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Necronomi-Nope (ZoneyGirl and TheShadowOne)


Genderless Blob
Oct 11, 2018
The young woman pressed her lips together as she stopped outside of the large house that was set in the middle of a forest. It hadn't been lived in for over ten years, since the last owner went insane and killed their wife ad than themselves. People were afraid to go near it, said it was haunted and people went insane when they did try to stay in it. It didn't matter to her, she was looking for one of a kind pieces. Things that stood out and no one else would have. She bought them for cheap. fixed them up and sold them for a higher price. Profit and that was how she liked it.

Amelia as a young woman in debt for spending years in college. She worked part time at a diner and had an internship with a local law office as she worked to snag a better job and hope it would pay for law school. She made some money by selling antiques ad other unique pieces after buying them cheap at estate sales or similar things. This is what led her to the old brick house covered in the skeletons of ivy and roses.

She pulled auburn hair back into a ponytail, grabbed her purse and phone and headed inside the building. A few other people were looking around the house. The rooms were filled with items and price stickers. People wandered around and took their time, picking up a few things that caught their attention. Amelia eventually found her way to the study.

It smelled of dust, books, and leather. A large cherrywood desk sat in front of a large window that faced the backyard. Bookcases stretched across the walls full of books and curios in glass. A few mummified remains of creatures, a variety of bugs persevered in wooden boxes with glass covers. Antique knives and other odds and ends. It was a jackpot for Amelia. The one of a kind pieces she loved.

Wandering over to the desk, Amelia ran her hand over the hand carved patterns in the wood. It was a beautiful desk and the price sticker only said two hundred bucks. With a new case of varnish, cover up some scratches and repair two of the feet she could triple her profit with it. She opened up the right hand middle drawer and her hands were drawn to a book. It had some grotesque almost human like face in the center of it. The leather looked old and was pinned back crudely. She couldn't take her eyes off of it, picking it up she paused. Her fingers grasped paper on the back, not more leather.

A face of disgust as she flipped it over and saw the book had been torn in two. "Useless," she muttered about to put it down. She didn't know the writing it was in and the ink had a weird almost red hint to it. It still grabbed her attention, she couldn't put it down. Talk to the owners and see about them giving her the book with the desk and whatever else she would buy.

Amelia sat back in the leather chair and flipped through the half of the book she found. A few pictures of terrifying creatures, symbols in blood. "Is this some book to summon demons," she scoffed at the thought. "Like it would actually happen," but Amelia wanted to find the other half of the book. If not to sell, just to keep it for her own collection.
Thomas sighed softly as he sat in his mother's lawyers office. He was listening to the old man drone on in a monotone voice as he read her will. He sighed a bit louder before speaking “Enough of the stuff that doesn't concern me. Just get to the point that you called me here. You know me and the old hag didn't have much in the way of a relation ship.” He nearly snarled at the old man. The lawyer blinked a bit before sighing as well.

“Very well, She has left all of her worldly possessions. She has two houses and a old building down town.” He handed him all of the paper work for it. “She does not have any debt so they are yours. She may have been a bitch in life but she knew how to take care of her family.” Thomas took all of the papers and looked them over “Anything else?” The lawyer looked at him “Yes, There is a chest in her bedroom bound in iron. She says do not open it. Do not move it. Do not even look at it. She said that it was cursed and will only bring death to those that open it” He nods to Thomas.

Thomas perks a brow and shook his head softly “There is no such thing as curses or demons.” He got up and shook his head softly. He turned and headed out of the office and then the building. He walked to his truck and climbed in “God damn idiots and there superstitions.” He mumbled to himself as he buckled up. He started the truck then shifted into second before pulling out into traffic.

He headed to his mothers building in town to see what the hell is in the building. All the time growing up. He knew nothing about the other house or this building. He pulled into a parking spot before leaning forward to look up at the building “So this is it. Huh, Walked past this place all my life and never knew she owned it” He rubbed his head before he climbed out. He grabbed the packet he was given. He reached inside and grabbed the keys. He tossed the paper packet back in the truck. He locked it up before heading up to the door of the building.

He looked up at the building “What the hell could she of been storing here?” He sighed a bit before shaking his head once more thinking it might clear his head. He tested the keys till he found the right one. He unlocked the door and walked in. He closed the door behind him and tested the lights. He blinked when they came on. “Well damn, She kept the bills up to date” He chuckled a bit. He walked through the building and sighed a bit seeing all of this old crap and furniture.

He left the store and locked up before walking to the truck. He unlocked it before climbing in. He started it up and headed to the main house. He pulled up to the house before parking. He climbed out then headed right to the garage to see if his father's classic car was still there. He grinned seeing the 60's Impala “Good, The hag didn't sell it.” He walked over to the hiding spot for the keys. He grabbed them and unlocked the car. He climbed in and looked around. He started it and was utterly surprised to see that it was perfectly tuned up and running perfectly.

“Would she?” He was wondering if she would keep it tuned just for his father. He sighed and revved the engine a few more times. He turned off the car and climbed out. He locked up the car and pocketed the keys. He would head to the house then unlocked it. He walked through the house and just looked over things for now. He stopped in his mother's room and down at the trunk he was warned about. “I wonder what is in there” He looked over the iron bands and frowned a bit seeing that the were strongly bound to the chest its self.

He got up and headed back to the garage. He grabbed the angle grinder and headed back inside. He plugged in the tool before starting to cut the bands off. He had to be very careful or he may catch everything on fire. He turned it off once the last band was cut. He sat the tool aside before pushing open the trunk. He looked down inside it seeing a lot of old crap he could care less about. Old pictures, Old cloths and even an old gun his grandfather used in world war two.

He blinked finding a folded up brand new cloth. It stuck out like a turd in a punch bowl when surrounded by the old stuff. “What is this?” He grabbed it and looked it over before he started to open it up. He blinked seeing a half torn book. He grabbed the book then tossed the cloth aside. He looked over the book “Some kind of leather. Badly tanned at that. . It is still rough.” He looked back at the papers and frowned unable to read the script on the pages “Some kind of old writing” He scratched his head then started to flip through the book till he found some modern paper stapled to a page.

“Looks like some one was working on it.” He chuckled a bit before starting to read out the spell. He blinked a bit before laughing hard “Wow, It seems that I found a spell book” He shook his head softly and looked it over a bit more “Wonder if it will be . . “ He blinked and looked around slowly when the lights started to flicker. He frowned when they went out “Son of a bitch” He grumbled. He got up and headed down to the basement. He checked the breakers before flipping the master one “There” He headed back to the room to look over the book.

He tucked the book away in his jacket then left the house. He locked the house up and climbed in his truck to head home. He parked his truck and climbed out and locked it before heading into his house. He tossed the book on the coffee table and moved to the kitchen. He jumped when some thing slammed into the front door. He walked to the door and peeked outside. “What the hell was that?” He pulled the curtains aside and looked outside seeing nothing.

He shook his head softly “Must of been a bird hitting the door or something” He rubbed his head before he headed back to the kitchen. He looked around a bit and frowned some more when he started to feel like he was being watched. He shook his head trying to ignore the feeling and reminded himself that he was the only one in the house. He grabbed the coffee pot and started to make some coffee when there was another bang against the wall that he was standing close to. He rubbed his face before he took a few deep breaths “It must be a storm kicking things up” He quickly finished making the coffee before heading back to the living room.

He sat down and grabbed the back half of the book then looked it over. It only had two pieces of modern pieces of paper but only one was readable. The other was smudged in what could be either ketchup or blood and he was opting for the first. He sighed and tossed it onto the couch next to him before grabbing the remote “No need to work your self up.” He mumbled to himself.
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The day was successful. Amelia had gotten several items from the house that would make her a profit. They were now in her garage so she could start working on repairing them. Getting them ready to be sold. Save for the half of the book. It sat on her dining room table in front of her as she stared at it. Her elbows propped up the table, fingers laced together and her chin resting on her hands. The book had snagged her curiosity, almost like ab obsession that formed since the moment she picked it up. The deformed face stared on the front cover stared up at the ceiling, but she swore the eyes in it looked right at her. They followed her as she moved around the room.

She had emptied out the rest of the desk. It was mostly papers that weren't important. However she did find a dog eared, faded red folder with stacks of paper in it. They seemed to be translations from the book and than spoke of the other half. It was torn in half to protect the world from the evils within the book. The evils that could bring about the end of the world. They spoke of demons and spooks.

Most of the papers wrote about a cabin and the events that transpired when the book was read years ago. The survivor had torn the book in two and wanted them to be far from the reach of the other half. It warned to not read from the book, never read from the book. While part of Amelia wanted to just read some of the transcribed works, the logical half that was telling her spells and demons weren't real. It was the feeling of dread that crept up her spine that kept her from doing just that.

There was a sudden bang in her kitchen and the lights went out. Amelia stood up quickly, the chair she was sitting on being sent to the floor with a bang. "The shit was that," she muttered to herself and grabbed her phone. Quickly putting on the flashlight so she could see. She walked to her circuit breaks and found the ones that were out. Flipping them back on and her home power back on. There was something in the air. It wasn't good either.

She grabbed the paper that gave the last known location of the other book and a phone number. She called it but got no answer, only the voice mail. She knew the area code, it was a few hours away. But something told her to explore it, to look for answers. She shoved the folder and book into a leather satchel and was out the door. Heading to the the location that was listed. She might be able to get some answers as to what it was. The other half of the book might give her answers anyways. She wanted them.
He frowned and looked around a bit as there was several more bangs on the walls “What the hell is going on?” He got up and walked to his office. He unlocked his desk and grabbed his colt m1911. He pulled back the slide before releasing it. He would head back downstairs and then outside. He grabbed his phone and turned on the light before starting to look around “Any one there? If there is some one out there. Step out and present your self!” He called out as he slowly turned a corner.

He blinked a bit seeing nothing. He frowned and continued on till he ended back to the front door. He shook his head a bit then headed back inside. He grabbed the book and a few other things. He turned off the coffee pot then left the house. He climbed in his truck and sped out of his drive way. He headed back to his mother's house. He skidded to a stop then turned off the car. He climbed out and rushed inside then rushed up the stairs skipping two stairs at a time.

He took a hard turn and walked up to the box where he got the book from. He tossed crap out and looked through it for any information on the book “Why the hell would she have this with out any other information?” He growled out softly. He got up and would continue to look through the crap his mother had collected over the years. He shook his head softly before he headed to his father's office. He dug through piles of papers and files. He jumped when there was a few hard bangs on the house “God damn it! What the hell is that?!” He walked to the window and looked out it. He looked around a bit before slamming a hand down on the seal when he seen nothing.

He turned and continued to search but nothing was being turned up. He headed downstairs and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed the tea pot off the stove before filling it. If he was paying attention to what he was doing he would of noticed that the water was now blood. He turned off the water then put it on the stove. He turned on the flame before he walked to the living room and sat down. He grabbed the bag and dug out the book before starting to slowly look over the pages.

He frowned a bit when he started to get a strange feeling again. He looked around a bit then sat the book down then got up. He walked over to the front door carefully as he placed a hand on his gun. He slowly peeked through the peephole. He relaxed when nothing was there. “God damn, What has gotten into me? Reading a book will not cause anything.” He shook his head softly. He walked back to the couch and flopped down before grabbing the book once more. He went back to slowly looking over the pages. He wondered what the words meant and what it was wrote in.

He put the book down when the tea pot whistled. He got up and then headed in to the kitchen. He turned off the burner and grabbed the pot before pouring some into a cup. He dropped the pot quickly as he backed up seeing bloody water and a eyeball floating in it “What the hell?!” He looked at the glass then looked at the tap. He turned it on quickly and blinked seeing that it was just water.
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