Detailed F wanted for polygamy RP and other ideas (new plot 5/4/23)


Feb 10, 2016
I wanted to put forth an idea I am very interested in and could get up and running; I am wanting to build a story about a polygamist family. MC would be the husband/father and yours would be one of the wives, with both of us developing and writing for the remaining wives and children as we go along. We can start with YC already part of the family or where she meets and grows acquainted with them. I have several ideas of how she could have become part of the family:

The traditional route--she grew up in the poly community and was expected to marry into it

She grew up in the outside world but was put off by no one sharing her conservative and traditional values and beliefs until she meets MC

She is a reporter coming to interview the family for a story and overtime grows to fall in love with MC and the lifestyle

She left an abusive marriage, relationship or family and was found by one of my family members who offered her a better way of life

(Adding somewhat of an incest theme). Her mother had her before moving into the community, escaping a bad marriage. She then married MC as a wife and has adapted into the lifestyle, with YC seeing mine as a stepfather figure. Lately though he has started to see her in a new way and wants to court her into being his newest wife.

This family and community can run the spectrum from being very harmonious where everyone has an equal say to very authoritarian where the husband's word is absolute and final, no questions asked. I was thinking MC would be one of the higher ranking leaders in the community or perhaps even the leader/prophet who directs everyone else's lives as well. Having such a large ensemble of family members will give plenty of opportunities for different personality types and interactions/conflict to happen. In the past I have only done this as a 1x1 story but I could also see this working well as a group effort too. Let me know if you are interested!

A few other ideas I had in mind:

Creating a story around a fictional 'quiverfull' religious family (like a fictional version of 19 kids and counting). It has some of the same elements as the story mentioned above but also some different elements too that I find interesting.

A third option is a story of mythical characters (such as centaurs) where MC is the leader of the community that others see as wise and powerful. YC ends up joining my family and clan, again under various circumstances such as getting lost and needing shelter and support, as part of a conquest from wiping out an enemy clan, etc. This too I see as a large ensemble story with several characters able to interact that we both can develop and work on.

A fourth option would involve an age gap story where MC had a family with grown children previously but now decides later in life he wants a do-over with a much younger woman who will be entirely submissive to him, while she in turn is also looking for the same. This can create drama and tension anytime he interacts with the grown members of his family or any kind of discipline that might be needed if she doesn’t obey.
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