Fx Male Monsterworld and monster school


Jun 25, 2014
(Story background)
It was perhaps 10 years ago when it first happened. The world that we live in began to change. Out of nowhere, mysterious forests would start to appear and soon along with them, lakes mountains and towns that looked as if though they had been pulled directly from fantasy books. And with those towns, also came new species. Fairies was the name for this new race though it seemed to include creatures such as werewolfs, vampires, elves, mages of various kinds. Giants, trolls,Nymphs, pixies, mermaids and men.
If you had read about it in some fantasy story or heard about it from some old folk tale, then this new intruding world had it. But the most important thing was that real magic was now introduced to the world. Of course the humans were scared at first. Especially religious people and governments who only saw that monsters that could wield potentially destructive magic was something very real.
It would take a few years for the human world to learn that the fairies really wasn't that different from us. They had schools and laws. It was perhaps 8 years since their world merged with our that Human and fairies signed an official treaty to incorporate our ways with theirs.
And so, 10 years after the worlds merging, it was decided that a few chosen families would live a week in one of these fairy towns as ambassadors representing the human race to build bridges and so forth.
And this is were our story start.
A family of Mama Ambassador and Daddy Ambassador and their two kids. A brother and his sister, both of which are around maybe 16 years old.
Besides the most common laws that are usually just common sense, there is a law that humans and fairies can't have sex. For humans, if it is ever found out, instant death penalty.

Why? Well, it has never been revealed to the public. What would happen though is that any human having sex with a fairy, would become as the human calls it, infected.
WHich means quite simple that the human would go through a transformation for the next days, week and become a random fairy (Werewolf, mer-creature, fairy, goblin.. whatever.. a monster). And this fact has never really been revealed to avoid people from banging monsters only to become one themself. Also, because long term issues are unknown.
Now of course, the kids know that it is illegal but yet, the daughter ends up doing the deed with a fairy folk and can already feel and see during the act, the transformation begin.
Fast forward, the family eventually returns home, not knowing any better that the daughter is going through changes and turning into a sex craving wood nymph (Example only. You decide what you want your character to become.)

Once home, both sister and brother end up doing the incest dance and thus, both kids are now infected and once their so very loving parents find out, they really only have one choice. Send the kids to live in Monsterville.

Teen girl has monster sex and becomes a monster herself. She then do some incest and her brother also becomes monster and they both are sent to monster town by their parents.

I will be playing the daughter. You will play the brother.. and other male monsters.
Now, I would love for the sexual stuff, at least in the beginning to be very awkward, clumsy and very primal? I don't really imagine most of these characters to be any sex gods. Also for story stuff, I think it would be fun to explore their relationship and the brothers unwillingness to have sex with his sister and even more so, being forced to become a monster because his sister just couldn't fight her urges. Maybe a one sided romance develops with the brother slowly falling for his sister while the sister just want to get laid by other monster dudes. Or maybe even vice versa. Sister start to love brother but brother starts to get an attraction to other monsters.
ALso how their entire lives will change now that they are forced to live as monsters and adapt to their culture.
I also imagine, every kind of monster having their own culture and way.

EDIT: Just figured we can even switch this around. The brother ends up doing stuff with monster girls and later infects his sister. . So, just let me know if you rather would do that.

If and when you pm me for this, please fill this out as these are usually the most common questions that's discussed in pre-RP discussions.

Favorite types of monsters (Let's say, top 5 or 10 in no particular order):
Absolute No-no's (Kinks you would never do.):
Absolute favorite Kinks:
Pubic hair, yes or no. Bushy, trimmed, colored:
Piercings, tattoos? yay or nay:
Character appearances: Anime pic, real life pic, text description?
Multiple characters, would you do it?:
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