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Genres ❤️

I usually end up with fantasy or modern fantasy, which I both like. I can't seem to lock down scifi RPs.

I'd love to do horror. I started one in the spring that was going kind of ok in a chat. I don't see a horror mood happening in a once-a-day forum thread.
I love genres! I RP for escape from every day life. While 'normal' can be interesting with the right plot/situation set up, it takes a lot more work to make it interesting and usually one of the characters has to act 'edgy' ... be a boundary pusher.

I also find they help encourage less experienced RP partners to come out of their shell a little bit. Almost everyone is ready to consider how their character feels about space pirates, or dwarves, or the Cult of N'gfar, or the Roman Senate, or whatever. Without a genre, it often boils down to the situation ... flight attendant vs pampered first-class traveler; shy teen vs group of bullies, etc. But where do things go when that situation isn't long term? The flight ends. The bullies get what's coming to 'em. Then what?

I guess my biggest reason for preferring genres, especially rich ones, is because I don't like planning a million things out in advance of RP. It just feels so artificial. But without planning, slice-of-life includes household chores, buying groceries, going to work. I'd rather not!
I don't have any favorite genres to play but i really want to know yours. So tell me, what are the genres you are into? ;)
I saw something on Wisecrack about how there's a difference between genre and mode. I don't know if my understanding of it "works" but here goes
I like Science Fiction, but have an easier time with Science Fantasy. I would say that punk probably what Wisecrack would call a "mode" inasmuch as there's some authority figure that needs downing, and I particularly like that sort of element in my cyber and steam subgenres of Science Fantasy. I also heard someone refer to the Heavy Metal Magazine/Movie aesthetic as Metal Fantasy, though I also am cool with Metal-Fi if that can be a thing. The sort of "men are cynical taxi drivers and women wear minimal clothes and everyone fucks robots and aliens" aesthetic.
I like horror of the slasher, gorn, and comedy modes.
I like crime drama, but less Godfather, more Giant Purple Dildo in the police station bathroom... crime comedy?
There's also Slice of Life... which I forgot to put and had to edit in. I like visual novels too much not to play it.

If you're talking about meta-genre, I prefer system games over non-system games, and I prefer to sandbox players than give them boring linear plots. If everything is following my script, I may as well just play a vidya game. I do still want a clear starting point, and a clear ending point, but everything in between is up for debate/discussion. Or just one player to decide he wants to lead the group. I've had that happen a few times. As long as it doesn't cause strife, that's cool.
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I tend to play alot of genres but generally Slice of Life, Modern Fantasy, Shounen, and regular fantasy. I do love Science Fiction but sometimes I have problems finding the right ideas or people to RP it with.

Also as much as I love me some Horror, I am SUPER picky about it when it comes to RP. Dunno why.

Now that I think about it i've been mostly doing all smut stuff on this site. Should find some more story focused RPs at some point
My favorite rp genres are the same as my favorite books to read: paranormal romance and urban fantasy. I like anything with paranormal goings on, I like the dynamic and development of romances, and I like modern settings with an overlap of fantastical elements.

Secondary, I like fantasy(high or low) with that whole medieval setting stuff included, sometimes magic, sometimes fantasy critters.
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Dark Fantasy Sci-Fi... basically anything that's out of the ordinary lol

I like to get away from the modern life of day to day, adding in a bit of magic makes a story all the more interesting!
Medieval-Fantasy / Steampunk or Victorian Fantasy > Post-Apoc Fantasy > Sci-Fantasy > Post-Apoc Normal > Sci-Fi > Modern Fantasy > Modern

No: Western, Canon Worlds, Historical, Base Medieval, Base Victorian, Etc.
I like slice of life and fandom, some fantasy too. Not really into the whole futuristic thing
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