Fx Any Anyone up for a quick little Rock Paper Scissors based wizard duel?

May 25, 2019
Just because I have time to kill before hopping in on a longer term investment of a game, who's up for a real quick little wizard duel RP based on rock paper scissors? I throw out a post with rock paper or scissors in a spoiler tag. You, on your best honor, commit to one yourself, in the same, then have a look. If you win, hey, write up a quick little bit about transforming me in some way in keeping with what you threw (partial petrification for rock, something being sliced away for scissors, whatever, get creative with it. If you lose, I start my next post with similar. Ties are just one of those deals where two magic blasts cancel each other out. 3rd transformation renders someone totally unable to continue and they get some sort of fitting maybe fade-to-black bad end sort of thing. Any takers?
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