Fx Any Secret obsession, stalking, manipulation (Vague, dark RP proposal)


Oct 22, 2018
Hi! Thanks for taking the time to check this post out with such a creepy title. That being said, you must be here for the creep factor, so let’s get to it!

I really want to do an RP with a big emphasis on manipulation and obsession. One character (preferably played by you), either for reasons they understand or do not understand, wants the indefinite, undivided attention of the other. They are easily made jealous, they are easily irritated, and may have secret, violent tendencies. They can be socially detached or have a great social front. This person does not want to scare away their “significant other,” but they do want to pull that person farther into their web until they’re completely dependent on them. Since you’re playing the character, you can decide who you do it.

I know it’s vague, but there are multiple approaches to this plot. We could start after the obsession has begun, or we could start before then (we would just have to work to the event that triggers this psychotic break, which could be really fun!). Also, the world doesn’t have to be realistic, I’m a big fantasy buff so we could work that in if you want, or even paranormal elements (if you want to play someone who isn’t straight up human, just lmk and we can discuss it). It’s really the obsessive dynamic that I dig, so pretty much everything else we can decide together. As for NSFW--that’s perfectly fine. Non-con/dub-con is fine too, it just has to be built up to (tensions created, all that).

Also, the character I will be playing can be oblivious, but I don’t want to play a ditzy dumbass. It wouldn’t be any fun if no suspicions were raised. If you have any requests concerning my character, lmk.

I haven’t RPed in a while and I haven’t been on this site for long at all, so whatever the etiquette is, I’ll need to warm up to it and I’ll probably need your patience, haha. But I do love to write, so I won’t fail in that area.

OOC chat is perfectly fine with me, in fact, it’s preferred. This isn’t a business transaction, it’s fun. No one-liners, please. I’m not picky on response size, but I’ll give as much as I get; there just needs to be enough substance to play off of.

If you stuck with this, thanks! I know it’s a bit of a clusterfuck. Message me if I piqued your intrigue.
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