Fx Any Dark Superhero Story


Feb 19, 2019
I desire a partner who is a fan of the DC universe. Below are villainesses I wish to play but I stress I am looking for a long term story as much, if not more than just smut. Yes there will be scenes with smut but I am looking for everything from consensual romantic love making to straight up non-consensual, emotional breaking rape and everything in between. The focus of this story will be the Justice League facing off against enemies they have never encountered before. I of course will play these villainesses along with female members of the Justice League: Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Black Canary. Yes they are porn star models and no I will not change. I find female porn stars to be empowering by embracing their sexuality like a man would.

These vindictive vallains aren't just eye candy but have a purpose and goal. They will seek to achieve this goal along the way, and you will do all you can to stop them. They will come from another Earth where they have already defeated and destroyed the entire Justice League of that universe.

The Head Mistress is a sadistic task master who believes heroines and their slutty clothing and actions are corrupting our youth and has no place in society. Dead set on reforming and breaking heroines, she seeks to prove how useless they are in the world.

Ravage is a brutal powerhouse who believes in anarchy because then only the strongest survive. She looks to ruin and break a heroine before she lays waste to their home, then they have her permission to die.

The Godmother is the head of the nation's biggest crime syndicate and business is booming. Drugs, guns and other illegal operations run through her. What happens if you don't see eye to eye with her? She'll make you an offer you can't refuse.

The Screamer is beyond sick and twisted, calling her a psychopath does not due her justice. She holds obsessive and manipulative tendencies, she will destroy and humiliate you until she can put a smile on your face.

Comrade Erotica is the ruthless leader of the terrorist organization known as Medusa. Hell bent on world domination, they have one simple goal and that is to destroy the free world. Anyone who gets in their way must be exterminated.

Lillith is a powerful alien warlord who seeks to eliminate all weak and free thinking life forms throughout the universe. Taking the strongest females from every planet she conquers, she is the deadliest and most feared vixen in the universe.

Athena is the Greek goddess of war who believes men are the reason Olympians have all perished due to lack of faith. Leading the Amazons, she will force men to breed with her people in humiliating ways while making the women suffer at the hands of her warriors.

Pussy Cat is a thief among many things, but she does not take kindly to sharing her territory with anyone. Cat like abilities, she loves to toy and trap heroines for sport but hell has no fury like this kitty scorned.

Queen Kraken rules over Atlantis with full support of her people who have long been hidden away due to the dry world. Now she is set to take back what was once there's and any who stands in her way shall suffer in the depths of her medieval dungeon.

Madam Sultry is a business woman with unlimited resources but a flare for sport and game. Do not let the dress fool you, she is ruthless, cunning and will have no problem making you the next acquisition for her black market sex trafficking business.

Dominatrix was once a sweet and innocent girl with a superhuman IQ level, but dirty cops ran a gang bang on her and destroyed that innocence. Now she just seeks to humiliate anyone she hates for no reason other than to prove she is worth more than her body. Don't get caught her her trap, it's a real pleasuring demise.

Sagacity is a cybernetic alien that roams the universe to collect knowledge. After it has learned all it can, she takes subjects aboard her arch and destroys the planet but draining it's most precious resource, its core.

Incubus is the queen of the damned, and daughter of Hades himself. She is hungry and must feed upon the souls of our world. With a dark power and lust for companionship, she may suck your soul from your body or she may make you her pet.

Jezebel feeds off the list of the soul, making her stronger each time she feeds. Her will, will be your desire if you are not careful. To her, we are all toys and pets who she can play with like puppets on a string. Don't go falling for her, no one will be there to catch you.

Serenity is a futuristic genius who made time travel possible with hope to manipulate her knowledge of the future for her personal gain. Any heroine who disagrees with her actions will face her future's toys.

Arkham Asylum stood a massive burning wreck with holes in the walls, buildings half crumbled and dead bodies laid everywhere. A distress beacon had been sounded here by Batwoman but there seemed to be no sight of her. From a distance, Power Girl would see the bodies of such infamous villains like Two Face, Penguin, Killer Croc, Riddler and even The Joker, all lifeless and dead. Worse, hanging by out stretched arms was Dick Grayson in his Robin armor. He was dead, showing signs of being strangled to death and placed on display by someone.

Deep within the remains of Arkhem, Batwoman whimpered. She tried to move, but she had been broken by someone and her armor torn to shreds as she was brutally raped. Dried cum leaked from every orifice that was gapped open but blood also decorated her vagina and anus. Tears flowed down her face as she stared into a gas chamber where a nude Barbara Gordon, raped and left just as Batwoman had been, was laying. She had been killed by toxic gas. Worst of all though, the busted cowl of Batman sat on the ground behind her not far from the body of Bruce Wayne, his head turned completely backwards. "Help me" Batwoman muttered hoping someone would hear.

Message me if interested.
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