Supra Lewdaciousness
- Joined
- May 23, 2019
First request thread, so bear with me if it's a bit disorganized.
I have, in my mind, a certain version of Hell (In this case Hells) that I would like to play around in and explore a bit.
War is constant. Bloody, epic, all encompassing war between the last two factions since it all began hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years ago. The cause? (Cliche incoming) No one remembers, and no body cares even if they do. To fight on the front lines of this endless war, a specific breed of demon was bred. The aptly named "War Demon". They are towering, muscled beasts of near endless wrath and destruction. They come in two "genders", if they can really be considered that. One is the typical "male" sort, hulking and brutish, the males charge and destroy without thought or hesitation; without grace or strategy. The other sortofgender are the hermaphrodites. Again, if those terms are even applicable because in truth, both are hermaphroditic. The herms are, while still quite imposing and powerfully built, far more graceful and often rather beautiful. Unlike their counterparts, they think and consider their actions, and fight with expertise rather than just bashing the nearest thing with their fists. The herms often employ weaponry and techniques that require years of practice and skill to master. They also fill the role of commanders and strategists; guiding the ravenous armies of demonkind to victory and reigning in the lesser elements to prevent over extension and defeat from pure idiocy.
This may be a good point to describe just how they reproduce. As I said, both sorts are hermaphroditic, though the bulkier males lack the breasts and more feminine features of the other. War demons are incapable of reproducing on their own. Other war demons are incapable of incubating their offspring. Additionally, war demons produce two types of offspring, and require a female non-war demon partner (almost always a succubus) to properly carry them both. War demons reproduce via both traditional insemination, as well as oviposition (egg laying). The war demon's cum produces another war demon regardless of the mother's species, though some of the mother's superficial traits can carry over. "Male" war demons have a minute chance to create "herm" war demons, while "herm" war demons have never produced a "male". Because of this it seems that the "males" gave rise to the "herms" originally, but the hermaphrodite gene is dominant. The eggs are deposited through a flexible ovipositor housed in the war demon's tail and gestate in the rectum and intestines of their mate. The offspring that hatch from these eggs are universally female and almost perfect members of the mother's species, save some subtle and random superficial changes. This ensures war demons have plenty of breeding stock to return to for the next generation since their numbers are constantly being torn away by the war.
Outside of the endless conflict, I envision a society very much like our own in many ways. Simply far more sinful and indulgent. Not entirely lawless; not The Purge . Prostitution, slavery, drugs, running rampant with a sort of corporate overtone where souls are used as currency. Large, sprawling cities, massive palaces, etc... These places would be filled with the other kinds of demons. The ones that spend their days working to collect souls, and aren't fit to step foot on the front lines of the war. Not that war demons are exclusively the only ones out there, they do need cannon fodder after all. The cities are filled with your deal makers, soul takers, cult deities, seducers, and all of the run-of-the-mill jobs and tasks that keep demon society going.
Within the walls of a city, a war demon would be a rare sight, but not unheard of. The herms at least. The males tend to find their "mates" on the battlefield, mindlessly raping anything they can shove their cocks into. The herms, well, they tend to have a bit more taste, not to mention the empire prefers to keep an eye on their offspring and send them through a training academy before putting them into combat. So, herms, unlike males, are "paid" in a sense. Given rewards of souls and succubi to breed every so many years that they survive on the battlefield. The longer a war demon lives, the more kills they rack up, and the more victories they claim, the greater their rewards are, and the more often they are allowed to return home to breed and relax. Not that they never take a page from the male's book and capture a slave or two during active duty for their use~~~
Now that we've got that little bit of worldbuilding out of the way, I'm sure you're interested in what character I'm going to be playing, and what exactly it is I'm after with this rp.
I'm looking to play, as you've likely guessed, as one of the "herm" war demons. In this case, one having earned some time away from the front lines to spend a year or so fucking lovers and slaves alike like a beast. <3 Yes, I did say lovers. This Hell might be a twisted reflection of our world in some ways, but it's twisted through sin and vice, that doesn't mean love and even affection is nonexistent. I would like to find someone willing to play as an affectionate and indulgent succubus who my character has known for some time, possibly even bred before. A succubus who came running back the moment she heard my character was returning from the war, maybe even bringing a present with her~ Another eager succubus, a witch who lost her soul to your character, or maybe just some beautiful elven slave. Regardless, I want them to be happy to see each other again.
At least, that's what I want first~ Who knows where this might end up? When perverted minds work together, there's no limit to what we might accomplish!! <3
Now for my character~
Name: Aavasha
Height: 7'4"/224cm
Build: Muscular
Okay! So, if you're interested, have questions, or just wanna say hi, PM me or message me here. Either works because I'll be alerted right away. Hope to have some fun with someone soon!
OH! And I do have a few image examples for the sort of succubi I'd love to find someone to play as if you're interested.
I have, in my mind, a certain version of Hell (In this case Hells) that I would like to play around in and explore a bit.
War is constant. Bloody, epic, all encompassing war between the last two factions since it all began hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years ago. The cause? (Cliche incoming) No one remembers, and no body cares even if they do. To fight on the front lines of this endless war, a specific breed of demon was bred. The aptly named "War Demon". They are towering, muscled beasts of near endless wrath and destruction. They come in two "genders", if they can really be considered that. One is the typical "male" sort, hulking and brutish, the males charge and destroy without thought or hesitation; without grace or strategy. The other sortofgender are the hermaphrodites. Again, if those terms are even applicable because in truth, both are hermaphroditic. The herms are, while still quite imposing and powerfully built, far more graceful and often rather beautiful. Unlike their counterparts, they think and consider their actions, and fight with expertise rather than just bashing the nearest thing with their fists. The herms often employ weaponry and techniques that require years of practice and skill to master. They also fill the role of commanders and strategists; guiding the ravenous armies of demonkind to victory and reigning in the lesser elements to prevent over extension and defeat from pure idiocy.
This may be a good point to describe just how they reproduce. As I said, both sorts are hermaphroditic, though the bulkier males lack the breasts and more feminine features of the other. War demons are incapable of reproducing on their own. Other war demons are incapable of incubating their offspring. Additionally, war demons produce two types of offspring, and require a female non-war demon partner (almost always a succubus) to properly carry them both. War demons reproduce via both traditional insemination, as well as oviposition (egg laying). The war demon's cum produces another war demon regardless of the mother's species, though some of the mother's superficial traits can carry over. "Male" war demons have a minute chance to create "herm" war demons, while "herm" war demons have never produced a "male". Because of this it seems that the "males" gave rise to the "herms" originally, but the hermaphrodite gene is dominant. The eggs are deposited through a flexible ovipositor housed in the war demon's tail and gestate in the rectum and intestines of their mate. The offspring that hatch from these eggs are universally female and almost perfect members of the mother's species, save some subtle and random superficial changes. This ensures war demons have plenty of breeding stock to return to for the next generation since their numbers are constantly being torn away by the war.
Outside of the endless conflict, I envision a society very much like our own in many ways. Simply far more sinful and indulgent. Not entirely lawless; not The Purge . Prostitution, slavery, drugs, running rampant with a sort of corporate overtone where souls are used as currency. Large, sprawling cities, massive palaces, etc... These places would be filled with the other kinds of demons. The ones that spend their days working to collect souls, and aren't fit to step foot on the front lines of the war. Not that war demons are exclusively the only ones out there, they do need cannon fodder after all. The cities are filled with your deal makers, soul takers, cult deities, seducers, and all of the run-of-the-mill jobs and tasks that keep demon society going.
Within the walls of a city, a war demon would be a rare sight, but not unheard of. The herms at least. The males tend to find their "mates" on the battlefield, mindlessly raping anything they can shove their cocks into. The herms, well, they tend to have a bit more taste, not to mention the empire prefers to keep an eye on their offspring and send them through a training academy before putting them into combat. So, herms, unlike males, are "paid" in a sense. Given rewards of souls and succubi to breed every so many years that they survive on the battlefield. The longer a war demon lives, the more kills they rack up, and the more victories they claim, the greater their rewards are, and the more often they are allowed to return home to breed and relax. Not that they never take a page from the male's book and capture a slave or two during active duty for their use~~~
Now that we've got that little bit of worldbuilding out of the way, I'm sure you're interested in what character I'm going to be playing, and what exactly it is I'm after with this rp.
I'm looking to play, as you've likely guessed, as one of the "herm" war demons. In this case, one having earned some time away from the front lines to spend a year or so fucking lovers and slaves alike like a beast. <3 Yes, I did say lovers. This Hell might be a twisted reflection of our world in some ways, but it's twisted through sin and vice, that doesn't mean love and even affection is nonexistent. I would like to find someone willing to play as an affectionate and indulgent succubus who my character has known for some time, possibly even bred before. A succubus who came running back the moment she heard my character was returning from the war, maybe even bringing a present with her~ Another eager succubus, a witch who lost her soul to your character, or maybe just some beautiful elven slave. Regardless, I want them to be happy to see each other again.
At least, that's what I want first~ Who knows where this might end up? When perverted minds work together, there's no limit to what we might accomplish!! <3
Now for my character~
Name: Aavasha
Height: 7'4"/224cm
Build: Muscular

Okay! So, if you're interested, have questions, or just wanna say hi, PM me or message me here. Either works because I'll be alerted right away. Hope to have some fun with someone soon!
OH! And I do have a few image examples for the sort of succubi I'd love to find someone to play as if you're interested.