Mx Female Elder men - old boys - maybe in control


Reliever of your pain
May 31, 2019
I have some settings/characters in mind. In all of this I can do both roles (feel free to option for your personal ideas of genders and who-is-who, and maybe you would like to have a look at Request Thread (mc being a female)

Nevertheless this is my MxF thread :)

Here we go!

Berlin, 1941. Secret Service Officer x young female helper of army or secret police.

( About to start up in a first run - but other approaches welcome )

Preface: Ok, here we go. If you like we can also put this scenario to each "time of darkness" and maybe any place of the world, if so, exchange "Nazi" or "Gestapo" with "Security Police" or "Helper" with WASP or whatever. With the given time/location I am safe with ranks and locations down here in Germany, if we go for other times/countries it will be more mixing up with fantasy ( but also a bad nazi vs innocent maiden fantasy may be fun). Keep in mind: this is _not_ a Ubermensch vs. Jew story, and may end up in a dark dungeon of gestapo or camp, but _not_ in a death camp. ( I am NO Nazi for myself ).

As the story goes:
Times are shiny for the bad bad government, war is like a game, far far away from the boarders of the "Reich". A young maiden is hired by an organisation for female helpers of army ( or airforce or police or...).

She is "innocent" also in her thoughts about politics, she is excited with (black) uniforms and marching feet, and maybe she also got aroused when she is given power and a future. Maybe she is doing her duty as a telephonist or coder at an hidden facility of the army or the security police headquarters, or working in a secret factory for weapons, or.... what we have in shelf for her. She has a lot of female mates, and she is up for fun ( in these years Berlin is still a place of ... adventures ).

He is an elder officer of police or army. He is either her boss with the job, or he is assigned to the unit she is working for as a security officer. Maybe he is impressed by her and/or would like to have some fun, or he really falls in love with her. But she is not willing ( or flirting and... ) and another aspect comes up: she is suspected to be a spy or to do acts of sabotage. Maybe she is only at the wrong place at the wrong time, or she has friends using her without her knowledge (1). May it be as it is... she is arrested and... of course HE is the one to lead the interrogations / responsible for her fate / a watcher when the bad guys start to do her work on her (2). We can have him a fanatic Nazi, a stupid cruel torturer, or even a more romantic guy, doing his job for the Abwehr and wearing field-gray (3).

Limits everything is possible here, but nothing a must have. Bad endings are ok, but also romance or happy endings.

Themes I would include (if you are with it) (not only to talk about kinks): A lot of flirting, maybe lesbian scenes, dancing, visits at "kinky" bars and clubs. We can then go for - humilation/in public, handcuffs, dark dungeons, interrogation scenes, maybe ( done or menaced ) torture ( electro, whipping, if we want to go hard ), isolation. As we want to go short, we can put our focus either on the romantic startup, or more on the dark part of her fate and maybe his inner conflict being her lover and her inquisitor at the same time.

Rome, time of the emporer Claudius.
Vestalia (Priestess? Female of nobless? Slavegirl?) x retired General (with some secret desires)

( btw, a version centered around the female part, especially of a Vestalia or priestess, Can be found here.)

In this version I would be for example General Marcus Tarquinius, a high-decorated veteran, with perfect social reputation, rich, but some.... weird secret inclinations. He is used to give commands, and in some situations he is a reactionary dinosaur, but a smile on his face unveils his enjoyment when he is watcher of scenes of ... violence? orgies? young girls? whatever. Let's talk about!

The hangman's daughter

Mediaval version:
He is living as some kind of "outlaw" in a cottage near the woods, in sight of the gallows and on the other hand a small town, maybe also a castle where the Sheriff is residing, representing the far away king/baron/bishop. He is called up for all the dirty jobs, doing the executions, humilating victims at the pillory, doing whippings, on the scaffold on the market place. Or simply helping the sheriff's men with a renitent prisioner. He is supported by the men of the sheriff, but they are happy to leave the bad bloody cruel work to him. Somehow he is also a person of respect, and called "Master of Death".

How can a young (innocent?) girl come up to him? Maybe he found her up on the streets of the town, homeless, in need for help, an outlaw like himself. Or it is really his daughter, and he cares for her as his wife dies away. Or her mother was a "witch" and he saved her when her mother was send to the gallows. We will find a way to make it happen :)

Is she really innocent? ( we can go for them both having an sexual relationship, maybe if you like one of incest ) But also we can have her of some weird innocence, she knows about her fathers job and is caring for him when he comes home, hating himself for what he had done. So many options. Or he is cruel and merciless when he comes home, he is sexual aroused from the aspect of a suffering tortured woman... and wrecking his anger, his lust, his frustration on the poor helpless young maiden being just in his reach)

You see I am open for so many options.

If we like the daughter can be a little sadistic person finding her pleasure when watching her father doing all these unspeakable things. She starts up to be his assistent. And later on.. she is for herself a famous interrogatrix and executress.

Or she is a little nympho, and her father tolerates ( or... enourages her ) to go as a whore.

I did it in some various plots and endings, and it always was fun. Maybe we find a thrilling "third way". Or do a short standard version. I also did it with a female hangman, having a young maiden with her to be her "apprentic" and learning her business.... There are a lot of options for characters around. The victim(s). The bad sheriff. Maybe a whoremonger having an eye for her.

Maybe also a modern times version:
A young lady is somehow figuring out the her dad ( or her mom ) is doing the job of an interrogator / executioner / killer. Being shocked for the first moment, she is more and more fascinated and found her sadistic/dominant/.... vein. She starts up as an assistent to the parential business...

Maybe less complex - or turned to the reverse
Maybe we also want to have a young innocent - or young and guilty - victim to be "treatened" by him. We can go for a short scene of punishment - or all the long way of interrogation - confession - impending execution. and finally - she took her with him, to be his spouse, maiden or little plaything......


(1) Of course she can also be a spy or part of a network of resistance :)
(2) If we have her rescued at the end, we have an option for sequels. Otherwise... maybe you love to go for execution... or simply be finished somehow.
(3) If we go for historical setting, a man of the Abwehr may be seen as the "good guy" and in controversity with the "realy bad" guys wearing black uniforms and at hand with a quick (cruel, final) solution. If we want her to be rescued - he is the one.
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Just to BUMP it - and giving an addon:

Faceclaim of my Character "General Marcus Tarquinius"


The real person here is Roman Emperor Caracalla, the marble-made bust is shown in the Musee de Louvre, Paris. Details can be found here
… just deleted my references to a f-list. It is not matching my… real cravings.
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