though, a clear oceanic blue that gleamed with curiosity as they watched her current prey.
Clearly, she was all ears for a reply that so far had taken its time coming.
“I’m very sorry but whatever do you mean?” was all the older woman could muster under such abrupt circumstances, confused by the intention of this girl.
A thin tanned arm snaked its way through hers, holding on with a vice grip that she had seen some students use before.
“Oh, don’t play coy!, cooed the girl nasally as she lightly tapped Nur’s nose, Cillian, he’s that smug looking guy over there, he bet a hundred quid that you are definitely a physics nerd but I’m convinced you look more like a English literature or creative writing type! So, which is it? Oh, I’m Kelsea by the way!”
Did she just assume I was a student?
Nur blinked in bewilderment.
Wait, did she just... Did she boop my fricking nose?
“I’m afraid to disappoint you but neither of you will be winning that bet. Mind you, flattery won’t get you any better grades.” Purred Nur with a cheeky smirk tugging at her lips, looking like a cat that got the canary.
This brazen dismissal of all possibilities seemed to click into place in Kelsea’s head, her mouth swiftly hanging agape as the realisation dawned on her.
“Wait, you’re not a…?”
“I’ll take it as a compliment, chuckled the elder of the two softly in a voice like warm milk, I’m Nur (Noor) Nevhelem, professor of psychology, a pleasure to meet you Kelsea.”
She held out her hand politely and humbly, so that the girl could do something with her own hands beyond waving them around frantically. She knew what it was like to make that kind of mistake- She’d once asked her boyfriend’s sister if she was his mother upon meeting her. How well that had gone down! As one might imagine that relationship didn’t last long.
Frankly, it wasn’t surprising in the least that Kelsea and her companions had misunderstood. Nur was not the kind of woman to look her age and her grace as she moved about the open air of the terrace, although telling of years’ experience, did not betray her.
Irises as dark as the deepest oceans, a depth beyond light and rescue, her gaze lathered you with a wicked and sensual embrace. Those eyes could eat you alive, make you want to drown you in them. Many wouldn’t mind the thought of it, previous men certainly didn’t use to. Those deep-set eyes were right above a small perky nose and rosy, plump, luscious lips which she kept well hydrated, so they always looked just right for a quick taste. On this occasion they were decorated in a deep shade of red lipstick. A few freckles doted her soft caramel skin, like powdered cinnamon had been sprinkled over her. She used to hate them as a child thinking they made her ugly and constantly being teased for them. Now she found they gave her a charm many others didn’t possess, so that when she smiled her entire face lit up.
Her hair was akin to strands of soft chocolate rivers of silk flowing down her back and getting caught in her mouth when the wind blew. It was so soft that when she was worried, she would run it through her fingers, an unconscious action that had come to be over many years. She was tall enough standing at 1.70 meters, but she could never have been a model by any standards. Sporting an hourglass frame, her waist may have been small but her hips for a start were too wide, her thighs like thunder and breasts little over a c-cup would never fit into small clothes. No, certainly not a model, but damn well pleased with herself none the less. Or at least she used to be.
Carolina Tustano, an Italian woman of no small size was present at the meet up tonight, she could see her form the corner of her eye. They had met a long ago when they worked together as specialist teachers in their fields. Carolina’s specialty happened to be business orientated, working with the stock market and houses. And she was damn good at it.
It had been her who had convinced Nur to come back into teaching, albeit after a decade of persuading. In her eyes it was better late than never. Carolina was a bubbly and kind woman, always willing to lend or force a helping hand. She had stuck by Nur through thick and thin, had been an irreplaceable friend to her. However, when she had discovered that it was her friend’s intention to present herself here in a pencil skirt and plain white business shirt, she had flipped her proverbial shit. When the fat lady sings does the conclusion become clear. When the fat lady screams- You damn well give her whatever she wants.
And that was exactly what Nur had done for fear of being dragged by the scruff of her neck. The result of her wardrobe was not quite what she had expected.
Long and flowing was the sleeveless crimson dress she wore, made of such a sheer fabric that the breeze swayed it around almost purposefully. With a V-neck that exposed more cleavage that she had been comfortable with, it made her want to check every minute or two that nothing was popping out where it shouldn’t be. Carolina had swatted her hand a few times too, told her to stop fussing about and that she looked fine. She wore black stilettos only a few centimetres tall, but that was enough to give her legs a curve that would give a geometrist a run for their money, especially since one of her legs was visible through a long slit in the dress side as she walked. Initially she had been worried she’d appear too flashy, but now she thanked her lucky stars for Carolina, who had spared her sticking out like a sore thumb. When she had walked out of the restaurant doors and onto the terrace when the majority of people had agglomerated, it had felt like everything stopped. She was vain enough to tell herself that all eyes were on her, that would be absurd, but a good few conversations hung still in the air as she emerged. Only a madman would have assumed that Nur Nevhelem was a 32-year-old teacher.
“Oh my gosh.”
Kelsea seemed to be having trouble breathing in her newly found panic.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so totally sorry! I thought- Well, we thought…, the young woman gushed as her pretty face began to be stained like a tomato to match the red carpet, You know what, I’m just going to leave you to it! G-goodnight.”
Nur couldn’t help but chuckle watching the girl wobble back over to her friends in a hurry, all of who seemed confused and worried as to what had happened. When she got there, Kelsea hid her face in her hands, stomping her feet lightly, before Nur heard a male voice distinctly cry out, “No fucking way!?”
“Well if that wasn’t worth coming here to see, I don’t what is!”
A booming laugh came from her side, Carolina draped her arm around Nur’s slender shoulders amicably. More a moment they giggled about what had just happened, Carolina professing that in another life she ought to have been a stylist. Mirthfully they had walked towards where the bulk of the students and teachers stood talking and drinking away as they were all introducing themselves. It wasn’t a big group, there were only 12 students in this specialist academy after all, and five tutors.
They were all having a relatively pleasant time, despite the constant bragging thrown about, until something caught her attention- or someone.
Across the way were dark eyes, almost impossibly darker than her own; A man standing in the crowd, eyes like a beast’s. With wavy hair that seemed way too perfect to be natural and dark full eyebrows, everything but his beard was on point. His face though, he was undeniably ruggedly handsome and with a body build like a brick house, she could already tell from far away that he would tower over her. There was something else though, a strange smile on his lips. Something inside her squirmed in disdain.
Nur turned away from the stranger. His gaze was too much, too overpowering to meet for tonight at least. She silently hoped he wouldn’t be in her class and decided to belligerently apply herself back into the conversation about who had what type of Lamborghini, which was causing laughter, uproar and competition.
Except then, as quickly as it had started, it wasn’t.
Everything was quiet. The world seemed to slow down; her body too heavy for her to move from her spot. Something was wrong though she did not know what, and her heart began to pound once again.
Their eyes- They were all staring right at her. Feeling herself turn deathly pale she turned to look at Carolina for comfort, who to her dismay was staring at her oddly too. Was there something on her face? Had she stepped on someone’s feet?
“What is it?” She questioned, almost so quietly that the words didn’t escape her lips.
“We have something for you. Won’t you open it?”
Nur felt a rough texture between her delicate fingers. It hadn’t been there just a moment ago, she was sure of it. How had it… what was it? Cardboard? Paper? Somewhere in the back of her mind a part of her screamed as she brought her hand up to her face, perhaps knowing what she was going to see.
She almost puked.
A small red envelope wrapped with string; her name scribbled on the front in a child’s imperfect handwriting. A small heart followed with the name of the sender-
Oh god.
Nur dropped it like the very touch of it had just burned her hand like grasping a hot poker. She opened her mouth, but no words would come out, not even her breath was able to escape. She was choking again, a darkness forcing its way down her throat like cobwebs refusing to let her exhale.
Thought we would forget didn’t you, came Carolina’s sickly sweet voice.
They advanced upon her, their eyes boring into hers with disgust and accusation. Her legs wouldn’t move, her feet stuck to the ground beneath her, the nightmarish scene grew darker as the light on the terrace turned off one by one.
God no. No. No! No!!
You can’t run forever. We’ve reached the end of the road.
“Miss!” Came a loud voice, a male voice from nearby.
Nur shot up in the back of the taxi, eyes wide with irrational fear and hyperventilating like she had just run a marathon. She was safe, she could breathe- This was real wasn’t it? For a moment her eyes darted around, looking for the slightest clue of imperfection that you might find in a dream, but none were to be found. Slowly she remembered the meet and greet- It had been last night. Memories came flooding back to her in waves, the slumber being washed away from her panicked mind. No wonder the nightmare had managed to fool her, usually she was good at spotting when she was having one, but most of it was a memory this time, until the very end at least.
Oh, thank god. Thank god, it was just a nightmare.
“Miss? You alright? Questioned the cab driver worriedly as he turned in his seat to look at her, I said we’ve arrived at the end of the road, can’t get past the gates from here. Are you okay walking?”
Her heart was still pounding against her ribcage, beads of cold sweat dripping down the back of her neck with every shaky breath.
Shit, she internally breathed, Of all the days for this to happen…
“Yes, I’m fine thank you.” She blurted, pushing herself up straight in the seat, hand instinctively running her soft locks through her fingers to calm herself down, just startled me awake that’s all.”
She didn’t say much after that as she opened her door and stepped out and although it seemed he didn’t quit buy the bullshit story; he didn’t pry. With a huff he simply got her bags out of the boot of the cab, accepted the tip she gave him and drove off on his way.
It took a second for her to compose herself, letting the dearly needed sunlight warm her face before grabbing her bags. When she turned on her heels, she finally saw the villa and it was simply ridiculous.
Behind thick silver gates, which opened as she pressed her passkey to the locking system, in the middle of perfectly tended gardens of green grass, palm trees and various flowers was a state-of-the-art luxury home. Completely modern with many walls being entirely replaced by windows, a ten meter partially glass pool, jacuzzi and terrace lounge with couches- To be honest she felt a little disgusted with the filthy rich people who could afford this kind of life.
"Well, might as well enjoy it while it lasts!" She chirped gleefully as her previous horror made way for childish curiosity pulling her bags up the steps towards the door. She was a lucky bugger too- Most of the more affluent people wouldn’t be arsed to get up as early as she had. The study rooms for each teacher had already been allocated, but as far as the rooms went it was first come first serve, something she intended to make full use of!
Entering the house was strange, to say the least. Everything was so… chic! So modern and sculpted. Of course, it was beautiful, but It felt fake and synthetic. Not like the homey little cottage she had back home.
The main door opened up into a wide-open living room area, a huge glass walls directly opposite her, showing yet another pool on the other side of the home, this time enclosed.
"Who needs two pools? Nur quipped out loud, Jesus people!"
In the same room, sperate by a counter and eating area, was the kitchen with all the newest of... well everything. Craning her neck, she could see into the room around the corner, which was styled far differently. Fitted with a fire place on one side and surrounded by sofas it had a cosier vibe she could definitely get used to.
There was a staircase to one side, the bedrooms and studies were upstairs or so they had been told. Eager to see what they were like, she hurriedly pulled her bags behind her, wishing silently that she had packed a little lighter.
The first room she saw as she reached the top a little out of breath, was room 201- her designated study room. And by study she meant a mini luxury classroom for those majoring in psychology. It wasn’t overly big, but it looked glamourous nonetheless, its glass walls allowing her to look over the living room and kitchen area and out into the indoor pool. She’d better not let herself get distracted during teaching hours, seeing people swimming about or whatever high flyers did.
Walking past a few more study rooms for the other 4 professors, she finally reached the bedrooms down the hall and excitedly looked in all of them.
One had a small garden inside, which was cute, but she wasn’t overly fond of because it only had a shower. One had a fully stocked bar- but then again that was not exactly what she needed more of in her life. Carolina would like that though, mused the weary woman. On the third try, she found the room she wanted. Not only did it have a large bath but it faced the front of the house, its outside lounge terrace and outdoor pools. It would be facing East, giving her a natural alarm clock in the sun. That was something she never got in her dark little cottage- sunlight! It had its own little terrace with a small chaise longue and coffee table, finished off with waist high banisters made of wood surrounding it. She opened the sliding glass door and walked out onto it, feeling the fresh air on her face.
Now this she could work it! A book in hand, coffee in the other as she lied back- Oh yes, she could imagine that happily enough.
A sound echoed in the distance, a black Lamborghini approaching down the road. She was surprised to see the others arrive so early but guessed they all had the same idea as she. The first day of their new life under the same roof was about to begin and butterflies were raging in her stomach in excitement.
“Oh, Alice how far you’ve roamed.” She mused.
↣ If you are looking for unexpected twists then by the grace of toast, I'm your ghost! I don't like obvious linear role-plays and will always try to keep something
interesting going on for us to work through!
↣ I write a lot. A LOT. Like three stacks of toast full. Yes I've been away on hiatus for a while, so my writing may be a little rusty around the edges but I still I love
being descriptive. I love showing what my characters are thinking, feeling- Basically I want and aspire to bring the world around our characters to life! You will NEVER
receive a one liner from me and will most likely receive minimum 6 paragraphs. That I can promise you!
↣ Depending on the role-play that we take part in, there may, in the beginning, be a point where my characters might seem overly innocent. Please don't worry, that
will not last long and will only occur in role-plays where the initial innocence helps the plot along. Character growth is very important to me and even the nicest of my
characters will begin to change over time depending on what occurs in their world. Everything corrupts and nothing is pure.
↣ I am very open minded to most genres! If there is nothing on my thread that catches your peepers in terms of plots of pairing, please feel free to send me a request
for something else, as long as it doesn't go against what I will not do or the rules of the website. I might not in the mood for it, it happens- But maybe I am! So ask!
↣ Plot over Smut! Am I open to sex scenes? Sure, why not!
Will it be the focus of our story- No you flea ridden tea bag! Get back into your box! I specifically specialise in character and story oriented role-plays. So at the very
least you can be sure there will not be a sex scene for a while when the role-play starts.

↣ Plot with me, joke with me!
The most important thing for a partner and I to get along is the fact you need to be able to playfully plot around, think of potential future scenarios and such.
I'm the kind of partner who will make Pinterest boards, send you music, send you memes- If you can't handle that chatter, friendliness and input then we won't be compatible.
↣ I am a thinker. I love subtlety! LOVE IT! GIMME.
I far prefer insinuated details to obvious actions. If a character is evil, the subtlety in their actions, hints at possible horrors they might have committed are much more appealing
than any crazy murdering spree they might go on. Don't show off how crazy they are, show off how crazy they might be.
↣ I adore realistic characters. Now I get it, understandably what is considered 'realistic' will shift depending on wether we are in a sci-fi or slice of life role-play. However, I want
characters that bleed, have realistic passions, distastes, talents and attitude towards others and life. On the subject of realism, I get put off by overly 'intense' characters who swear
left, right and centre, break glass with their fists for the hell of it and can take more punches than Chuck Noris. I find that makes characters so undeniably strong is the fact that they
can get hurt, they do have weaknesses and they die just as easily as any other person if caught off guard. However they manage to survive despite it all, time after time against the
odds through skill, silver tongues and sometimes sheer dumb luck. Ah beautiful dumb luck!
↣ I am a hopeless romantic. Nothing wrong with that! Yet I really despise instant romance-in-a-can and 'smut-like' behaviour in role-plays. I don't mean to be arrogant or up my
ghostly butt, but here is a tip I've found to really work, sensuality over sexuality. A scene which could be considered totally normal can turn incredibly tension-filled and striking if imbued
with a little sensuality or a small off-beat action. The same scene may turn smutty and really cringe-worthy if imbued with pure sexuality.
↣ I know that this isn't everybody's cup o' tea, but I like to use real face claims and would prefer that my partner does too. Sorry if it's not your thing.
↣ Now, I don't mean to hurt anybodies feelings, but I love both quality and quantity. I want to read meaty posts with details and sentences jam packed with hidden tidbits of
information. I want to know what the scenery looks like, what the weather is like, what your character smells and feels beneath their fingertips. I do want to hear about those subtle little
actions that makes your character who and what they are. I want their memories and flashbacks!
In the past, I've worried myself half to death over overwhelming my partner when writing a long answer and thus forced myself cut back on detail that otherwise may have been crucial to
my characters' 'feel'. I don't want to do that anymore. I don't enjoy holding back and I don't want a partner that feels they have to either. We should enjoy this! Constraints are for socks!
Screw socks!!
↣ I have a love for psychologically deep characters of a darker nature- Intelligent dangerous characters who can manipulate peoples own instincts and logical thoughts against them.
I want screwed up morals and values! I love characters who are divergent and can stand alone without the need to rely on others nor a tragic backstory to seem interesting (though if they
do have something tragic occur I would LOVE to see the repercussions on their personality due to the trauma). I don't want the PG-13 story in which the good guy has to stay good or where
the protagonist has to fall for the good guy. Good people can go bad, bad people can turn out good and some many just go insane and need to be culled!
Only when we role-play will we actually know how things will turn out!

↣ I won't do pregnancies of any kind, I have tocophobia meaning pregnancy is my phobia! The very idea of pregnancy makes me feel ill so let's please keep that to a minimum.
↣ Anything that goes in the toilet, stays in the toilet.
↣ Please don't bring furries into this. Technically wouldn't that be bestiality and against the rule here anyways?
↣ Vore. Why? Just why? ; n ;
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