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Mx Female Looking for partner to start world building Dystopian Future or Sci-fi Futuristic RP and/or quick heavy smut


Black Hole
Jun 3, 2019
Hey, thanks for looking

Clearly, the goals of each request are different - the main difference is the expectations...
If you want the 2nd half of the title, just PM me and be up front. I'll probably be down to do it. I find those things best if both people are on at the same time as the quick back and forth helps put your mind into place. Otherwise you're going in and out and it lessens the excitement.

If you're interested in the 1st half of the message, I am excited to meet you. We can start a thread in the world building forum maybe or just PMs. My idea for Dystopian Future involves a climate crisis and massive corporations running things. Think Mad Max crossed with Alien and little bit of X-men thrown in as well. There will be different factions, with different resources/land/weaponry that can either independent or business affiliated. I have ideas to throw around, but it's not a 1 person RP so you're opinion matters! This is the planning stage anyway. [FONT=courier new, cousine, liberation mono, courier 10 pitch bt, FreeMono, monospace]The 2nd one could be similar to the first with corporations ruling, and maybe our characters are mercenaries for different sides or local militia or just a local tradesman/craft/whatever. Space can be so expansive, I'd prefer to focus on 1 solar system with a handful of planets, but have each planet will defined not "1 biome fits all" planets (Hoth, Mustafar, Tatooine). This will have aliens in it for sure, but that does not mean each of characters have to be alien.
[FONT=courier new, cousine, liberation mono, courier 10 pitch bt, FreeMono, monospace]About me: Besides reading my intro post, I'm a semiexpierenced RPer getting back into things. I don't see myself as rusty more so as "now with life experience" type. I give what I get for the most part and prefer ~400 words per post (I recognize conversations can be a big exception to these types of rules.) As I said at the top smut vs plot, doesn't matter to me as long you're honest with what you want. I think pure smut can fun, but delving into a world with a partner is great too.[/FONT]
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