Fx Any Historical and Fantasy base Role plays

May 22, 2019
United States
I tend to really enjoy the two and favor them above most. (Scroll to the bottom for more information about my style of writing as I am still very new to Blue Moon RP) I won't just list ideas as I rather be open to explore stuff with possible partners. You can get a hold of me by Private Messaging. I shall try to get back to everyone as soon as I can.

Time Periods I have an interest in and or have written before:

European Dark ages- Vikings- Medieval- Tudor- Black Death- Rococo- Regency era- Victorian

Colonial America- Wild West- Industrial revolution- Prohibitionist era (1920's)

A bit of the Ottoman Empire

The Heian Period Japan

Ancient Egyptian (mostly religious sects)

Pre historical (Bronze age and stone age)

(I am open to others but may be ignorant regarding culture norms and such of place and peoples.)

Fantasy themes I have interested in or written about:

Magical worlds to steampunk like technology in a historical setting. I've made up laws of magic or source loosely from things like Pathfinder and D&D. The fantasy worlds come either in urban settings with a magical underbelly or high fantasy set in a per industrial age. I limit all world destroying events or unlimited powers to agree upon limits with partners otherwise everything is made up on spot. The ideas are pretty limitless. I don't know if time travel falls under this genre but that can be added as well.

Adult themes:
So I know the site mostly focuses on sexual themes. I love smutty games but I don't always need them for a role play. Not to say I won't go for just a quicky game with nothing but. However down for a non adult theme or focus on it. I am open to a lot of things in terms of kink. However I will not break site rules. No writing under 18's in sexual ways or real life animals. Besides that I am pretty open to at least try it once.

I have a handful of fandom I write:
Harry Potter, Alice the madness returns, Elder Scrolls (mainly Skyrim), Aliens movie, Hannibal Series

About Rper:

Long time role player so know the basic fundamental laws. No god mod, no taking over other characters etc. I write both male and female characters and do love to play with side characters. I'm laid back person you need not tell me if you'll drop our game or you have stuff to do and will put it off till next week. Not my business to know. I likely have more then a few games going on and if I am hurting I'll just find another. No fret. But usually that causes concern for others so upfront I like to let others know its fine. I however will try to follow your needs within reason, of course.

I thought I just post a sample of my writing:
Skyrim Rp date Jan 2019)

“You finally came to.” said a voice from the ether of nothingness.

Brotel blinked. He was in the back of a wagon laying on his side. The straw covered floor poked at his face was also crushed under the Nord’s feet. The same who spoke down to him. He tried to sit up. The back of his head was throbbing and he tasted something coppery. It was colder too. At least more cold than he last remembered it being.

“Which is good,” continued the Nord, “best to have time to come to peace with your fate before the axe man cometh.”

Brotel tried to rise again. Finding it hard since his limbs were numb and behind him. Bounce no doubt by his captures and render useless to him. Gingerly he rose with help from the side of the wagon. Leaning on the plank that served as a seat Brotel lifted himself up. Up now onto a sitting position as the blood rushed down his head darken his vision for brief moment. The Dark Elf swept back the braids that frame his face with a jerk of his head. Regretting what that sudden movement did to his battered head.

“How long was I out?” Brotel said with a dry mouth

“An hour I believe.” said the Nord “They must have assumed you were with us.”

The Nord looked down properly at the skull upon his necromancers robes. Brotel choice to ignore the shocked look. He was far to use to getting those sorts of attention to be fazed with them now. Instead he glance around at the "us" the Nord spoke of. 'Mother Mara!' His breath held as he realized they were Stormcloaks and their capture all Imperials. This did not go over well. Worst they were coming closer to a fort.

"Last stop-" said the Nord

Brotel turn and spotted death herself. She had turn and spotted Brotel at once. Her arrogant face twisted in "I got you" smile.
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