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Where Titans Fall [ Wiki x Wikkit ]


Apr 29, 2019
Generals gathered in their masses

" This is some realllllll shit boys!!"
A voice came over the comms, some where between the chaos of the firefight and the blaring music from some place else. Issac could care less, rolling through a window of this factory setting they were on. He put two bullets into a nameless, faceless enemy. The lad turned and moved down a hallway, not heeding any care to how the body flashed and broke apart into various digitized pieces, those also breaking and fading into nothing. It was a simple SIM training exercise- he'd been guilted into helping them train more since he was about to graduate as an Elite Pilot from the academy. The black haired male, leaned over a rail, putting a kill shot in the dome one another enemy who had one of his brothers little friends in their sites. " Stay alert. . ."
Just like witches at black masses

Abigail inspected her self in her dorm mirror. After all this time, she was actually going to be an Elite pilot. They where going to get to choose a Titan. Meet their AI. It was happening. She turned and tilted her head. Long light red, pinkish really, hair in brushed back braid, swung from side to side as she moved. She still wasn't too sure which exact class she wished to commit to, since she excelled at each one equally. This was a dream come true, for her self and her family. It was a true honor. Also the fact she loved every second of it. Moving her waist length braid over one shoulder, she looked out the window at the base. By this time tomorrow this place would be a memory. . . She leaned against the window sill, sighing into the wind.

Oh lord yeah!
Belle sighed, walking down the hall with his hands in the pockets of a light tanned colored jacket as his head turned to look out and up through the slotted windows that shines the rays of sun above them. He was already becoming close to done with at least most of the basic training stuff and soon he would become even more independent and on his own without harder struggles and decisions that he had to be much more aware of now...things would be different and ready or not he had to face them sooner or later anyway.

Mitsu wipes the sweat off her forehead, “ 2 to 600 feet.” Closing one eye, “ target moving left by 6 degrees.” Softly speakig and keeping it in her mind before slowly moving her finger and firing with a loud ear piercing bang like a rail gun and a cannon firing at the same time as the bullet ripped the target in half at an angle from top left to lower right at the waist. “ hmph not bad....wonder about ripping them outward from the middle....” sitting up and looking around before deciding to try again as more loud bangs almost like the sounds of thunder radiated from her rifle as she fired again.
Tossing his pistol at an enemy, The pilot snapped up, bending one leg and delivering a brutal kick to one last soldier.


The screens of the pod flickered and fell away, mechanisms starting up and whirring to life to allow the students exit. Issac remained for a moment, contemplating the day. He wasn't even slightly peeved at having to carry everyone through that last SIM. He was set on the day and it's events. The day you got your Titan. More importantly, your AI companion. Having a far off stare for more then a few moments, he snapped out of it with a sigh and shake of the head. " Keep it together Issac. . . "

He got out of his chair, moving to his personal closet to get his real life pilot suit on. He noticed a message waiting for him on the network. It appeared to be about the choosing. They'd moved it up to fifteen minutes from now. Cursing, he closed the SIM pod and dashed out his dorm, running full tilt to the docking bay where the new titans where located.

Blinking a few times, the rose haired girl read the message, flinging her arm in the air " IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!! " . Yelling out her window, she raced out of the girls dorm, making a direct line of contact to Mitsu. " Did you just get that message?! They moved the ceremony to fifteen minutes till!! " Running down the hall, the girl, jumped off a wall and vaulting over a group of other students. She twisted her body, shifting her weight perfectly to maximize her jump potential. Landing, she bounced back into the sprint, working her arms and legs to maximum.
She turned hearing the voice, looking up at the other before turning and sitting up to stretch facing the building before packing the gun around her shoulder and walking out to change into her normal uniform as she wore a sleevlesss tank top with the heat outside being out in the sun a bit. With that she got a quick shower before changing into her normal uniforms and finally heading out then.

Belle could hear the mostly familiar voice distantly in the hall, seeing he mostly forgot about it at all but at least being out for now so he could just head there now.
The door to the hanger burst open, Issac dashing towards where the Titans where docked at, with Abby hot on his heels. The two looked to be utilizing their pilot gear to maneuver faster, expertly traversing the hanger through wall runs, dashes, quick jet boosts and general acrobatics. The male still made it to the station before the girl, though only by a breath.

Both stopped in unison, straightening up to attention and saluting. They remained there till the quartermaster gave them the go ahead of at ease.
And with that she could finally see the huge metal doors and the hatch design between them that usually locked them before moving through as the sound of footsteps could be heard by another women as she joined the squad before stopping to stretch and meeting everyone else, belle eventually arriving himself mostly the same way with no obvious rush.
Issac glanced over at the others, vaguely remembering their names. Though they had to be elite pilots to be here receiving this new breed of Titans. The specific AI's where another brand new concept, something not before heard of as of yet. Though incredibly useful in battle.
Abby remained at ease, too preoccupied with the task at hand, it was always a dream to be a pilot, and today was that day.
Everyone mostly still stood, waiting for the orders then before eventually heading deeper into the hangars, four titans appearing at the end of the hall oddly but seeing that they had already those to be assigned to the latest pilots it would seem as they were oddly and finally met with the behemoths of an ion and two ronins along with the thicc boi legion. Mitsu gave a huge smirk now just looking up and staring at the legion as belle looked around.
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