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Under Construction

The Devil

L̶i̶t̶e̶r̶a̶r̶y̶ Literally Satan
Jul 23, 2017
Hello, I am the Devil, and my thread is under construction. If something catches your eye, drop me a line, though I can't promise I won't be a little picky until I get this a little more organized and fleshed out, but I'll be more than happy to hear out anyone that's interested. My only hard limits are heavy gore, scat, and pegging. While I appreciate any and all interest, I am only seeking female partners to write with. Here is my F-List.

Preferred Settings​

Modern, Supernatural or Occult themed plots.
Sci-fi, Space Opera, Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Post-Apocalyptic, Space Western, Parallel Worlds, etc.
Fantasy, be it High, Low, Modern, Urban, or Weird.
Historical, usually with Supernatural or Fantasy themes. Neolithic, Ancient Egypt, Age of Pirates, the Wild West.

Regardless of setting, I adore symbolism, unique, niche, and captivating characters, and unorthodox diction.

Fandom Settings

Alien Versus Predator - Ark: Survival Evolved - Assassin's Creed - Bioshock - Borderlands - Chronicles of Darkness - Conan the Barbarian - Dark Souls - Darksiders - DC Comics - Destiny - Diablo - Dragon Age - Dungeons and Dragons - Elder Scrolls - Exalted - Fable - Fallout - Far Cry - Final Fantasy - Game of Thrones - Grand Theft Auto - Halo - Harry Potter- Mad Max - Marvel - Mass Effect - Metal Gear - Metro - Middle Earth - Overwatch - Prey - Red Dead Redemption - Shadowrun - Star Wars - StarCraft - Warcraft - Warhammer 40,000 - Warhammer Fantasy - Witcher​
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Catchy Tagline

Introduction/About Me

What I want in a Partner

Limits & Preferred Kinks

Original Plots, Settings & Pairings

Fandom Plots Settings & Pairings

Generic, Filthy Hentai-esque Pairings, Settings, Plots.

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Let the construction begin!


“i’ll play the Devil_
in your land of make believe
tell me how the view is

down there on your knees”

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself
I am a man of Wealth and Taste

Yeah, that pretty much nails it. That's it for the intro.

Real Street Bitches Take Chances, Flirting With the Devil
Romancing, Dancing

First and foremost, I'm looking for a partner with patience. Between work and life, I keep a very busy schedule and I'll be honest with you, I can be flaky. Stick around, and I'll be sure to make it worth your while. I'll never intentionally ghost you, and I'll always try to let you know what's going on OoC. That being said, I'm super ditch friendly- you get busy, or lose interest, no hard feelings. I adore communication. Tell me your interests, what you like, what you don't. I really enjoy catering to my partners desires, so let me indulge you. Or just indulge me. I'm into that. My interests are myriad- I won't judge, and if there's something you enjoy, chances are I will too. I'm also exclusively looking for female writers- sorry fellas, but I'm just not very comfortable writing erotica opposite another man. Plot? That's perfectly fine. Porn? I get a little uneasy. I mean absolutely no offense, and at the end of the day, I appreciate all interest in my thread and writing. As for my ladies, however, I like them in all shapes, sizes, and personalities- so, don't be shy. Unless you are. I like that too. I'm perfectly confident playing against a switch, submissive, or dom woman. I tend not to define myself, but I'm just as at home exercising a firm grip on my right to use your character however I see fit as I am being told to kneel and pleasure my Queen, given the right context. Try me.

Standing There, Killing Time
Can't commit to anything but a crime

Plots n' stuff.


The Bad Part of Town

A Smaller God

The Rookie

Mage School



Monster Hunter Family

Monster Hunter & Psychic Orphan

Infinite Macabre

One Foggy Evening

Air BnB feat. vamp


Aggressive Meme

A Colosseum of Beasts

A Lucky Break (Hitchhiker, mage, vegas)

Vampires in the Throes of Covid 19

AntiquitySettings, Themes, & Genres Apocalyptic Scenarios

  • The Neolithic
  • Necropolis of Hawara
  • Roman Empire
  • Ancient Greece
  • Mythic Egypt
  • Byzantium
  • Seven Wonders of the World
  • Empire of Mali
  • Three Kingdoms China
  • Arthurian Britannia
  • The Viking Age
  • The Crusades
  • The Ottoman Empire
  • Islamic Golden Age
  • The Inquisition in Europe
  • The Black Plague
  • Aztec Civilization
  • Mutapa Empire
  • Conquest of the New World
  • Elizabethan Era
  • Holy Roman Empire
  • Joseon Dynasty
  • The Renaissance
  • The Age of Reason
  • French Revolution
  • Edo Period Japan
  • China's Last Dynasty
  • Colonial America
  • Salem Witch Hunts
  • The Golden Age of Piracy
  • Industrial Revolution
  • The Year Without a Summer
  • Antebellum South
  • American Civil War
  • The Wild West
  • Age of Spiritualism
  • Victorian England
  • Decline of Empires (British, Ottoman)
  • The Great War
  • Russian Revolution
  • The Great Depression
  • Golden Age of Science Fiction
  • The Dust Bowl
  • World War II
  • Post-War Disillusionment and Fractiousness
  • McCarthyism & Domestic Espionage
  • The Cold War
  • Swinging Sixties
  • The "Me" Decade
  • Crime, Drugs, Gangs, and Family in the Bowery (or, Broader Mafia Tales)
  • The Raging 80's
  • Civil Unrest, Revolution, Calamity, or Intrinsic Struggles in Modern Locales:
    -Cosmopolitan United States​
    -New England​
    -Pacific Northwest​
    -Rural America​
    -The Bayou​
  • Alternate History
  • Alternate Reality, Parallel Worlds
  • Crime and the Law
  • Detectives and Investigations
  • Espionage
  • Fantasy
    -Contemporary Fantasy
    -Dark Fantasy
    -Gaslamp Fantasy
    -High/Low Fantasy
    -Magic Realism
    -Occult/Paranormal Fiction
    -Sword & Sorcery
    -Twisted Fairy Tales
    -Urban Fantasy
    -Weird Fiction​
  • Gothic Romanticism
  • Horror
  • Humor, Satire
  • Military Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Noir
  • Romance
  • Science Fiction
    -Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalypse Scenarios
    -Dying Earth
    -Mundane/Contemporary Sci-fi
    -Raygun Gothic
    -Space Goth
    -Space Opera
    -Space Western
    -Utopian/Dystopian Settings​
  • Superheroes, Heroines, and Villains
  • Thriller
  • Tragedy
  • Various "-punk" Derivatives
  • A.I. Takeover
  • Alien Invasion
  • Asteroid Impact
  • Astronomical Event
  • Biological
  • Climate Change
  • Natural Disaster
  • Nuclear War
  • Magical Calamity
  • Pandemic
  • Spiritual or Demonic Invasion
  • Resource Depletion
  • Technological Singularity
  • Theological End of Days
  • Zombie Apocalypse

Fandom Settings

Alien Versus Predator - Ark: Survival Evolved - Assassin's Creed - Bioshock - Borderlands - Chronicles of Darkness - Conan the Barbarian - Cyberpunk 2077 - Dark Souls - Darksiders - DC Comics - Destiny - Diablo - DOOM - Dragon Age - Dungeons and Dragons - Elder Scrolls - Exalted - Fable - Fallout - Far Cry - Final Fantasy - Game of Thrones - Grand Theft Auto - Halo - Harry Potter- Mad Max - Marvel - Mass Effect - Metal Gear - Metro - Middle Earth - Overwatch - Prey - Red Dead Redemption - Shadowrun - Star Wars - StarCraft - Warcraft - Warhammer 40,000 - Warhammer Fantasy - Witcher

Original Settings

Modern Supernatural/Occult, Hidden
Modern Supernatural/Occult, Revealed
Modern Fantasy
Infinite Macabre
Metalground & Tomorrowland
Heroes, Villains, & Vigilantes
Untitled Fantasy World
Untitled Post-Apocalypse Project

Original Plots, Pairings

Fandom Plots

Generic, Filthy Hentai-esque Pairings, Settings, Plots

Miscellanea (Pictures, Prompts, Inspirations, Quotes, Citations)

"i summoned a Demon_ and took it to bed
i don't recall exactly what was said
it tied my hands and my feet to the bed

i don't recall exactly what was said"
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Reserved for Miscellaneous Pictures, Prompts, and Ideas.
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You can live in a cage, or a gilded cage. The choice is yours.

Young man was in a gang/shady group, got out for his family. Dies later for unrelated reasons. Gang visits funeral to pay respects, give a gift to the deceased’s family. Sister of deceased seeks affiliation with gang, or simply their aid in revenge.

] She burnt down the house when she was born. The system, or the church, took her in. She was bounced from home to home, or lived in an orphanage. She... missed out on so much. There were accidents, though. Always. She'd get happy, or excited, or upset, and something would break. Or someone would get hurt. But almost always, something would catch fire.

It's been 15-18 years since she burnt down that house. She's living with that friendly priest, or a foster parent, and they know about her troubles. They know. Some of it, at least. How could you know the trauma of a girl that grew up like that? But, regardless, they try to help her.

He had a pretty shitty life. His parents were killed, by things that weren't supposed to exist. But they did. And do. But they won't when he's finished. Everything that happened to him instilled him with a great fear, a greater rage, and a passion for it. He's a drifter; he roams the country in his truck, camper in the bed, keeping an ear to the ground for strange happenings, anomalies, disappearances. It's usually nothing out of the ordinary- murderers, rapists, the occasional psycho. But when it is something beyond that, he investigates, and kills it. He's no expert, but there aren't really experts on these kind of things.

Lately, he's been hearing tell of strange fires lighting up the nearby town. His truck was seen headed that way.


It's the story of a surly young man and a troubled younger girl that can set things on fire with her mind. I was thinking she would be quite the angsty, troubled youth. She's been getting emotional, and her powers have been getting out of check. My guy investigates only to find it isn't a monster, but a girl. He doesn't want to kill her. I'm thinking they have an altercation, or meeting of some sort. Some shit burns down. She returns home eventually, something upsets her, and the place goes up in a blaze... accidentally killing her only "family," and leaving her distraught. My guy tracks her down and finds her in that situation, where he reluctantly takes her with him, intending on keeping her from hurting others and teaching her how to control her powers. I was thinking he either takes pity on her and comforts her a bit, or she begs to go with him in his transient, violent life since she essentially destroyed her own. I'd be open to other suggestions, like perhaps him kidnapping her or something.

It's cute, dark, fun, heavy at times. Lots of living on the road out of a camper, maybe the occasional motel- one bed, tight spaces, bumping knees, elbows, and uglies. Late night quickies in the woods or truck stop bathrooms, breakfast at diners that smell of fresh coffee and stale cigarette smoke.

Undying, Mummy-like God-King/Pharaoh x Egyptian Queen, Priestess, Peasant, Cult & Cultist (Historical)

Near-Future Battle Royale Pitting Genetically Modified Humans/Human-Animal Hybrids Against One Another in Combat and Coitus (Science Fiction)
Fangs of the Carpathians

Lovecraftian Lighthouse Setting (Modern, Horror)

Supernatural Sex Cult (Modern, Horror)

To Hell if I don't Change My Ways - Sold his soul, now he's repenting before it's due. Meets someone that can help. Supposedly. (Supernatural, Modern)

Patron is relaxing at a shady bar, bragging that they're wanted and lying low. Their conversation partner is a bounty hunter. (Star Wars, or other)

Skyrim - “Painted cow giant sacrifice”

Skyrim- “Old Orc” gets an elf, peep dialogue.

Good girl makes bad vampire a (slightly) better person, or at least offers comfort in a shitty unlife. It’s cute, trust me.

Skyrim- “TWO Dragonborn?!” Peep dat Book of the Dragonborn

Prince and the Popper” - poor misguided gal OD’s and is dying. Vampire gives her a little of his blood, she finds a new addiction and obsession. Kinda like that K-Flay song but w/ vampires.

The Rookie- Random, menial bureaucratic employee tests positive for latent psychic ability in her yearly physical, unbeknownst to her. Is transferred to a government agency that investigates supernatural crimes. Is paired with an aloof, veteran investigator.

Schrodengers Cat & Mouse - Mage, psychic, scientist, or something starts mucking around with timelines, and an agent of the space-time police or whatever is sent after them to correct things. Romance and physics defying shenanigans ensue.

Out on the town for whatever reason one evening, your character finds herself in shady circumstances. She could simply get lost in an unfamiliar part of town, take a ride on the subway that seems unusually eerie, be mugged or raped and left in a dark alley, or dragged off of the street by a tentacled monstrosity through a storm drain. When she comes to or arrives at her destination, she finds herself far from where she intended to be. The city she finds herself in is dark and foreboding, with strange architecture and occult graffiti. While there are plenty of humans milling about, she finds that the city is also inhabited by a plethora of creatures from eerily familiar to absolutely bizarre. Trapped in this world, and unable to return, will she find herself making friends, enemies, or just struggling to hold onto her sanity as she does her best to scrape by?

I was thinking of this plot kind of like a modern, dark Alice in Wonderland kind of thing. We could go quite a few directions with it, and I would be happy to play a friendly face to your character, a not-so-friendly face, or just the world in general around her.

Vampires. You've always loved them. They're your guilty pleasure. It's a shame they aren't real, you think, but it really isn't. They are real, and it's a shame they're not. They aren't like they are in the books, the movies- glamorous creatures of the night, beautiful, romantic, sensual, eternally young. Thirsty. Well, they are, actually, but they're much more than that. They're vile, damned souls, but you don't know that. If you did, would it change anything? One evening, out on the town, you find one. Perhaps he says something to you and you see his fangs. Perhaps you see him feeding on some lucky patron in the corner of the bar. Or, perhaps, he feeds on you. It felt so good. Euphoric, addictive, orgasmic, nearly. He's perfect. All you ever thought you wanted. So you do everything to make him yours- or, at least to be his. And it works. Now... what does he want?

For this, I imagined a relatively young woman having an obsession for vampires, be it in film, literature, or just legends. I imagine her as a goth girl, though ultimately that's up to you. I have a small handful of vampire characters I may play as, and while some are absolutely vile, some are indeed capable of a degree of caring and affection. I was thinking that once your character finds out that mine is a vampire, she becomes a bit obsessive, if not somewhat of a stalker. Eventually, my character lets her into his life and she finds herself a new addition to the All Night Society- however, she soon begins to realize that this occult culture is far from as romantic and harmless as it is in the books, and that she may be too far in to begin pulling out.

Most don't know, but they're real- monsters, ghosts, and all sorts of awful creatures that go bump in the night. They prey upon the unwitting, stalking dark forests, lonely roads, dank alleyways, seedy nightclubs. There are those, however, that hunt these occult horrors. Long ago, three families made a vow to each other- they would fight these beasts in secret, honing their art of slaying these vile creatures while trying to keep their existence
under wraps. To protect their secrecy, the families cleave to one another- a dark secret of their own, the families breed with their own, furthering their bloodlines and keeping their kin strong. When their line begins to stagnate, they often arrange marriages between the three families, but otherwise they stick to their own.

For this plot, we would follow the adventures and kinky shenanigans of one family, playing one or perhaps multiple characters each. Besides incest, I'm happy to include someone from another family as some fresh blood to the line, and monsters of course. As for monsters, one of the family members could have a secret fetish for bedding them, a family member could act as "bait" in their hunts and often ending up in sticky situations, or just be overwhelmed and ravaged by a creature, if you prefer.

I want a fantasy space opera. Some Firefly/Serenity-esque Star Warsy adventures with all sorts of crazy alien races, distant planets, unknowable horrors and high-tech space ships. Galaxy-spanning empires, formerly human cultures lost to space and devolved into monstrous societies, physics-defying relics never before observed by organic eyes, shots of alcohol laced with foreign amino acids derived from star hornet honey, plump, blue alien booty bouncing on stage while a menagerie of species reach out for a glancing touch or to swipe their currency chips through the holo-register to reserve a private show. Ships crash, stars nova, empires collapse, and the silky, neon lips of grand larcenists grace the ears of grander larcenists while giving hand jobs in the seedy rear of a hovercab. Interested? Read on.

The days of now are distant memories- stories and tales passed through the generations by the eldest humans, if anyone cares to remember at all. Earth is an insignificant, obscure place compared to the vastness of the universe. One day man looked up into the stars, and he left to join them. But every dark entity that plagued man back on earth merely followed him into that dark, cold abyss. Vampires live in enormous hives of space debris with no air locks, sending out raiding ships to bring back that precious, crimson commodity from the fringes of human empires. Ghosts of long-lost voyages appear outside portholes, urging and beckoning the living to decompress and join their lonely ranks. Demons and spirits occupy everything from alien ruins on the pock-marked dark side of the moon to the very starships man traverses the boundlessness of space with- and they seldom keep their malicious existence a secret forever. Alien strippers beckon to you from the seedy bar, and supernatural terrors lurk among the shadows in the corners; neither are as malevolent as the greed of the human man who built the deep-space slave bazaar they both prowled. If man's known problems weren't enough, he was bound to find things just as awful in space, yet much more alien. Bioengeneered terrors with smooth, pallid bodies, big heads and eyes, and needles that extend from fingertips when the probing begins. Insectoid creatures that breed only through hijacking other organisms, using a mockery of their reproductive systems to implant their spawn in unsuspecting members of that race. Inside a defunct planetary outpost, a throng of self-made monsters fuses cable and hull scrap to one another's reanimated flesh, each powered by elements never seen by man. Darkness Permeates in Everything. Where the faint stars may shine, they reveal atrocious horrors. This is the entropic vastness of the cosmos. This is the Infinite Macabre.

  • Far Future or Modern-ish Science Fantasy Space Opera Setting (Modern/Future designation based on real-world Earth timeline)

  • Humans, through exploration or abductions, proliferate a large portion of the galaxies. Post-Human Species (Like the Gaianessians, potentially?) abound, as do degenerated previously human cultures or civilizations.

  • 5 Different Galaxies to explore (Including the Milky Way), and 1 perilous, totally uncharted galaxy to wonder about.

  • Alien Species out the wazoo!

  • A variety of Cultures, Religions, Governments, Anarchist States, and Unexplored Frontiers waiting to be tamed!

  • Long Distance Space Travel achieved through Stygian Gates, giant structures similar to Mass Relays that transport things into a grim alternate/parallel dimension where travel is faster because of reasons I will explain if you're curious. There's some Cryo too, between galaxies, but not for super long periods.

  • Limited and Poorly Understood but Ubiquitous Magic, Supernatural Anomalies and Beings, and Psychic Potential, all of which is vastly superseded in most regions by Reason and Technology.

You would play a young human girl on Earth who is, suddenly and to her surprise, abducted by aliens. She finds herself in the clutches of strange, alien beings that probe her body, studying her and paying close attention to her body. Perhaps they experiment on her, giving her some power, ability, or kinky property. Just as suddenly as she was abducted, however, she finds herself stranded on a strange space station, far from home. In a strange environment, with no money or knowledge of the local language, she must use her wits- and her body- to survive.

This would be set in the modern, real world, though of course with monsters and creatures and such things that are thought of as fictional, that our pair realize are very much not. One dark and stormy night on a small island off of the New England coast, our characters are going about a normal evening. I picture them as a brother and sister, relatively close in age, who don't get along well. At least, at first- though if you'd rather them be into each other from the get go, I'm perfectly fine with that. On this foreboding evening, a thick fog descends upon the town. Strange noises resound through our characters' neighborhood, though they ignore them for the most part. Later in the evening however, while outside, one of the siblings is attacked by some terrifying, aggressive creature before being saved by the other. Alternatively, they could both be inside when something attempts to break into the house. Scared, the two do their best to lock down the house and fight off any intruders until the morning. When they're finally able/forced to exit their home, they find their hometown besieged by supernatural forces of some kind, and must stick together to protect each other. Both the monsters and remaining survivors could pose a threat to our pair, and they find they can trust no one but each other.

The siblings could stick to banging each other, or if you liked the monsters could have a go as well. I was thinking if the RP goes well, they could escape (read: shoot their way out of) their hometown and run off, traveling around fighting supernatural creatures where they can. If you aren't into incest, they could also just be close friends, or just two random people from the same town that were thrust together by dire circumstances.

We've all seen our fair share- ridiculous, dark, exotic, fantastical scenes, plots, and premises in all sorts of hentai, art, and erotic games. Tentacle beasts, orcs and elves, zombies assaulting schoolgirls, Egyptian queens bedding monsters, succubi possessing otherwise innocent maidens, magical girls finding themselves overwhelmed by horny creatures. Anything, and everything- I want it all. I'm interested in pursuing all kinds of random, kinky scenarios inspired by the myriad depraved settings and circumstances encountered in hentai, and the internet at large as well I suppose. Some ideas here may overlap with some above, but for the most part they each have their own specific inspiration. Below, I'll post pairings and minor plots of things I've seen or thought up that fit the bill, though if there's anything you're interested in running by me such as a scene from a favorite hentai or video, a particularly kinky or enticing picture, or some steamy bit of erotica, I would love to check it out and hopefully get something started based off of it.

Village Girl Runs Away with a Band of Adventurers

Abducted by Aliens

Princess and Knight or Mage Maintain a Secret Relationship

Barbarian orViking Warlord Captures Maiden

Ninjas Fighting Demons in a Futuristic World

Vampire Lord x Captured Princess Taken as Prize, or Bride

Evil Sorceress Plotting to Take Over the Realm x Minions, Champion, Knight, Mage, Lord, or Prince

Necromancer x Princess, Adventuress, Peasant Girl, or Slaves

Demon x Someone Selling their Soul

Vampire or Werewolf x Serial Killer

Serial Killer x Demon or Ghost

Boarding School for Mages, Witches, Sorcerers, and the Like in the Modern Day

A Young Woman is Transferred from Her Boring but Stable Government Desk-Job to a Paranormal Investigations Agency after Her Most Recent Physical, Begins Training Beneath Experienced Superior

Female Herbalist Hunting Down Exotic, Kinky Ingredients

Modern Girl Stumbles into a Modern Fantasy World, ala Alice in Wonderland

Undying, Mummy-like God-Pharaoh x Egyptian Queen, Priestess, Peasant, Cult & Cultist

"My Boyfriend is a Vampire." Or "My Boyfriend is a Werewolf."

On Your Character's Xth Birthday, She Discovers She is a Witch

Egyptian Queen Bedding Monsters, Her Subjects, Deities, and Whatever Else She Pleases

Orcs invade a Castle to ravage the Princess and other Maidens

Orc(s) x Elven Maiden

Beastmen Raid Village, Leaving its Inhabitants Ravaged and Left for Dead

Female Android Escapes Factory or Owner

Parasites Cause a Global Catastrophe, Infecting Most Humans and Mutating Others. Your Character Struggles to Avoid Notice of the Horny Monsters

Three Families Secretly Intermarry, Tasked with an Old Tradition of Fighting (and Fucking) Monsters

Secretary Finds Out Her Boss is a Vampire, and Thinks it's Hot.

Landlord Finds Out Her Tenant(s) is a Werewolf, and Thinks it's Hot.

Goth/Wicca Girl Accidentally Actually Summons a Demon

Sacrificial Maiden x Deity, Demon, Dragon, or Monster

Stranded on a Space Station infected with Alien Life Forms

Magical Girl or Heroine x Villains and Monsters

Modern Supernatural Sex Cult

Monster Hunter x Humanoid Monster Girls

Female Farmhand at a Monster Breeding Farm

Succubus Possesses Average Girl, Sending Her on a Sex-Crazed Adventure

Female Explorer Delving into Ancient Ruins

Near-Future Battle Royale Gameshow Pitting Genetically Modified Humans/Human-Animal Hybrids Against One Another in Combat and Coitus


Hello, it’s me, the Devil.
Welcome to my little corner of Hell here on the internet.
I'm on the hunt for a few likeminded ladies to join me in a small handful of casual stories, featuring a variety of themes from Vanilla to Taboo.
Currently, I'm mostly interested in low maintenance plots that trend towards the smuttier side of things, but do have plot to them. I won't give a smut/story ratio, because truly that will depend on whatever we decide to play.
I've included a table below listing a variety of genres and settings that I'm interested in; should something catch your eye, I would love to put something together.
I have also included a small variety of more thought out plots. Nothing is set in stone; if there's an idea you like, but a fetish, character, or manner of consent you don't like, tell me. I'll be happy to edit things as necessary.
Beneath that is a list of fandoms I am familiar with and enjoy. Keep in mind that I usually avoid playing canon characters outside of a few rare scenarios.
Further down, you'll find a simple sampling of pairings and perhaps a few basic plots or prompts. Beyond those, I'm very much happy if not eager to brainstorm and put something together with my partner.
I'm only looking for female partners at the moment; I appreciate any and all interest, but I'm uncomfortable writing erotica with other dudes.
I'm a twenty something male on the East Coast, with a full time job and other responsibilities. My schedule is fucked, my activity varies, you have been warned
If you reach out, all I ask is a little patience, as sometimes I'll be on every day for a week, and others I'll be gone for half a month. It's who I am.
My limits are relatively few, but are as follows: Scat, Heavy Sexual Gore, Pegging, and... I think that's pretty much it.
My interests are myriad. Trust me. I'm just kinda... between F-Lists right now, so you'll have to take my word for it. I'll list a few kinks I'm particularly interested in just below though, on the right. If it's not there, try me.
If you're interested in starting something up, or have any questions or comments, I'm available in PM's here on BMR, or through Discord- you can reach me at The Devil#8923.
That about sums things up. Thank you for reading this far, and I hope you enjoy the rest.

Some Kinks I Like

(None of which are necessary except maybe anal, blowjobs, and good banter.)



Branding/Cigarette Burns

Drugs & Alcohol

Dubious Consent

Enthusiastic Consent

Erotic Outfits

Fantasy Races or Alien Species

Good Banter




Sexual Tension

Size Differences


AntiquitySettings, Themes, & Genres Apocalyptic Scenarios

  • The Neolithic
  • Mythic Egypt
  • The Black Plague
  • The Golden Age of Piracy
  • The Wild West

  • Fantasy
    -Gaslamp Fantasy
    -High/Low Fantasy
    -Magic Realism
    -Occult/Paranormal Fiction
    -Sword & Sorcery
    -Twisted Fairy Tales
    -Urban Fantasy​
  • Horror
  • Humor, Satire
  • Military Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Noir
  • Science Fiction
    -Raygun Gothic
    -Space Goth
    -Space Opera
    -Utopian/Dystopian Settings
  • Superheroes, Heroines, and Villains
  • Various "-punk" Derivatives
  • A.I. Takeover
  • Alien Invasion
  • Asteroid Impact
  • Astronomical Event
  • Biological
  • Climate Change
  • Natural Disaster
  • Nuclear War
  • Magical Calamity
  • Pandemic
  • Spiritual or Demonic Invasion
  • Resource Depletion
  • Technological Singularity
  • Theological End of Days
  • Zombie Apocalypse

Original Plots

She burnt down the house when she was born. The system, or the church, took her in. She was bounced from home to home, or lived in an orphanage. She... missed out on so much. There were accidents, though. Always. She'd get happy, or excited, or upset, and something would break. Or someone would get hurt. But almost always, something would catch fire.

It's been 15-18 years since she burnt down that house. She's living with that friendly priest, or a foster parent, and they know about her troubles. They know. Some of it, at least. How could you know the trauma of a girl that grew up like that? But, regardless, they try to help her.

He had a pretty shitty life. His parents were killed, by things that weren't supposed to exist. But they did. And do. But they won't when he's finished. Everything that happened to him instilled him with a great fear, a greater rage, and a passion for it. He's a drifter; he roams the country in his truck, camper in the bed, keeping an ear to the ground for strange happenings, anomalies, disappearances. It's usually nothing out of the ordinary- murderers, rapists, the occasional psycho. But when it is something beyond that, he investigates, and kills it. He's no expert, but there aren't really experts on these kind of things.

Lately, he's been hearing tell of strange fires lighting up the nearby town. His truck was seen headed that way.


It's the story of a surly young man and a troubled younger girl that can set things on fire with her mind. I was thinking she would be quite the angsty, troubled youth. She's been getting emotional, and her powers have been getting out of check. My guy investigates only to find it isn't a monster, but a girl. He doesn't want to kill her. I'm thinking they have an altercation, or meeting of some sort. Some shit burns down. She returns home eventually, something upsets her, and the place goes up in a blaze... accidentally killing her only "family," and leaving her distraught. My guy tracks her down and finds her in that situation, where he reluctantly takes her with him, intending on keeping her from hurting others and teaching her how to control her powers. I was thinking he either takes pity on her and comforts her a bit, or she begs to go with him in his transient, violent life since she essentially destroyed her own. I'd be open to other suggestions, for the female lead or the idea in general.

It's cute, dark, fun, heavy at times. Lots of living on the road out of a camper, maybe the occasional motel- one bed, tight spaces, bumping knees, elbows, and uglies. Late night quickies in the woods or truck stop bathrooms, breakfast at diners that smell of fresh coffee and stale cigarette smoke.

A young man inherits a dilapidated home on a remote island off the coast of New England. He grew up knowing nothing of his family or history, his mother spiriting him away from the island shortly after he was born. He had always been told it was because his father was a bad man, but that was only part of the story.

He receives a less than warm welcome once he steps off the boat. The locals are gruff and insular, and he finds there's little to do on the island as far as recreation goes. One evening, however, he meets a young woman at the bar who seems to instantly take a shine to him. She tells him about the island over a few drinks, and claims to have known his family. His father had owned a huge mansion perched atop one of the island's cliffs, that had mysteriously burned down nearly two decades ago, with quite a few lives lost in the blaze. His father and much extended family apparently died with the home. They find somewhere to retire for the evening, and the pair get intimate. Something the young woman wanted all along. She seems to know more than she's letting on.

Through the course of his stay, things get stranger and stranger. The young man begins experiencing strange feelings and urges, and a strong pull to the ocean... and that mansion. Upon a little exploration with his newfound friend, he begins getting answers. He's shocked when she reveals that she is in fact his cousin. Given their sexual relations, the familial relations make him uneasy, but... he can't resist her advances. She takes him one evening to explore his father's burnt-out mansion, finding it full of strange and esoteric items and tomes. As his cousin explains... his father had not only once led a cult that held sway over the island, but was in fact its object of worship. His father had the blood of a god, a great, unknowable deity of the primal seas. And now that the young man had returned to the island, he was to take his father's place at the head of a new group, to raise the cult back from the ashes. As the young man struggles to come to terms with what he is, and begins falling into his place as the new master of the island, it all begins to slip into mind-numbing Lovecraftian madness and carnal debauchery.

It was a dark and otherwise inauspicious night when the most auspicious thing happened to her. Something came for her- something not of this world. She was pulled, sound asleep or kicking and screaming, into a space ship. There, thousands of miles in the distance, the world was just a green blip before her as they probed her. As they experimented on her, when they abused her, and up until the moment it vanished out of sight as they ferried her far, far from home. She would likely never see home again.

When they are, for whatever reason, done with her, they toss her away like litter. Trash left in the wake of something much more profound. The ship docks at a space port, and before it leaves, releases the young woman onto the streets. She is, of course, at a loss- no money, food, shelter. No comprehension of anything any creature has said to her. There aren't even any humans around- well, there's been a few, but not a single one that speaks English. Regardless of what they are, however, the aliens seem to be just as interested in her body as any human man might be- and the few humans she's met seem to feel the same. With her body being her only asset, her only currency in this world... she's gonna get fucked, one way or another.

So essentially, a young woman is abducted, probed, experimented on maybe, and then dropped off on a space station with nothing. I'm perfectly happy if she shacks up with some space human or alien, gets used thoroughly by everything on the station, or slowly tries to find herself in the galaxy with her womanly wiles, and her tight bod. If the aliens experiment on her, one thing I had in mind was that she could learn an individual's language after sampling their DNA- usually meaning she'd need a thick load of semen down her throat or in her womb. Maybe some kind of bukake scene, where she has to drink a bunch of different beings' cum, getting a big language/culture boost in a shamelessly kinky manner? I'm open to ideas. Come to me with them.

You would play a young woman who has a simple, mundane government job. A desk job likely, lots of calls and paperwork. If there's anything remarkable about it, it's that she gets to be the trophy hot secretary. But, the next year, that all changes. A few weeks after her yearly physical, she's suddenly transferred to a new position, nearly without her consent. The whole affair is kept very hush-hush. When she arrives are her orientation, she finds out why.

Through clandestine screening in her physical, it was determined that she possessed latent psychic ability. Something very in demand for the government, and held in general disbelief by the majority of the world. She herself is rather stunned. After giving her a strange injection that is supposed to enhance any ability she might have, she's transferred to the Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit- VASCU, for short. A mostly secret government agency tasked with investigating and apprehending serial killers and other miscreants deemed to potentially be of supernatural origin. Having never done any work like this in her life, it's quite the shock. She's paired up with a veteran member of the organization for training and orientation, and so begins their Mentor x Mentee relationship.

Your character is free to have any government job you like initially, be it a pencil-pusher or something involving intense skill or training. Talk to me about it.

It's her birthday, and she got the usual. Clothes, perfume, cute little trinkets and that new iPhone of course. But the gift she liked the most was Becky's- that was her aunt, her cool aunt. Cool enough to say, just call me Becky. She was always so vivid, eccentric, empowered. She'd given the girl all kinds of crystals, and even that ouiji board she used in that sleepover. That one had really upset her parents. But this one... this took the cake. Beneath a bright wrapping lay a dusty, leather bound grimoire. "A book of spells" Her aunt had told her with a wink, before leaving. It was fascinating, and it definitely looked old enough to maybe have some esoteric significance. And it did. After opening it up and reading one evening, she attempts a simple spell. Just like in all the movies, the lights flicker, her candles are blown out. But nothing much happens.

A few nights later, however, something stirs her awake as it traces up the inside of her thigh. She can see her breath, it's freezing in her room. Pert nipples rise from her plump breasts, left exposed as if something had been sliding her clothes off her in her sleep. She has good, bad dreams. Violent things are done to her. Sexual things, by monsters, ghosts. She wakes up in a cold sweat. When she takes her shower, something leaves her a message scrawled in the fog on her mirror. She's a little freaked out, but the rest of the family seems normal. Maybe it's just in her head.

That night, after school, it's not in her head. As she lays there, something invisible, intangible touches her. And there's nothing she can do about it. When it's had it's fill... it whispers, into her mind.

You're Mine.

Sooner rather than later, the demon reveals itself to her. It is tied to her, in some way, and it is quite intent on tormenting and corrupting the young girl. It can appear invisible, intangible, or right before her eyes with only her being able to perceive it. He can manifest physically to interact with her or the world, have his way with her. He can disappear into her, and just be a voice in her head, watching from behind her eyes. I'm thinking, the demon torments her thoroughly as it pleases, molesting and having its way with her, compelling her to do naughty things, possessing those around them and controlling them or guiding them to do awful things to her- others at school, her father, her brother, even having the family dog betray and mount her if that's your kind of thing.

She can fight it, or succumb to it, but either way I imagine the demon leading her down a dark path into more supernatural shenanigans. I don't mind dub con, non con, or consensual (eager or otherwise) for this, and am open to any suggestions!

The Bad Part of Town- A young woman is out and about, when she's pulled into a strange, dark, modern fantasy parallel of the real world. It could happen a myriad of ways- she could take an unfamiliar subway car that transports her there, be chased and ravaged by a monster or group of strange folk, get lost in an alley, assaulted by something only to wake up somewhere else, pulled into a storm drain by a tentacle monster, a monster under her bed or from in her closet drags her away. Whatever really, or any combination, there's options. Once on the other side, she would find herself alone, unsheltered, and more or less broke in a world that's only slightly familiar. She could make her way in the world a while, or get linked up with a more permanent character, whether she wanted it or they claim her.

The Raid- This is more traditional fantasy setting, be it original, fandom, or made up as we go. You would play a common village girl, a peasant, living a dull life in a nameless village, but all that changes. One snowy evening, a horde of beastmen/orcs/bandits/barbarians attack, razing the village, killing the men, and taking whatever women and children they don't also kill. Originally, come morning your gal would wake having been utterly ravished by the aggressors, cold, naked, and alone in the snow, in the smoldering ruins of her village. From there, she would pick herself up and try to make her way to the nearest settlement, doing everything in her power to survive, only to realize once she's there that there is little pity for her, and her struggle is only beginning. Alternatively, she could be taken by the group and used to their heart's content, rescued by a band of adventurers, or found by a lone individual, friendly or otherwise..

Tavern Wench- You would play a young girl living in a small trading town. I was thinking she would either be an orphan who was taken in by the Innkeeper as free labor and something tight to warm his bed, or the daughter/sister of the innkeeper, who uses her as free labor and a pretty little thing to mount. Customers could get quite handsy too, if you liked. Either way, she's very unsatisfied with her life. So, when an adventurer, mercenary, or small group comes through... she finds herself taking a liking to them. Regaled by their stories, impressed by their feats. Their scars. She noticed those when she was beneath him, but she didn't even mind that too much. She's dismayed when he/they go to leave, and for once in her life, she follows an impulse. She either stows away in the group's wagon, asks to join them, or stalks the lone adventurer on his way out of town, revealing herself once they make camp. They're unsure about letting her join, but, the prospect of such a lovely, tight thing to wear out does much to sway the decision.

This could easily be combined with The Raid, also, if that might interest you.

It's Not Harry Potter- But it is a modern school for mages, those gifted with the potential of magical ability. It's a boarding school on a dreary New England island, surrounded by all sorts of creepy and eerie things. You'd play a new girl, facing the trials and tribulations of school, but with magic and monsters and things. Loss of virginity, innocence, lots of sneaky head, some fun magic options, naughty teachers, sexually aggressive bullies, cult like cliques that might actually be cults, all that jazz. I would play a fellow student, perhaps a teacher or some supernatural thing, or multiple characters, taking a GM-style role.

The Deal- A young woman, whether an amateur witch or an earthy gal interested in spirituality and wicca, perhaps a girl with slight psychic power, finds herself in league with a demon, somehow or another. Perhaps she summons it, or it finds her- it's bound to an item she finds or purchases, or she meets it casually somehow. She wants so much to be better at what she does, to become more powerful. And he can do that for her... all she needs is the corrupt essence of his semen to grant her more and more power... but at what cost to her, as he body becomes a receptacle for his cum, lust, and dastardly machinations?

The New Job- A young woman gets her first summer job, working the register and café of a local bookstore. The owner is a rather cool, young guy that seems friendly enough. While snooping around the store however, she stumbles into his laboratory- and what a sight it is. All sorts of esoteric and arcane things litter the room, displays that defy physics and couldn't appear to be anything other than... magic. Her humble employer is a sorcerer, as hard as that is to take in. While snooping around, she disturbs something that was meant to be locked away, and finds herself possessed by a succubus. She's shocked, and alienated, and horny in a way she really hates. When she's found by the mage, he's clearly inconvenienced and disappointed, the girl having seen far too much to be let go. Begrudgingly, he takes her on as his reluctant/unwilling assistant, and has few qualms indulging her in the urges she so fiercely craves.

We can skip the succubus part, should you prefer a story centered on the mage and a normal girl, or something else can happen to her, whether it instills a little mysticism in her or not.

Fandom Settings

The Elder Scrolls - Exalted - Fallout - Marvel - Mass Effect - Shadowrun - Star Wars - Warcraft - Warhammer 40,000 - The Witcher

Potential Pairings

Ninjas Fighting Demons in a Futuristic World

Vampire x Human

Werewolf x Human

Demon x Human

Modern Girl Wakes up from Cryo in Futuristic World

Egyptian Queen Bedding Monsters, Her Subjects, Deities, and Whatever Else She Pleases

Female Android Escapes Factory or Owner

Vampire Stalking a Club x Club Goer

A Vampire Goes to Bury a Deceased Woman Who was Clearly Drained- She Wakes Up

Newly Turned Vampire Living Out of an AirBNB x AirBNB Owner

Adventurous, Mischievous Princess x Companion(s), Enemies, Family

Landlord Finds Out Her Tenant(s) is a Werewolf, and Thinks it's Hot.

Stranded on a Space Station Infected with Alien Life Forms

Magical Girl or Heroine x Villains and Monsters

Female Explorer Delving into Ancient Ruins

Near-Future Battle Royale Gameshow Pitting Genetically Modified Humans/Human-Animal Hybrids Against One Another in Combat and Coitus

Village Girl Runs Away with a Band of Adventurers

Barbarian or Viking Warlord Captures Maiden

Necromancer x Princess, Adventuress, Peasant Girl, or Slaves

Powerful Sorceress x Minions, Champion, Adventurer, or Noble

Demon x Someone Selling their Soul

Female Herbalist Hunting Down Exotic, Kinky Ingredients

Modern Girl Stumbles into a Modern Fantasy World, ala Alice in Wonderland

Undying, Mummy-like God-Pharaoh x Egyptian Queen, Priestess, Peasant, Cult & Cultist

On Your Character's Xth Birthday, She Discovers She is a Witch

Orcs invade a Castle to ravage the Princess and other Maidens

Orc(s) x Elven Maiden

Beastmen Raid Village, Leaving its Inhabitants Ravaged and Left for Dead

Goth/Wicca Girl Accidentally Actually Summons a Demon

Sacrificial Maiden x Deity, Demon, Dragon, or Monster

Sacrificial Maiden x Cult

Monster Hunter x Humanoid Monster Girls

Female Farmhand at a Monster Breeding Farm

Succubus Possesses Average Girl, Sending Her on a Sex-Crazed Adventure

  • Good evening, and thank you for taking a peak at my thread.
  • This will serve as a slimmed down version of my current Main Thread, geared towards the things I want the most.
  • I'm looking for casual stories, with replies in the two to three paragraph range. My schedule is hectic and my activity sporadic, so I don't want to shoot for anything too big.
  • I love
  • I appreciate any and all interest, but am only looking for female partners. Writing erotica with other dudes makes me a little uncomfortable.
  • My kinks and fetishes vary from vanilla to the utterly taboo, and I have a very open mind. If there's something you're curious about, just ask.
  • Enthusiastic Consent, Dub-Con, and Non-Con all welcome.
  • My limits are relatively few. I like to avoid scat, MxM, Pegging, and extreme proportions. Nearly everything else is negotiable.
  • I rarely, if ever, play Canon characters in Fandom settings.
  • I am open to your ideas and input! Nothing below is set in stone, and if you have plots of your own, please suggest them.
  • I love plotting and world building, and like to think I'm friendly OOC. Talk to me, let's put together something grand.
  • Should you be interested in anything I have below, please feel free to PM me or reach me at my Discord- The Devil#8923


  • Good evening, and thank you for taking a gander at my thread.
  • This will serve as a concise (it was supposed to be, at least), casual search thread to find a story or two to distract myself with. That being said, I can't hold interest in anything without at least a hint of depth, so as laid back as my expectations and wants are, I'm intending to include enticing story and riveting smut in nearly anything my partner and I settle into.
  • I'm seeking relaxed expectations for gripping stories, with replies in the two to three paragraph range. My schedule is hectic and my activity sporadic, so I don't want to shoot for anything too grand in scale at the moment. I'm still a sucker for world building and interwoven character dynamics though, so come at me.
  • I appreciate any and all interest, but am only looking for partners of the feminine persuasion. Writing erotica with other dudes makes me a little uncomfortable.
  • My kinks and fetishes vary from vanilla to the utterly taboo, and I have a very open mind. If there's something you're curious about, just ask.
  • Enthusiastic Consent, Dub-Con, Non-Con, and everything in between are all welcome.
  • My limits are relatively few. I like to avoid scat, MxM, Pegging, and extreme proportions. Nearly everything else is negotiable, as long as it adheres to the site rules.
  • I rarely, if ever, play or seek Canon characters in Fandom settings. There are a few exceptions.
  • I am open to your ideas and input! Nothing below is set in stone, and if you have plots of your own, please suggest them.
  • I love plotting and world building, and I'm relatively friendly OoC for being an Elder Evil. Talk to me, let's put together something sinister. Or light hearted. I'm not always awful.
  • Should you be interested in anything I have below, please feel free to PM me, or reach out and I can offer up my Discord handle.

This is far from a complete list of what I enjoy, but given that I'm currently out of an F-list, I figured I ought to list a few. If you're curious about anything, or are wondering if I may like something in particular, don't be shy. So long as its enticing, I'm down for anything from the Vanilla to the very Taboo. Nothing below is required.

Branding, Cigarette Burns
Crying/Running Mascara
Face Fucking & Fellatio in General
Socks, Stockings, and Sultry or Slutty Clothing
Drugs, Alcohol, Potions, Injections
Grinding, Dry Humping
Interracial, Fantasy or Alien Species, and Monsters
Stuckage, Bondage
Sexual Exhaustion

Lastly, a few things I'm not particularly versed in but am somewhat interested in trying, should someone be similarly interested and if we can find the right dynamic to employ.

Light Piss Play - Foot Jobs - Femdom (no pegging, sorry 🤷‍♂️)

A Post-Apocalyptic Tryst- Survivors, Raiders, Bandits, Military, Scientists, Zombies, Mutants, Monsters, Mayhem

Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts, Demons, Witchcraft, Serial Killers and All Things Occult

Adventures in Fantasy, Dark or Lighthearted

Broad, Galaxy-Spanning Sci Fi Epics or Concise, Tight and Grounded Sci Fi Tales

Modern Tales Around the Globe of Espionage, Investigation, Crime, Civil Uprising, and the Tribulations and Relationships of Contemporary Life Most Worth Indulging In

The Elder Scrolls - Warhammer 40,000 - The Witcher - Dragon Age - D&D - Fallout - Marvel - Mass Effect - Warhammer Fantasy - Warcraft

Here's a handful of random plots, pairings, ideas, or prompts. I'm mostly looking to put something original together with a partner, but feel free to suggest anything from here if you see something you like. I have a wealth of plots in my head. We'll figure something out. Most roles are flexible, and nothing is set in stone.


"You can live in a cage, or you can live in a gilded cage. The choice is yours."

"I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you could scarcely imagine, and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot have the one, I will indulge the other."

The Rookie- Random, menial bureaucratic employee tests positive for latent psychic ability in her yearly physical, unbeknownst to her. Is transferred to a clandestine government agency that investigates supernatural crimes. Is paired with an aloof, veteran investigator.

Schrodengers Cat & Mouse - Mage, psychic, scientist, or something starts mucking around with timelines, and an agent of the space-time police or whatever is sent after them to correct things. Romance, rivalry, and physics defying shenanigans ensue.

To Hell if I don't Change My Ways - Sold his soul, now he's repenting before it's due. Meets someone that can help. Supposedly.

Thalassaphobia- Young Man returns to the New England island he was born on, his late mother having left with him when he was an infant. She's hid her past there from him, but the death of a relative who left him property brings him back to the island.

A Young Woman on the island, his cousin, begins having dreams of being at the bottom of the ocean, the vaguely Lovecraftian sea-god of the cult her parents had followed calling to her.

Young Man is met by rude and hostile locals, until found- and eventually seduced- by Young Woman. She shows him around the island, explaining some of it's history, before eventually revealing his father was the god and leader of a cult which had once ruled the island, having fallen shortly after Young Man's birth to a calamity. She explains that she is his cousin, that he has returned to fulfill a prophecy in which a new god would come to reclaim the island and restore the cult, and that he is destined to be divinity- and she is to be his humble, if not manipulative, servant.

Village Girl Runs Away with a Band of Adventurers

Abducted by Aliens

Barbarian or Viking Kidnaps Maiden

Demons Invade the Real World, Ushering in Apocalyptic Circumstances

Evil Sorceress Plotting to Take Over the Realm x Minions, Champion, Knight, Mage, Lord, or Prince

Necromancer x Prince(ss), Adventurer/ess, Peasant, or Slaves

Demon x Someone Selling their Soul

Demon x Human, Vampire, Witch

Haunted House

Paranormal Investigators

Vampire x Human, Vampire

Werewolf x Human, Werewolf

Vampire x Werewolf

Serial Killer x Demon, Ghost, Werewolf, Vampire, or Victim Willing to Help

Fledgling Vampire Trying to Navigate Feeding and Unlife During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Female Herbalist Hunting Down Exotic, Kinky Ingredients

Undying God-Pharaoh x Egyptian Queen, Priestess, Peasant, Cult & Cultist

Egyptian Queen Bedding Monsters, Her Subjects, Deities, and Whatever Else She Pleases

Orcs invade a Castle to ravage the Princess and other Maidens

Orc(s) x Elven Maiden

Beastmen Raid Village, Leaving its Inhabitants Ravaged and Left for Dead

Female Android Escapes Factory or Owner

Stranded on a Space Station infected with Alien Life Forms

Magical Girl or Heroine x Villains and Monsters

Monster Hunter x Traveling Companion, Healer, Rescued Maiden, or Monster Girls

Succubus Possesses Average Girl, Sending Her on a Sex-Crazed Adventure

Goth/Wicca Girl Accidentally Actually Summons a Demon

Near-Future Battle Royale Gameshow Pitting Genetically Modified Humans/Human-Animal Hybrids Against One Another in Combat and Coitus

AntiquitySettings, Themes, & Genres Apocalyptic Scenarios

  • The Neolithic
  • Mythic Egypt
  • Arthurian Britannia
  • The Viking Age
  • The Crusades
  • The Inquisition in Europe
  • Conquest of the New World
  • Colonial America
  • Salem Witch Hunts
  • The Golden Age of Piracy
  • Industrial Revolution
  • The Year Without a Summer
  • The Wild West
  • The Great War
  • The Dust Bowl
  • World War II
  • Civil Unrest, Revolution, Calamity, or Intrinsic Struggles in Modern Locales:
    -Cosmopolitan United States
    -New England
    -Pacific Northwest
    -Rural America
    -The Bayou​
  • Alternate History
  • Crime and the Law
  • Detectives and Investigations
  • Fantasy
    -Contemporary Fantasy
    -Dark Fantasy
    -Gaslamp Fantasy
    -High/Low Fantasy
    -Magic Realism
    -Occult/Paranormal Fiction
    -Sword & Sorcery
    -Twisted Fairy Tales
    -Urban Fantasy
    -Weird Fiction​
  • Horror
  • Humor, Satire
  • Noir
  • Science Fiction
    -Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalypse Scenarios
    -Dying Earth
    -Mundane/Contemporary Sci-fi
    -Raygun Gothic
    -Space Goth
    -Space Opera
    -Space Western
    -Utopian/Dystopian Settings​
  • Superheroes, Heroines, and Villains
  • Tragedy
  • Various "-punk" Derivatives
  • A.I. Takeover
  • Alien Invasion
  • Asteroid Impact
  • Astronomical Event
  • Biological
  • Climate Change
  • Natural Disaster
  • Nuclear War
  • Magical Calamity
  • Pandemic
  • Spiritual or Demonic Invasion
  • Resource Depletion
  • Technological Singularity
  • Theological End of Days
  • Zombie Apocalypse



Greetings, Mortal

I am the Devil, and this is my effortless search. I call it that because, I'll be honest with you, this is on a whim and will be barebones as fuck. But don't worry; all that strenuous, vested effort that I could have funneled into making this thread all handsome and interesting- bbcode that would make you all but salivate at a glance, organized, informative tables galore, and maybe even a mobile friendly layout- all that effort is going to be put towards whatever wondrous scenario we decide to delve into instead. So, dear reader, please read on. I'll provide you with some informative bullet points or whatever I can throw together, and if you've still got a little interest by the end of it, I look forward to seeing you reach out.

  • I am the Devil. Don't be shy. I don't have an f-list on hand, but really. Try me. I'm into a wide variety of things and topics both taboo and vanilla, and even if I'm not into it I'm likely willing to try in the right circumstance.
  • Avoid MxM, Scat, Pegging, Heavily Exaggerated Proportions, and we should be fine. Outside of those, I can be flexible.
  • I mean no ill will and appreciate any interest, but I would prefer if my partners were biological women. If I'm being honest, I'm only comfortable writing erotica opposite someone of the opposite sex. I appreciate any understanding there. I'm not going to be a creep, but this is a hobby, and one I'd like to be comfortable participating in.
  • You won't like my schedule. It's hectic and I'm unreliable. Won't ghost you. But I might end up taking forever and a day to get back to you. That being said, that's something I'm aiming to improve on, as far as writing goes and in my life in general outside of this site. My time management is garbage.
  • I love to communicate, banter, world build, contribute to the plot, all of those wonderfully transparent endeavors that make for a good time on both ends. You should too.
  • I have a wide variety of fandoms that I enjoy. Mostly video games, along with a few movies and shows. Ask about them if you want. I also have a ton of homebrew settings cooked up in my head. A panoply of plots to go with them. This thread's a little scant, but rest assured. If you have interest, I have ideas. And if you have ideas? That's amazing.
  • As far as requirements go, I don't have many. Be patient. I'd prefer if you be willing to include the potential of anal, oral, and vaginal intercourse- the first two are a bit of a favorite, so I like having the option. I'm totally ghost friendly, but if you have an issue or question with anything at all, speak up. I'm very easy to work with.
  • That ought to do it. I roleplay primarily through Private Messages, but might be willing to disclose my discord should you ask. If you're game, come play.

Relevant KinksSettings

  • Anal (Painal?)
  • Fellatio & Cunnilingus
  • Eager Consent
  • Dubcon
  • Noncon
  • Fantasy Races & Alien Species
  • Monsters & Monstrous Characters
  • Fun, Fluid Banter
  • [Your Favorite Kink Here]

(Nothing here is necessary besides the potential of Anal, Oral, and Vaginal sex. I'll work with you.)
  • High Fantasy - Sword and Sorcery
  • Modern Supernatural - Urban Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
  • Period Piece - Alternate History - Historic Fantasy
  • Apocalypse - Post Apocalypse
  • Science Fiction - Cyberpunk - Space Opera
  • All the Other Fun "Punks" - Biopunk, Dieselpunk, Steampunk, Stonepunk (<- my personal favorite)
  • Heroes & Villains

Half Assed Prompts & Plots

Village Girl Runs Away with a Band of Adventurers

Evil Sorceress Summons Bitchy, Begrudged Champion to Aid Her Conquest

Classic Oversexualized Zombie Apocalypse

Herbalist Discovers Wounded Knight & Nurses Him to Health

Herbalist Makes $$$ Selling "Exotic" Monster Ingredients, Retains Knight for Protection

Female Android Escapes or is Lost by Factory, Owner, or Shipping & Smuggling Company

Slumber Party! OMG the Ouiji Board Worked!

Abducted; by Aliens! Or People. I'll Make it Work.

Demons Invade the Real World - Society as We Know it Crumbles - Chaos Reigns - We Have But One Hope, Blessed to Fight This Madness - Why Does She Keep Getting Fucked Though I Thought She Had Powers
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