The Virgin

May 1, 2019
UPDATED 5.4.2019

Hello! So I am not new to roleplaying. I have been roleplaying for over 12 years through various forums and now this forum. I absolutely die over a good fantasy plot line that is woven with complexity or slice of life that has supernatural elements. Romance, smut, forbidden romance, bickering, and rekindled romances are my weaknesses. That doesn't mean I won't do other things so just ask, I just might say yes. I typically play homosexual roleplays but I have been trying to dabble into heterosexual roleplays recently. This will be my first heterosexual roleplay.

The Dos:
° For this thread I am looking for a heterosexual plot line where I play the female and you will play the male.
° I am a literate roleplayer that prefers 2+ paragraphs with quality.
° I feed off scheming and planning out a story. I NEED a partner that can help me plan and scheme out our roleplay. If you aren't going to help me then I might as well just be writing by myself and then if I do that I get bored real fast...
° Just let me know if you're gonna be gone for a bit. I just want to know if you're still interested in our roleplay or if I have been dropped.
° K-list

The don'ts:
° Horror genre
° Gore, vore, scat, waterplay, or m-preg

Role playing sample: NOTE - this is a homosexual roleplay sample
Everette would be lying if he said he hadn’t taken advantage of the free booze. It was after all the deciding factor of why he’d come, well that and the deliciously free food. However, he wasn’t intoxicated, just buzzed. That buzz turned into straight fire when his blue eyes laid on Alecsander. Rage and revenge boiled to the surface as his eyes took in the handsome man. The dark-haired man was always good looking, always frustratingly good looking, but that night dressed in even the simplest attire, the man stunned. Despite his anger, desire simmered beneath.

Determined to make the man regret what he’d done, he averted his eyes from Alec and looked at the crowd. They clapped as he neatly perked his bum on the stool, posing himself in the most flattering way. One slender leg hang down straight to the floor baring little weight as he pointed his shoe downwards, elongated his lithe frame. His other leg bent at the knee while his foot propped itself up on the midbars on the stool. He gave a charming smile to the crowd as the announcer started the bidding. They were fair, but he wanted more. He ran his fingers through his lush locks, keeping them tamed away from his forehead before he let his hand drop to his shirt. In a nonchalant manner he undid the first button on his white shirt which caused a roar of woman to holler at him. He glanced up in a coy and mischievous manner. His hand dropped to the second and he arched a brow in question. The woman in the crowd cheered, but his eyes looked onto Alec. He wanted to see the man drop in heat but more importantly see the look of regret wash over him as he realized he couldn’t have him anymore.

With a smirk that promised more sin than the Devil could deliver, he undid the second button.


He jerked up from the stool and stared wide eyed at Alec. Did he really just bid on him with ten thousand dollars?! He glanced at the announcer then back at Alec. What was the man playing at?

Bullying! The response had him seething. He had wanted the man to regret his actions, wanted the man to want him as he as much as he craved him but he hadn't expected the other abruptly and outlandishly bid on him. His eyes narrowed in slits of pure rage as he stepped forward about to spew unprofessional insults at the man but was interjected by the announcer who was counting it down.

Everette interrupted, “Are you serious? You can’t let him do that?” He jerked his hand in Alec’s general direction as he snapped at the announcer who laughed at him.

“Oh it seems that Doctor Everette Steele wasn’t expecting to be reprimanded tonight. Well Dr. Steele, this is after all for charity. One night with our Head of Trauma won’t kill you. I am sure you’ve bullied the poor man more than once.” The announcer winked at the crowd which had them all chuckling. Everette didn't find it at all amusing. Instead he turned to look at the crowd, finding Alec in the thick easily enough and glowering at the man. He was about to explode, literally jump of the stage and strangle the man. One minute he was breaking things off with him and the next he buys him! Oh, Alec was so dead!

He glanced at his wife hoping for the smallest miracle, but she was offering nothing but her own anger.

”Sold to doctor Taviani who likes to bully his colleagues!”

PM me instead of replying in this thread please! I won't reply to you if you response in here.

*** Bodyguard -
C1 is a spoiled ungrateful prince who doesn't/isn't ready to take over the throne. Instead he spends most of his time away from home and engaging in reckless activities like partying etc. He is a disgrace to the the royal line and a scandal on the newspapers. He is the only heir to the throne and so his parents take great care in keeping him safe. So he is assigned a bodyguard. Unfortunately, each and everyone of C1's bodyguards have either quit or been fired due to various insubordinate activities like losing C1, sleeping with C1, etc.

C2 is a very strict man, liking rules and order. The complete opposite of the carefree prince. C2 is offered the job to bodyguard C1 with ridiculousness advantages as no one wants to care for the prince anymore. C2 takes the job. But can the two get along with such polar opposite personalities or is it true that opposites attract?

*** Old town romance -
Its a simple plot here. Just C1 and C2 both grew up in the same old, small town but after high school one of them left for college. The other stayed. After a couple of years the other character comes back and they meet again. The romance they had as kids flare up again despite years between them. Will they be able to move on from the past and into the future together?

*** Roswell, New Mexico Remake -
You do not have to know the show though it is a bonus if you do. I am not looking to recreate the show. I am looking to take the same plot and put our own twist on it. Perhaps multiple character roleplay here, maybe even a chance at a heterosexual sub plot. If you want the full details than DM to find out.

*** Doomed to Love -
Zeus and Hera are the Gods in Mount Olympus. Zeus wasn’t legend to be the fathom husband and this ticked Hera off. When Zeus started to bed humans, she became furious. In her rage she cursed the women he bedded and usually cursed the children as well. These children never made it to long lives. However, one woman stuck out. Zeus was infatuated with her. This woman became pregnant with a son. Zeus was delighted and promised the human woman that her son would become a God. Furious Hera planned to do as she always does but Zeus forbid her too. The woman’s child was born, perfect. He grew up golden. It was when he became of age that things started to fall in place for him to become a God. Despite Zeus’s wishes for his human son to be God, he still had go through the God trials.

One after the other he passes the trails. In his most recent trial he saved a young woman. This woman is a Goddess. She is minor in her status but still a Goddess, living out her days on Earth. He too becomes infatuated with her and she to him. They are madly in love. Zeus pushes his son to continue with the trials so that he can become a God, to not become distracted with a woman. Listening to his father he finishes the trials and becomes a God, however he was not expecting to whisk away to Mount Olympus and have to leave his love behind. Thinking he is now God and he can do what he wants, he comes down to the realm of Humans and stays with his love. They become married and try to start a family. Zeus allows this to happen despite it being against all rules. Hera takes this opportunity to take justice.

Hera curses the young couple and murders them in justification that they broke the law. In fury and sadness Zeus disowns Hera and adds to the young couple’s curse (as he cannot undo it) that if the couple is reincarnated and can find each other, be together in love and intimacy and defeat the three trials, the curse will be undone and they will be blessed with fortune of love and bliss. If not, they'll die a horrible unfortunate death at a very young age.

It has not yet happened. Each time the two reincarnated Gods learn of their destiny, they die fast afterwards. Hera only makes things worse for the two Gods to the point when our characters are born.

Ch1 and Ch2 are both reincarnates of Zeus’s Godly son and the Goddess. They are destined to fall in love and to love no one but each other. The prophecy now is that the two must find each other, fall in love with each other, stay in love forever, and be intimate, as well as defeat the three trials before the second blue lunar eclipse. (Or something like that). If they don’t achieve this then all Gods and Goddess residing on Earth will parish forever, including them.

**Just look at it okay -
YC is a infamous spellcaster (wizard, warlock, whatever you want to call him, he is magically inclined). He has trained with the best, moving up through the rankings to serve for the King. YCs greed gets the best of him; wanting to be all powerful he is cursed with power so all consuming, it literally consumes him. Every time he dips into his magic, he slips in a little deeper into something dark. A place where it is hard to find his way back. Even worse, it is beginning to affect his exterior as well. The less he uses the gifted magic, the better he becomes. Normal again you could say.

MC is an ordinary man who offends a evil witch. This evil witch is the same that cursed YC. Not taking to kindly to the offense, MC is cursed. There are only two people who can remove the curse. The evil witch and YC (because he is the only one powerful enough to do it). Unfortunately YC is rumored to be no good monster, yet MC seeks him out.

An unlikely friendship forms between them as MC's curse will take a while to break and during that time MC finds out about YC and how he isn't to be what is rumored. Later it would be great if everyone could be uncursed haha oh and this is set in a fantasy world. Think studio ghibli.

*** Titles Are Such A Burden -
C1 is a handsome but average guy who works to support himself. However, when the Prince of country A dies unexpectedly due to a drug overdose, C1 is sworn into replace the former prince. The two men are twins, separated at birth during complications at birth. C1 now has to learn how to be a proper prince and a King and all under the pubic eye.

Unfortunately parliament doesn't want to give over the crown to C1 because tradition states that the Prince must marry in order to take the throne and become King. He has to do this in 90 days or give up the throne.

C2 is in line for the throne; pushed to take over the throne by his evil Uncle who hates C1. The evil uncle wants to be in power. C2 is instructed to toy with C1. Of course being homosexual is out of the question when you're in line for the throne and meant to lead a country. However, who you love can't be changed just because your duty tells you to. What happens when the two fall in love?

*** Silver Handprints -
C1 grew up in a small town. The little town is decorated all out in alien lure. The town is obsessed with extraterrestrial life all because of the 1947 unidentifiable crash. No one really knows what happened that night as the government had come in swiftly and cleaned it up, but there are rumors. Rumors that it was an UFO that crashed into the desert (the town is surrounded by desert) and the aliens were coming to destroy Earth. Its like a sci-fi movie keeping the small town alive with tourist who come to find out the "truth". There is still a crater left from the crash but no shrapnel or bodies remain. This shapes the town into the dynamic it is today. Military personnel roam around doing mysterious work at the military base off the borders of the town. Small town police keep the town in line while such small town life do what they do best, gossip.

C2 is an "alien" that came from that crash. He was stuck in a pod, emerging as a six year old physically. He'll look and age just like humans but he does have advance abilities. Not wanting to draw attention to himself and risk exposure he assimilates and pretends to be human. In high school he is a normal kid, nothing spectacular.

C2 and C1 somehow get romantically entangled their last few months before graduation. An infatuation that leads to so much more. It was a secret as they barely could confess their own attraction to each until the night of their graduation. Entanglement doesn't even describe what happened that night. The very next day, C1 leaves.

C1 is smart guy with big ambitions to get out of town. He doesn't want to be stuck in such a little place, though he secretly loves it. After graduation, C1 enlist into the army. He becomes a famous air pilot. He deploys a few times and works hard. Unfortunately he gets shot down during his last deployment and is honorably discharged from the army. Having no where to go, he comes home.

His father owns a small diner catering on the alien lure and serving the eager hungry tourists. Coming home he starts to work in the diner. He runs into C2 again who has become a sheriff of the town. Its late at night, C1 is trying to close the diner but C2 comes in. How can he close the diner now? They briefly catch up with what has happened in the years after graduation before abruptly a shot goes off. It bounces off in the diner. Another goes off, this time hitting C1. C1 gets hit in the chest and is bleeding fast. C1 knows he is dying. C2 can't bare to have C1 die in front of him, or at all. C2 understands some of his powers and puts all his effort into healing C1. It works but it leaves a translucent silvery hand print on C1.

The story will follow C1 and C2 falling in love and C1 finding out about the alien apart. I had another part for this, where the military would be trying to catch the aliens, to experiment on them and make super humans or something. So we could also talk about this.
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