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The Colors Of Dragons [East X Izzy325]


Mar 17, 2012
The last year had seen dragons burn, and a world grieve, it was a passing of an era, any man woman and child could see that. For two hundred years, Balerion the dragon Aegon the conquror brought with him from the land Valeria had helped to defend the world, and now it was gone. Along with it's many children, of the host of 19 dragons. Now they had 10, with the largest of them was still strong and powerful, but they had been declining even before the blackfyre's had fought for the throne.

Now the largest was dead, and Averis Blackfyre felt a lot like the smallest dragon at the head of the table. He was forcing himself to smile, the last night had brought an end to a war after all he should feel relieved, he would get the throne that his brothers, his uncles, and his mother and sister had all fought for. Yet this was no victory dance. It was an awkward celebration a feast surrounded by enemies. His banner, the black dragon on a plain of red, was behind him, and would be set aflame after the celebration was done. His wife's to be banner, the one that his entire family had died to try to get rid of, would remain, the 'proper' red dragon on a plane of black.

'Fire and Blood' the words of the Targaryen would also remain, while he had been told not to speak his own families chosen words. The meisters wanted such things lost to history. The Red Keep was nice, he had never actually been to Kingslanding before, he had spent his life on Dragonstone after the Blackfyre's had liberated it and used it as their base of operations. He could feel eyes on him, and he couldn't help but wave nervously.

His green eyes, and darker hair were traits born from his mother. Though he did have his father's pale features, strong jaw, and the tall frame of a targaryan all things that stayed with them even when their blood was 'diluted'. His eyes strayed over the host of the tables, he could pick out at least 3 women whom he would rather sit beside, but if he so much as looked to touch another woman right now, last of his blood or not he was going to get his hand chopped off. So his hand was forced, and he would have to marry the woman sat beside him. He looked to her, briefly before breaking eye contact and looking back at the meal he could barely touch. They had never spoken before, he didn't know anything about her other than that she was the enemy.

And now she was going to be his wife.
Much of the world had changed since Aegon the conqueror first took over the seven kingdoms. There was war and blood between houses as all of them tried to take power for themselves. Much of the fighting wasn't even fought with swords and arrows. The political animals that existed in Kings Landing seemed to inhabit the capital loved the fighting more than the armies and troops. One thing that many learn growing up in the noble houses is that no matter how 'civilized' these people were. These Lords and Ladies they loved nothing more than bloodshed and power. Anything they could do to take more for themselves was done. Often without a second's thought to the people who would be impacted the most.

Emilya Targaryen knew how to play the game. She knew what she needed to say and who to say it to. Albeit the girl was still learning but she was quick on her feet. If nothing her family taught her to use her strengths to her advantage. One thing that was instilled in Emilya was her beauty. Even in the room she sat in she was undoubtedly the most beautiful girl in there. Her silver-golden hair cascaded down her back in beautiful thick waves that framed her heart shaped face. Her bright violet eyes contrasted sharply with the smooth and pale skin. Her body developed into full womanhood.

Her grandmother was one of the most politically savvy people Emilya knew. She taught her everything she knew. She coached her on what to say. But she also told her what to do. Which is how Emilya found herself in a undesirable predicament. Next to her sat the man she would marry soon. The man she would spend the rest of her life with (how ever long that may be). The man whose family most recently tried to kill off her family. But that was something everyone in room conveniently decided to ignore.

Emilya turned and looked at Averis. The pair caught each other's eye and quickly looked away. But one thing the girl tried to do was make sure that she didn't show any fear. In front of the people they had invited but also to each other. They didn't know each other yet. How could she trust him? In fact, how could she trust any of them? The girl opened her mouth to address the man sitting to her. "Averis..." she trailed off not sure what she could say "How are you? I'm sure these past few months and even years have been hard on you and your family." She wanted to seem sympathetic but also to gage where he was at. Was he angry? Hateful? Happy? Apathetic? She needed to know.
She spoke to him? He blinked for a moment thinking that maybe he hadn't heard his name called, but then she asked him how he was in the moment. The months and years had indeed been hard on his 'family' House Blackfyre were all of the targarian's bastards, which meant that the majority of them were cousins and not real true born family. But when they had been legitimized the entire group of them had been quick to form bonds. Since he had been the previous kings bastard he had been the main line of the family, along with his two elder brothers, his sister and his mother.

All of them gone now. He sighed and closed his eyes, sorrow was a better word to describe his demeanor when she asked him about his family. He let out a deep mournful sigh as he picked up his glass of wine and sipped some of it, the music helped, but it didn't matter really, he didn't want to get drunk on the wine or on the festivities, he didn't want this feast. "Emilya?" He asked her name for a moment as if he had forgotten it, and then looked at her, she did have a sort of beauty about her. "I loved my family, but they are gone now." He spoke with a soft sigh as he leaned back into his seat.

When he opened his eyes he looked to his 'wife' looking her over for a moment, he evaluated her with a soft eye, trying his best to think about how to approach her. She was such an unknown and yet she was asking about his family. "I'm sorry for yours as well. For what it is worth I didn't really want this." He said softly, he needed her, at least half the armies of the kingdoms were loyal to her, he had no idea what would happen if something bad were to happen to her. Yet at the same time he had no idea if she was planning to get rid of him.

Their families had killed one another. How could he trust her after that?
He missed his family? From what her Grandmother told her about the Blackfyre family the only thing they cared about was getting more power. In fact, she told her that they might even kill each other to get what they wanted. Emilya didn't know who to believe. She knew her Grandmother was cunning but she always had her best interest at heart. She knew nothing about Avis. Was he saying this to win her over? Did he think she would be ruled by her emotions? Or was her truly a rare find in Westeros. A man who actually allowed others to see his emotions. Only time would tell.

But they needed each other so what he would gain from lying she had no idea. Her Grandmother brought her up to believe that everyone had an ulterior motive when they did something. Rarely was something done at face value. The look in his eyes told a different story though. Not one of cunning and bloodshed but rather of pain, sorrow, and maybe anger. She could sense that even if they couldn't trust each other just yet that he might not be as evil as her family told her.

"Thank's been difficult but hopefully the bloodshed is over." They both knew that wasn't true. The way their families craved power it wouldn't be long before there was in fighting amongst themselves or with another powerful family. Although Emilya pitied the fools who would go against a family with dragons. After Emilya said it she couldn't help but laugh for a moment. She knew it was a ridiculous thing to say. "Sorry, I'm not mad. It was just the thought of them never fighting again was laughable." The party around them was in full swing and it looked like it wouldn't be ending anytime soon. "It looks like they are having fun...despite the fact that they were only just trying to kill each other not too ling ago."
The bloodshed was indeed over and done with. Yet the way she laughed made him a touch uncomfortable. Her blood was fully targaryen which meant that only time would tell if she was as insane and depraved as the worst of her family. Every time one of her line was born the gods flipped a coin to see if those around them would suffer. At least that was what his family had told him time and time again, so he couldn't settle down. Not while the kingdom was split fifty fifty. Yet she was right the idea that these people would never come to blows again was laughable cause there was no doubt that if either one of them died by accident than the six kingdoms would split down the line again ready to spill each others blood at a moments notice.

"This party is honestly a bit much for my taste." He poked at his food for a moment watching lords ladies and servants all around dance to music, feast and drink. at least they could find some sort of comfort in this show, but he was stuck in his chair along with her. He knew full well that this party wasn't for them, it was for the people who had died in the conflict finding relief now that there weren't people willing to try and set the kingdoms aflame with dragons fire. "Still I don't think anyone would listen to me if we tried to put a stop to it." He shook his head, they were king and queen and yet no one was going to listen to them for a while.

cause after the wedding would come the bedding. Normally it would be the highlight of the night. A chance to see his new wife, but after everything that happened it felt more like he was going to be forced to rape her even though he himself didn't really feel like having sex. He paused to get a drink, should the two of them talk about that? He felt worry in his gut for what would come next, but he didn't know what to say. "this is more their wedding than ours I suppose." He said with a laugh.
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