Fx Male Warning: May Bite | Doms Wanted | Con, DubCon, NonCon | Fantasy, Realistic | Modern, Medieval


Playful Pet
Jun 24, 2018

My name is Ayli! I’ve been roleplaying on and off for, gosh, fifteen years? I’m a playful dork, a bit socially awkward, and I don’t bite without consent. I work from home and have no life so I spend a significant amount of time writing. Nice to meet you.


  • I don’t care how much you write. I enjoy long posts, medium posts, and short posts. Please don’t stress yourself out matching me or worrying about your word count. Roleplaying is supposed to be fun.
  • IDGAF about your IRL gender identity compared to your character’s gender identity. It will not impact my desire to write with you.
  • Communication is sexy! If you have a question or idea, tell me! If you have a preference, want to shake things up, etc, I’m all ears! I’m here for collaboration.


  • I play sexually submissive females. This does not necessarily mean my characters will have submissive personalities. That will depend on the specific roleplay.
  • I tend to match post lengths, but I’m honestly trying to train myself not to. My goal is to write as naturally as possible, in third person, from my character’s perspective. Post length will vary depending on what is going on in the story.
  • If I stop responding to you without warning, PLEASE feel free to send me a poke after a few days. This doesn’t happen often, but sometimes I miss things.
  • I am uninterested in slice of life type roleplays. I am here for things I cannot experience in real life. At least not ethically. Hit me with your fantasy settings and your dark and twisted scenarios.
  • I play via PM. You may be able to tempt me onto the forums, but generally I like having all my roleplays in one place. I don’t roleplay offsite.
  • I like playing against dominant personality types. This doesn’t mean your character has to initiate all smutty contact. Your character could be a complete prude for all I care. I’m just not compatible with boy-next-door characters.
  • I like forced D/s dynamics, slow mind control, and innocent-to-slut transformations. I have almost no limits when it comes to non-con based plots. I also enjoy seductions, for those into consensual plots, and I can be on either side of the seduction game. Mostly, I love character conflict, so whatever you play I'm going to want to play something that clashes with that.
  • I don’t have an f-list, but I will check out yours. No scat. No snuff. No vore. No vanilla. I don’t like playing the older character, and I prefer being the smaller character. I cannot take inhumanly large boobs/ass seriously. I am open to A LOT of fetishes, and I never kink shame, so please feel free to ask me anything. The worst I can do is say no, right?
  • I can do harem and reverse harem style roleplays. I can juggle up to four characters comfortably, so let me know if that's something you want. I'm also comfortable with both possessive doms and doms that like to share.

Let's Play!

Character A: a nonhuman of some kind that was raised in an abusive foster care home. After finally having enough, Character A decides to run away and takes their chances on the streets. They steal, murder, and fight in order to survive, all while staying under the radar of their own kind. After all, rogues aren't tolerated. Most of them are executed. Those permitted to live are puppets for the ruling council, with very limited freedom. One night, agents of the council are starting to close...

She didn't want to spend her senior year as a scholarship student at a prestigious academy, but it was that or deal with social services. This scholarship was only for orphans. She never applied for it. She doesn't know how or why she has it. All she knows is that nobody seems to like her and one person in particular seems to be doing everything in his rich, arrogant, beautiful power to drive her away. But she's not a quitter. Except...there seems to be something strange about the school.

Alternatively: I'll play the school bully and you play the male scholarship student that takes no shit. Instead of dominating you, your character flips the narrative and dominates her until she spills the secrets of the school.
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