- Joined
- Nov 1, 2018
- Location
- America
Hello and welcome to the fabulous slice of life world I have created over the years. Let's face it, we are all here role playing generally to be able to do the things virtually that we can't (or won't!) do in real life. In my experience, most people play characters that are at least somewhat a reflection on themselves, and look to play stories that hit on the kinks they can't experience in real life, or at least can't get regularly!
I am no different. Over the years (and years and years...) of role playing, I tend to play the same characters. One character in particular I play the most, but I also play others. Sometimes I bring in my other characters into a story, if it makes sense. And generally all the characters have a similar background. Sometimes the details will change for the sake of a particular plot or storyline, but generally they have their similar outlines. Over the years, the characters have all had a part to play in this world and know of each other, in some form, and all of them are a reflection of me in some way... some more than others, some different sides. What has happened for me is that by playing so many stories with the same characters and constantly having to build more of their background, I've essentially created a mini world that connects all of my stories.
Below is a detailed description of this world through the view of the main character that I usually play. I'm going to experiment with a slightly different format and instead of looking for a specific plot, I'm going to ask you to read this description and come to me with your story or plot within my larger world. Anyone with a slightly creative mind will see all of the various openings for all sorts of plots and kinks people have on this site. You can bring your own characters, or take over some of mine, either way, it works. My contact information will be included, feel free to contact me with an opening and we will just... play. I am a switch, so whether its dom, sub, top or bottom, generally I'm open to it. I doubt we will get anywhere near my limits in the role play, but if we get far enough that we might touch them, I will speak up.
My name is Drew Smithson. I'm 34 years old, 6' tall with dark hair and eyes and the body of a former athlete. I'm not super jacked, there's no 6 pack, but I also don't have a beer belly. I grew up in a divorced family. My father was abusive and my mother didn't care about me. Don't worry about my background though, I do just fine for myself. Because of my background, I've become self motivated, looking to show the world that I can be better than most other people my age, and I have been. I am a perfectionist in almost everything I do, whether it be work, friendships, relationships. I am a people pleaser because of this. I always am looking for the gratification that I did something right, or someone is happy with me. This is probably because I never got that growing up. This is especially useful for those girls who dated me. I can be easily taken advantage of and manipulated, and even though I know it, I still accept it.
Speaking of relationships - now I am married. Being a perfectionist, I always was careful to curate my image as the most normal, but best, person possible. That meant I always had to have a good and normal relationship and because I'm such a nice guy (at least on the outside) most people like me pretty easily. I'm married to a 27 year old woman named Amanda. She is the little sister of a guy who used to be a good friend. I still have a good relationship with Amanda's older brother, although now it is more as a brother in law than anything else. Amanda and I have been married 4 years. We met when I was 29 and were married by 30. It's been a great relationship, but our sex life is frankly mostly boring. It was a little more exciting when we were dating and honeymooning, but not more than just basic vanilla stuff. By now we've gotten into a steady routine. It's good, but not exciting at all, and very predictable. As our marriage has stagnated, I've been more and more focused on work, advancing my career, which has done extremely well. And no, we don't have a prenup... if we get divorced, she get's half.
She has a hot young sister too, she's 22 now I think, and honestly I've day dreamed about doing things with her plenty of times. I only really see her on holidays though.
I am an insurance broker, and was recently promoted to run my entire company. I am extremely young for this role, but I rose through the ranks quickly and got to have a close relationship with our sole proprietor owner through the years. Once the previous president retired, I convinced him to take a chance on me, and he did. Now I'm one of the youngest CEO's in the country, although to be honest its a small firm, so maybe its not that big of an accomplishment. Of course this role comes with a lot of responsibility, but also a lot of salary. And because its such an important role, it was announced to the entire firm, including the many, many beautiful and sexy young women we've hired over the last few years. I'm an outgoing guy, and also a flirt. I can't help but to try to connect with beautiful women of almost any age. Of course while I'm not the most handsome man there is, my success and wealth seems to have attracted a few of the younger girls in the firm, as I get flirted with back, and often. Part of the fun for me is the new dress code - one of the first things I did was institute an all-casual policy. Anyone can wear anything, as long as major clients aren't around. It's been a boon for my eyeballs whenever I walk around the office and see the sexy young girls in tight jeans walking around. Of course the other fun part of my job is that two of my clients are currently Sophie Turner and Emilia Clark - yes from Game of Thrones! It's one of my favorite shows, and I get to handle their insurance. Of course I've never actually met them, I always meet with their agents, who I'm close to. But maybe one day. I have a hall pass from my wife with both of them, although she doesn't know that I actually work with them, in a way!
I have a good group of friends. They are all in various stages of life, some married, some seriously dating, and some are serial daters. My friend Mark is one of those, he is super attractive and just seems to take advantage of girls, shuffling through girlfriends often. My friend Joe is the former popular jock who is married to one of the former top cheerleaders. He brags a lot about his sex life, but I'm pretty sure he's full of it. My friend Michael is also a former athlete, but he's definitely more shy. He's also got some weird sexual things going on with his long term girlfriend. The past couple times we've all gotten together he's brought up the idea of trading wives or girlfriends for the night. I think he might be a swinger or something. I'm very proud when I hear that my wife Amanda is always towards the top of the list of wives/girlfriends the other guys would want. Mine and Joe's wife are consistently near the top. Michael's is decent I think, but she doesn't always get the votes. My friend Steve is the nerdiest one of this group, although him and I were closest when we were younger. Steve is single and as far as we can tell, is holding out for the perfect girl. Even when he gets chances he can't seem to seal the deal.
Michael's idea of sharing wives or girlfriends has definitely intrigued me. You see, as I've gotten older I've gotten into exploring the idea of more extreme kinks. Sometimes its the idea of dominating a girl, whether its physically or especially mentally mindfucking them. But at the same time, I definitely don't mind at all the idea of a woman who isn't afraid to tell me what she wants and make me do things - that's the side of me who always wants to please. I've been exploring these kinks a little online and in secret, and haven't talk to my wife about it yet. I think I'm too afraid of messing up my perfect marriage somehow, although for all I know she's doing something similar in secret. It could lead to the best sex we've had, well, ever. But for some reason I don't talk to her about it. It's not fear, just this idea of it will somehow make our marriage not... normal. I've explored some of these websites, and for a little while considered making a website on a dating site, just to mess around with some of these girls online and experiment with my kinks. I fear I might fall for someone else though. And some of these sites, wow they are weird. There's one that's looking for people to help them run a secret project. The prisoners dilemma they call it. I think it has something to do with kidnapping girls. Let's just say I only read about that in private mode on my browser!
I feel like I'm at a major crossroads with my life. The big promotion I got is absolutely great for us financially, but I will be traveling a lot. My marriage has stagnated and while I love her, it feels like it could go two ways soon. Maybe things will suddenly improve if we decide to talk more openly about our sex life, it could lead to new kinks, or experimenting or just be what we need to break out of this slump. Maybe it will just fall apart, especially if one of these young girls I work with pushes me too far. Or if I put up a secret dating profile, I may decide to leave her myself. Or maybe she will leave me because I bore her... who knows. Maybe Sophie Turner will meet me and decide to fuck me on sight. A man can dream, right?
Discord: adreamer529#0028
I am no different. Over the years (and years and years...) of role playing, I tend to play the same characters. One character in particular I play the most, but I also play others. Sometimes I bring in my other characters into a story, if it makes sense. And generally all the characters have a similar background. Sometimes the details will change for the sake of a particular plot or storyline, but generally they have their similar outlines. Over the years, the characters have all had a part to play in this world and know of each other, in some form, and all of them are a reflection of me in some way... some more than others, some different sides. What has happened for me is that by playing so many stories with the same characters and constantly having to build more of their background, I've essentially created a mini world that connects all of my stories.
Below is a detailed description of this world through the view of the main character that I usually play. I'm going to experiment with a slightly different format and instead of looking for a specific plot, I'm going to ask you to read this description and come to me with your story or plot within my larger world. Anyone with a slightly creative mind will see all of the various openings for all sorts of plots and kinks people have on this site. You can bring your own characters, or take over some of mine, either way, it works. My contact information will be included, feel free to contact me with an opening and we will just... play. I am a switch, so whether its dom, sub, top or bottom, generally I'm open to it. I doubt we will get anywhere near my limits in the role play, but if we get far enough that we might touch them, I will speak up.
My name is Drew Smithson. I'm 34 years old, 6' tall with dark hair and eyes and the body of a former athlete. I'm not super jacked, there's no 6 pack, but I also don't have a beer belly. I grew up in a divorced family. My father was abusive and my mother didn't care about me. Don't worry about my background though, I do just fine for myself. Because of my background, I've become self motivated, looking to show the world that I can be better than most other people my age, and I have been. I am a perfectionist in almost everything I do, whether it be work, friendships, relationships. I am a people pleaser because of this. I always am looking for the gratification that I did something right, or someone is happy with me. This is probably because I never got that growing up. This is especially useful for those girls who dated me. I can be easily taken advantage of and manipulated, and even though I know it, I still accept it.
Speaking of relationships - now I am married. Being a perfectionist, I always was careful to curate my image as the most normal, but best, person possible. That meant I always had to have a good and normal relationship and because I'm such a nice guy (at least on the outside) most people like me pretty easily. I'm married to a 27 year old woman named Amanda. She is the little sister of a guy who used to be a good friend. I still have a good relationship with Amanda's older brother, although now it is more as a brother in law than anything else. Amanda and I have been married 4 years. We met when I was 29 and were married by 30. It's been a great relationship, but our sex life is frankly mostly boring. It was a little more exciting when we were dating and honeymooning, but not more than just basic vanilla stuff. By now we've gotten into a steady routine. It's good, but not exciting at all, and very predictable. As our marriage has stagnated, I've been more and more focused on work, advancing my career, which has done extremely well. And no, we don't have a prenup... if we get divorced, she get's half.
I am an insurance broker, and was recently promoted to run my entire company. I am extremely young for this role, but I rose through the ranks quickly and got to have a close relationship with our sole proprietor owner through the years. Once the previous president retired, I convinced him to take a chance on me, and he did. Now I'm one of the youngest CEO's in the country, although to be honest its a small firm, so maybe its not that big of an accomplishment. Of course this role comes with a lot of responsibility, but also a lot of salary. And because its such an important role, it was announced to the entire firm, including the many, many beautiful and sexy young women we've hired over the last few years. I'm an outgoing guy, and also a flirt. I can't help but to try to connect with beautiful women of almost any age. Of course while I'm not the most handsome man there is, my success and wealth seems to have attracted a few of the younger girls in the firm, as I get flirted with back, and often. Part of the fun for me is the new dress code - one of the first things I did was institute an all-casual policy. Anyone can wear anything, as long as major clients aren't around. It's been a boon for my eyeballs whenever I walk around the office and see the sexy young girls in tight jeans walking around. Of course the other fun part of my job is that two of my clients are currently Sophie Turner and Emilia Clark - yes from Game of Thrones! It's one of my favorite shows, and I get to handle their insurance. Of course I've never actually met them, I always meet with their agents, who I'm close to. But maybe one day. I have a hall pass from my wife with both of them, although she doesn't know that I actually work with them, in a way!
I have a good group of friends. They are all in various stages of life, some married, some seriously dating, and some are serial daters. My friend Mark is one of those, he is super attractive and just seems to take advantage of girls, shuffling through girlfriends often. My friend Joe is the former popular jock who is married to one of the former top cheerleaders. He brags a lot about his sex life, but I'm pretty sure he's full of it. My friend Michael is also a former athlete, but he's definitely more shy. He's also got some weird sexual things going on with his long term girlfriend. The past couple times we've all gotten together he's brought up the idea of trading wives or girlfriends for the night. I think he might be a swinger or something. I'm very proud when I hear that my wife Amanda is always towards the top of the list of wives/girlfriends the other guys would want. Mine and Joe's wife are consistently near the top. Michael's is decent I think, but she doesn't always get the votes. My friend Steve is the nerdiest one of this group, although him and I were closest when we were younger. Steve is single and as far as we can tell, is holding out for the perfect girl. Even when he gets chances he can't seem to seal the deal.
Michael's idea of sharing wives or girlfriends has definitely intrigued me. You see, as I've gotten older I've gotten into exploring the idea of more extreme kinks. Sometimes its the idea of dominating a girl, whether its physically or especially mentally mindfucking them. But at the same time, I definitely don't mind at all the idea of a woman who isn't afraid to tell me what she wants and make me do things - that's the side of me who always wants to please. I've been exploring these kinks a little online and in secret, and haven't talk to my wife about it yet. I think I'm too afraid of messing up my perfect marriage somehow, although for all I know she's doing something similar in secret. It could lead to the best sex we've had, well, ever. But for some reason I don't talk to her about it. It's not fear, just this idea of it will somehow make our marriage not... normal. I've explored some of these websites, and for a little while considered making a website on a dating site, just to mess around with some of these girls online and experiment with my kinks. I fear I might fall for someone else though. And some of these sites, wow they are weird. There's one that's looking for people to help them run a secret project. The prisoners dilemma they call it. I think it has something to do with kidnapping girls. Let's just say I only read about that in private mode on my browser!
I feel like I'm at a major crossroads with my life. The big promotion I got is absolutely great for us financially, but I will be traveling a lot. My marriage has stagnated and while I love her, it feels like it could go two ways soon. Maybe things will suddenly improve if we decide to talk more openly about our sex life, it could lead to new kinks, or experimenting or just be what we need to break out of this slump. Maybe it will just fall apart, especially if one of these young girls I work with pushes me too far. Or if I put up a secret dating profile, I may decide to leave her myself. Or maybe she will leave me because I bore her... who knows. Maybe Sophie Turner will meet me and decide to fuck me on sight. A man can dream, right?
Discord: adreamer529#0028