If it hugs, I'm keeping it ...
- Joined
- Mar 19, 2019
"They tracked her for nine hours by following the blood on the snow." [Writing prompt from a journal]
... They tracked her for nine hours by following the blood on the snow; Nobolus hadn't realized a human could bleed so much; it was just a simulation, after all. It wasn't real; but Ryan had entered the simulation in order to get his sister out of the trance these strange robot beings had put her in. Ryan wasn't sure how Nobolus had entranced his sister or what advanced technology caused neurons to communicate with computers. He was only sure that perhaps only a week previously, he would have died for Nobulous. Now, for the first time in a long time - he wanted to die in Tamara's place at the hands of his former best friend.
But for the robot, the experiment was purely intellectual. Nobolus wanted to know what would happen if she and the rest of her colony invaded earth for all its sins against humanity; they all deserved to die, in her opinion. But using the simulator and connecting Tamara's mind to the robotic sensors, Nobolus could observe one single blow to the human psyche. And one single blow physically to a human.
For Nobolus, she was jealous too. Jealous not so much of Ryan, he was a lazy human being who sunk his worth in relationships. But jealous that her race did not seem to have much empathy for each other. Again, another curious human trait that probably got them all in trouble on earth. Tamara's blood spilled in the snow; she was bleeding out the more Nobolus dragged her to take her away into a prison to rot and die. Note to self, the robot thought. It's better to either kill the human or take them when they're not bleeding; otherwise it is extremely messy and leaves a trail. If Nobolus would be allowed to act against the humans on earth, it was for the purpose of judging them ... not spilling as much unnecessary blood as possible. This would mean capture or kill quickly.
"Why are you doing this to my sister?" Ryan asked after he had caught up with Nobolus and Tamara in the mind simulator. Tamara was weak and could only faintly look at her brother in the vast snow desert. She tried to smile, but her black eye (all be it a virtual injury) had swollen the eyelids.
"You don't love her" Nobolus said. "And don't pretend you do ... you were my friend for exactly 364 days, almost a full year. You put your emotional stock into me; it was just the proof I needed to know you are like any other human being. You'll love someone or something else not your own kin. How'd you get into the simulator, Ryan?"
[note to reader: Thanks for reading. This writing prompt helped me because I have written 2/3 of a young adults novel, totally PG. But I have come to a halt for a few years now. So, this particular writing prompt has put new life into a story that already has enough background to make it semi-dangerous. I hope to finish my novel sometime this year. I am struggling with whether it will be a mild religious novel since it hasn't turned in that direction as of yet, or whether it will just be the best of humanity novel so it will have universal appeal. Until I write more, I can't discover what my characters want or need. Stay tuned for more writing prompts based on my novel, but broken out in small narratives. I hope you enjoy.
... They tracked her for nine hours by following the blood on the snow; Nobolus hadn't realized a human could bleed so much; it was just a simulation, after all. It wasn't real; but Ryan had entered the simulation in order to get his sister out of the trance these strange robot beings had put her in. Ryan wasn't sure how Nobolus had entranced his sister or what advanced technology caused neurons to communicate with computers. He was only sure that perhaps only a week previously, he would have died for Nobulous. Now, for the first time in a long time - he wanted to die in Tamara's place at the hands of his former best friend.
But for the robot, the experiment was purely intellectual. Nobolus wanted to know what would happen if she and the rest of her colony invaded earth for all its sins against humanity; they all deserved to die, in her opinion. But using the simulator and connecting Tamara's mind to the robotic sensors, Nobolus could observe one single blow to the human psyche. And one single blow physically to a human.
For Nobolus, she was jealous too. Jealous not so much of Ryan, he was a lazy human being who sunk his worth in relationships. But jealous that her race did not seem to have much empathy for each other. Again, another curious human trait that probably got them all in trouble on earth. Tamara's blood spilled in the snow; she was bleeding out the more Nobolus dragged her to take her away into a prison to rot and die. Note to self, the robot thought. It's better to either kill the human or take them when they're not bleeding; otherwise it is extremely messy and leaves a trail. If Nobolus would be allowed to act against the humans on earth, it was for the purpose of judging them ... not spilling as much unnecessary blood as possible. This would mean capture or kill quickly.
"Why are you doing this to my sister?" Ryan asked after he had caught up with Nobolus and Tamara in the mind simulator. Tamara was weak and could only faintly look at her brother in the vast snow desert. She tried to smile, but her black eye (all be it a virtual injury) had swollen the eyelids.
"You don't love her" Nobolus said. "And don't pretend you do ... you were my friend for exactly 364 days, almost a full year. You put your emotional stock into me; it was just the proof I needed to know you are like any other human being. You'll love someone or something else not your own kin. How'd you get into the simulator, Ryan?"
[note to reader: Thanks for reading. This writing prompt helped me because I have written 2/3 of a young adults novel, totally PG. But I have come to a halt for a few years now. So, this particular writing prompt has put new life into a story that already has enough background to make it semi-dangerous. I hope to finish my novel sometime this year. I am struggling with whether it will be a mild religious novel since it hasn't turned in that direction as of yet, or whether it will just be the best of humanity novel so it will have universal appeal. Until I write more, I can't discover what my characters want or need. Stay tuned for more writing prompts based on my novel, but broken out in small narratives. I hope you enjoy.