- Joined
- May 15, 2019

Name: Abbey Chase
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 137 lbs
Languages: English (proper British accent like Kate Beckinsale)
Body Type and Appearance: Fit yet Feminine. Perfect waistline, flat stomach, perky F cup breasts, long toned legs, perfect heart shaped ass, face of an angel... Basically, one in ten million! Abbey has shoulder length light brown hair, distinctive bright grey eyes and a great posture, which is surprising considering her large breasts.
Unusual Traits: Abbey has an eidetic memory and it unusually beautiful. She's an avid swimmer and ever since she began modelling, also became really interested in photography.
OOC Likes: Total enclosure latex/rubber, latex/rubber bondage, monsters/tentacles, soft sexual vore, romance, plucky heroines, intelligence
OOC Dislikes: Toilet play, golden showers (unless totally enclosed in rubber, in which case it's okay), IQ loss, limb removal / amputation, adult baby /diaper stuff, inanimate, overweight, no pregnancies!
Background and Lead In Story
Abbey was adopted out of an orphanage when she was just a few days old. Her biological parents remain unknown to her. Only a few months after being adopted, her father would leave her and her mom behind to fend for themselves. Abbey ended up growing up in a small apartment that her mother was able to afford in South Kensington, a suburd of London. Her mother worked as an administrative assistant at Lloyd's of London while also holding a plurality of part-time jobs here and there to make ends meet. Abbey proved to be a quiet young lady with a stellar academic standing (because of her eidetic memory) and a strong work ethic, which she inherited from her mother.
It would become apparent at a young age that not only would Abbey grown up to be a smart young woman, she would also turn out to be a real looker. At the mere age of 12, Abbey started modelling to help her mother pay the rent and before long, Abbey's part time modelling was making more money than her mothers full and part time jobs combined. Abbey would become a really high in demand young model, but she didn't let that get to her head as she saved her money and continued to live a thrifty lifestyle and maintain her stellar academic standing at school. Her mother made sure to keep Abbey grounded with a strong head on her shoulders. By the time she was 16, Abbey was a somewhat famous model and her considerable savings allowed her to buy her and her mom a nice single family house (fully paid) on Sheen Common Drive in the neighborhood of Richmond Upon Thames in London.
But just as life was looking up, Abbey's mom would fall ill with a life threatening disease. Abbey would put her modelling career on hold while she took care of her mom during the long hard road to recovery. Although her mother did her best to continue working through her crippling sickness which was a testament to her work ethic and sense of duty, Abbey ended up inhering a lot of the workload from her mother. Between school, taking care of her mom, doing all the housework and the cooking and taking her mom to all of her medical appointments, as well as working out to maintain her modelling figure, Abbey ended up with very little time for socializing, after school activities or fun. She certainly didn't have time to go on dates, think about boys or hang with the girls after school. Whatever spare time Abbey had was filled with local modelling jobs in order to help pay the bills since her mother was no longer able work enough hours to pay all the bills. By the time Abbey was 17 going on 18, her mother would finally show signs of recovery as things began to settle down.
By that time, and because of her stellar academic standing, Abbey was already getting scholarship offers from prestigious academic institutions such as Oxford University. Her mother's past illness had a significant impact on Abbey as she considered going into medicine and becoming a researcher, inspired by the desire to cure diseases so that no one else had to suffer like her mom had suffered. Abbey felt significantly torn between resuming her jet setting modelling career which was guaranteed to make her a lot of money or, going to University full time to become a doctor and well.... save the world. But soon after her 18th birthday and her final exams, something quite unexpected would happen, something that would forever change Abbey's direction in life. Something magical...
On a dark and stormy night, while reading a book in her room, Abbey would hear her mother scream in fright following by the sounds of a struggle and some strange growling. Hurrying to the living room where her mom was watching the tele, Abbey stumbled upon her mother being held up against the wall by the throat, by a horned humanoid beast of hellish origins. Seeing Abbey, the beast would immediately let go of her mom and turn it's focus on Abbey as it lunged towards her as if to attack her!!! But just as it was about to strike, the room would fill with a blinding light and mere seconds later there would be nothing but a pile of ash on the ground where the horned creature once was. Abbey was in absolutely shock, but her stupor was short lived as she noticed that her mother was bleeding from a throat injury. Without noticing the robed man standing in the archway separating the living room from the dining room, Abbey would leap forth to the aid of her injured mother, but no sooner was she about to apply first aid to stop the bleeding that she felt a strange force push her away as the robed man stepped forward while waiving a wand and enunciating something in a strange exotic language. A faint pink light would glow around the wound on her mother's neck and seconds later, there injury and the blood were gone... Immediately after than, the strange man would cast another spell knocking both Abbey and her mother out.
When she woke up, Abbey was lying in her bed. She would try to get up, but she was unable to move or speak. Just then, the strange man from the living room would come into view. He would ask her to remain calm before going on to explain some pretty unbelievable things to Abbey, from the revelation that she was magically gifted, to the even more shocking revelation that the horned creature had come to kill her. The man told her that as long as she lived with her mother, her mother would be at risk since demons didn't discriminate too much when it came to killing humans. The robed man went on to explain that Abbey would be offered the opportunity to join a prestigious magical academy where she could discover and develop her magical abilities. And although Abbey remembered everything from that evening, the man told Abbey that her mother would have no recollection of what happened and asked Abbey to keep what she knew a secret.
Finding all of this a bit hard to believe, Abbey would eventually try and talk to her mother without revealing anything, but just as the robed man said, her mom remembered nothing extraordinary about the evening, other that watching the tele. Just when Abbey thought that perhaps she had pulled a nutty and the previous nights events were just some sort of mental breakdown that played out in her head, Abbey would find a strange gold embossed letter sitting on her desk in her room. Upon opening it, it would be an official invitation to the magical academy, whereupon the invitation specified that someone would come by to pick her up the next morning so that she can come and visit the academy... And so Abbey's magical journey would begin.