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Mx Female Fantasy/Horror RPs


May 24, 2019
Hi there, if you've clicked on my link thanks and I hope we can make some magic happen, but first off.

1. As far as sexual situations goes that's honestly not why I'm here. I dont mind romance happening between characters but let's keep it PG-13 please. I came here to unwind and allow my creativity to flow for my novels. Thank you.

2. I consider myself to be literate and usually try for 3 to 5 paragraphs for posts. That said I can understand when sometimes something just isnt coming and you give a shorter post. However I do tend to match what I'm given and if you cant put on the effort odds are I wont either.

Now that that's out of the way onto the fun stuff. As it states on the title I'm looking to do a Fantasy or Horror, hell even to two mixed Rp. I'm looking for long term partners who like to post often or daily. When it comes to the RPs I dont start out with any specific plotline, I prefer to brainstorm with my partners and come up with plot and characters together. World Building is half the fun! Any way if it sounds like you might be interested please feel free to message me. I'm happy to RP through PM or Thread.
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