Gem's Story Emporium! (Smut Too)


May 29, 2019
Hey everyone!

I’m Gem, and I’ve been RPing for over ten years, starting with the Star Wars: The Old Republic forums waaayyy back in the day. I consider myself a lit writer, meaning I’ll never give you under 2 paragraphs, but my norm is closer to 4-6. I’m looking for partners that write about the same amount and aren’t afraid to play NPCs or do things that drive the plot forward. I don't care whatsoever what your gender identity is, if you like to write I wanna write with you!

To me, RP is all about collaboration, and I love working with my partners to make something fun and cool together. Characterization is also super important to me. We all make grammar mistakes and I won’t skewer you for them (I’ll definitely also make them), but I do ask that you try your best and have a basic understanding of things like the your/you’re rule.

In this request thread I’ve got some story-driven plot ideas and some more smut-based ones. I like going dark just as much as I like happy, fluffy slice-of-life. Balance in all things is key, after all. The story-based rps could still get smutty, I just don’t want that to be the focus.

I should also just clarify that I’ll never play the male in a MxF relationship and I won’t play a purely Dominant character either. I’m fine playing a male in a MxM pairing and I’m sometimes okay with playing a Switch in any pairing, but I'm rreeaallly craving writing some sub roles.

If you’re interested, please send me a PM with what you’d like to do, or if you have any new ideas you would like to run by me! I’m super friendly, I promise.

Anyway, on with the show!

Here's my very general Interest List: F-list - Warning

Story RPs:

MxM/F Reincarnation Story: [Really Craving This One!] Hundreds of years ago in another world, two souls connected. A war raged around them, Fae vs Demons, destroying lives and setting the land on fire, but despite their opposite alliances, the two fell madly and deeply in love. Tragically, the Fae lover was killed when their secret was discovered, and the Demon was imprisoned. As the magical realm collapsed in on itself, the few remaining members of both factions fled to a new, magicless world and tried to blend in.

YC has been pretending to be a mortal in modern-day America for the last hundred years or so, hiding his demon identity. MC, after their death, was reincarnated as a human. YC will run into them at the flower shop they work at one day, and despite MC not looking the same at all, they get the feeling it could be them. Cue getting to know them, and deciding they’ll do whatever it takes to win them back, no matter how hard it might be. Thus sparks their epic romance, part 2.

My plan for this RP is vague, because I like planning with my partners. I also am fine with playing a female or a male for this one, but I’d prefer my partner play a male character. We could introduce the opposing factions and add some action into this, or keep it purely slice-of-life.

F/MxF Vampires: Muse A turns Muse B and creates a Bond when they do so, basically meaning they’re now a loyal servant to A. This is a problem, because Muse A is a 1,000 year old crazy bringer of chaos. I think this one could be kind of funny because I'm picturing A getting into all sorts of shenanigans because they don’t care anymore and B just trying to keep them alive. This could be set anywhere, in modern NYC or a fantasy land.

For this one I’m happy playing either role, so you pick. I will be playing a female though, which gender you play is up to you.

Dystopia: MC is the heir to one of the wealthiest corporations in the world. They live in a city where inside it’s beautiful and clean, but outside the walls it’s a struggle to even find clean water. MC has never seen what life is really like and is very naïve about the world outside their tiny wealthy bubble. YC has always lived outside of the walls, and learned how to survive. They’re part of a smuggling organization that takes goods from inside the city to the outside, however one day they’re caught. MC convinces their father to buy YC to save them from death, but now YC is trapped as an owned person.

You can play whatever gender you want and I’ll play whatever gender you want me to, except that if you pick female I will also be female. This one I’m thinking will end up 60/40 plot/smut, with YC as the more dominant role despite being the one technically owned.

Smuttier Ideas:

Brother x Sister: Two siblings who have lived apart since young childhood are back under the same roof. The older brother has always been protective of his younger sister, but seeing how popular she is with boys at school sends him over the edge. His dominant personality comes out, and he'll do anything to keep his little sister to himself.

I want there to be story and a psychological aspect to this one! I kept the idea vague so we can plot together, but I think we can get reeaaal devious here!

M/Nb/FxF: Two young friends who've always discussed everything with each other, decide it's time to do some experimentation. They both have things they've always wanted to try, but have never felt comfortable enough with their romantic partners to even bring it up, and so they eventually decide to be each other's experiment.

This one would be light-hearted smut with some funny and some sexy moments. I think it would be fun to explore the funny side to sex and being a beginner in the BDSM world, so I'm picturing moments that go just right and others that end in complete disaster for them. An exploration of becoming a Dom and a sub!

Here’s just some random couple ideas I have for either plot stories or smut stories, if I have a role preference it’ll be in bold:

Vampire x Human

Werewolf x Vampire

Prince x Rebel

Kidnapper x Kidnapped

Siren x Surfer

Sith x Jedi

Nobleman x Assasin/Thief

I’ll update these as they’re taken or my interests change. Thanks for reading!
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