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The Biker and the Shy Girl ( tempted_kitsune and Chiechan )

Jan 16, 2009
Ryoumou was one of the school's worst problem students. The fact that she was a girl didn't make her any less dangerous, in fact, there hadn't been a boy who had been able to take down the violent girl. She had always been a problem...but recently her acts of violence had slowed down...not stopped, but slowed down for sure.

Most didn't know, but anyone who watched closely would have seen Ryoumou watching a cute shy girl with ;long flowing grey hair. Since she was so shy and such a book worm, she wasn't that popular...but it seemed to one girl, she was everything.

Day after day, Ryoumou began to follow her more and more...sighing happily as she got to see more of the lovely girl. She soon even began to do her homework, since being expelled would mean not being able to see her cute angel anymore. It was all an ends to a means though....this cute angel...was Ryoumou's life now.
Kohaku was a very shy girl,so shy that most people tended to ignore her,to not even notice that she existed.She didn't mind though,she had her many books to read and for a time she was happy to just read and read their many stories,a spectator in the lives of others.She was so used to being ignored that she never even noticed that one of the schools most dangerous and problem students had seemed to take an interest in her.

She continued about her own way day after day,not seeing that that same girl was now following her,going out of her way to see her with her long silvery hair and deep,warm topaz eyes.She had noted seen Ryoumou around much more,she seemed to finally be taking interest in her school work, but she never connected that she was the reason why Ryoumou was staying around much more.
One day, outside of school, a group of girl bullies approached Kohaku and began to tease her. They took her books and threw them to the ground....trying to shake her down for money.

OOC: Short post, but want to give Kohaku a chance to respond.
Kohaku looked down at the ground and tried to get away as the girls crulely teased her,pulling at her hair and grabbing her book."P...please give me my book...."She said in her soft voice,trying to reach for it.The girls merely laughed cruely and tossed the book back and forth between them as Kohaku tried in vain to catch it."How about you give us your money and we might not burn your precious book.."One of them jeered as they pulled out a lighter and threatened to burn it.
"oh? Is it play time?" Another voice came from behind the others. "What a shame I wasn't invited. I guess I'll just have to intrude then..."

The girls looked around and saw Ryoumou... the other girls backed up...looking very nervous as they realized who it was. The leader, some girl with long black hair, smirked and said. "Hey..stay out of this ol' One Eye, or you might be completely blind before the day is through."

" that so?" Ryoumou smiled. "And who's going to do that?"

"Hmm...cute...but you may not have noticed, there's 5 of us, and 1 of you."

"You're right, that's not very fair." Ryoumou grinned. "Why don't you go and get a few more, and it might be even. In fact, there's a primary school right around the corner, they might add to your intelligence pool."

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" The girl screamed and threw a fist at Ryoumou.

No one saw her move. They only saw her close her one eye, and the next second...the girl was on her knees..her arm twisted behind her back, with Ryoumou twisting the girl's wrist in completely the wrong way.

" language. What a sad are all going to leave...and NEVER harass this girl again...because if you do..."


Ryoumou twisted the wrist some more. "Please...I do hate being interrupted. Because if you do, even if there's no evidence to link you, I will find you, I will get you, and I will break EVERY bone in your body....UNDERSTOOD!?!?!?"


Ryoumou smirked and threw the girl to the ground. The girl got up quickly..rubbing her wrist, and ran off with her friends...not even looking back.

Ryoumou just watched them run off silently.
Kohaku couldnt help but to look on in supprise as she heard a new voice and gasped when she recongized Ryoumou. "W...why is she here? whys she defending me?"She thought as she watched the five girls and Ryoumou excanging insaults and threats.Kohaku knew the rumors and stories about Ryoumou's skills but it seemed that the girls either didnt care or didnt believe them.As she listened the the threats that Ryoumou gave to the girl,twisting her arm violently and effortlessly she could only watch in scilence as the leader was released and the girls ran off.

Kohaku quickly moved to where her book was on the ground,its cover damaged from being droped and picked it up gently.Holding the book to her chest she watched Ryoumou,not understanding why she had defended her.No one else had ever bothered why would she?
Ryoumou softly approached the girl, and in a tone no one else had ever heard before, she asked quietly. "Are you okay Kohaku-san?" She looked at the book. "IF you'd like, I could make them buy you a new one....Did they hurt you at all?" She looked the girl over...looking for any sign of injuries...but she ended up going even redder when the girl's eyes turned to meet hers.
To say that Kohaku was still in shock would be an understatement,she had never heard Ryoumou speak in such a soft tone of voice.At her questions she snaped out of her shock and shook her head quickly."P...please no....I dont mind about the book.I dont wish to cause you any more trouble.."She said in her soft voice before realizing that she had asked her if she was ok as well."Im stoped them before they could do anything....thank you."She said as she looked up and discovered that her mind had ground to a halt as she locked eyes with her.the look in her eye was so diffrent from how it had been only moments before.
Ryoumou slowly walked over to the girl and took her hands gently...and softly caressed them. She saw one was a bit bruised, and that one she put to her lips and kissed softly. "Just for today....could I...would you let me walk you home...Ms. Kohaku?" She was completely enraptured by the girl's beauty, she just wanted to fall to her knees and propose. However, she knew in her heart, she never had a chance with her. Gender aside, Kohaku was from a different world and class from her. A class that could never accept a ruffian like her.
Kohaku watched quietly as Ryoumou closed the distance between them and took her hands gently.A blush came to Kohaku's face as she felt her gentle caresses and deepened when Ryoumou brought her brused hand to her lips and kissed it, Kohaku had not even realized that she had been hurt at all.She had never noticed before how beautiful Ryoumou was,she had a strength ,a roughness that Kohaku found herself being drawn to.To tell the truth Kohaku had allways wished that she could be strong and able to do the things that Ryoumou could."I....I would like that very much."She finaly said,a shy smile on her lips.
Ryoumou softly took the girl's hands in hers...and moved her face closer to Kohaku. She could tell, to her happiness, that the girl was fond of her two. She softly put her finger under the girl's chin..and lifted it softly. "Um...would you mind, if I stole a small kiss before I take you home?" She asked softly, and with a soft twinkle in her one remaining eye.
Kohaku blushed as Ryoumou took her hands and drew closer still.Her breath catching in her breast as her face was lifted gently and she was asked for a kiss.She blushed deeply and nodded quietly unable to say anything.Her world had seemed to come to a stand still as she gazed into the single eye of Ryoumou.Kohaku knew that she wanted to kiss her,to feel her full,silky lips and taste their sweetness.
Ryoumou held the girl to her softly and just kissed her long and slow...gently moving her hands up and down the girl's backside as she let her tongue express her love and desire for the shy but lovely girl.
Kohaku shivered softly as she felt Ryoumou's electric kiss,slow and tender.She wrapped her arms around the beautiful woman's waist as she shyly returned her kiss.She couldn't get enough of her silky sweetness,her lips parting and allowing her tongue entrance,her own gently flicking agiasnt hers.
Ryoumou softly broke the kiss...and pulled back gently. "That was incredible. And you are as beautiful as I always imagined." She looked around them slowly. "However, maybe this isn't the place for us to do this, would you like to go somewhere more discreet?"
Kohaku shook her head at her words,blushing deeply."T...thats not true..Im just plain and unintresting.."She said.It had been said to her so many times over the years that she had begun to believe it."W....where did you wish to go?"She managed to ask before looking down shyly.She didnt know how to act,everything that was happening to her was strange and wonderful.
Ryoumou smiled and took the girl's hand, saying nothing more, but leading her to a hot red and black gothi-styled motorbike...she handed the girl her motorbike and smiled. "Put this on..I know a lovely place to take us....have you ever been on a Harley before?"
Kohaku blushed again as she felt Ryoumou take her hand and lead her to her Motorbike.She gasped softly and looked to her."I...Its amazing...Ive never ridden one before.."She said as she took the helmet that was handed to her and ran a gentle hand along the bikes body,admiring it before looking back to her.
Ryoumou smiled and kissed her lips softly. "It will look even more beautiful with you on it." She helped the girl get on..and then got on herself...and started it up. "Next home away from home..." She smiled and slowly drove away...keeping the bike at a good speed so the girl could get used to it.
Kohaku kissed her back a little less shyly this time,She was beginning to grow more comfortable with Ryoumou's affection.She was glad for her help with getting onto the bike and glad to be able to be so close to her.She wrapped her arms around Ryoumou's waist and smiled softly as the bike came to life.She was greatful that Ryoumou was not going too fast and began to enjoy herself as she grew used to the bike.
Ryoumou sighed happily as she felt the warmth of the girl behind her...and took her to a small little park on the outskirts of the city. Noone came here now because it was too far out, and with the newer parks built inside, this place mainly was kept just for the appearance sakes. It was here that Ryoumou dismounted and helped the girl off of the bike and then lifted her in her arms. She smiled at her lovingly and then carried her to the center of the park near a pond and lay her down by the lake side...she then lay beside her. " you."
Kohaku was curious as to where they were going until they finally came to a long forgotten park hidden in the city's outskirts.She smiled softly as she was helped off of the bike and blushed as she was picked up.She couldn't help but to nuzzle against her as she was carried down by the lake and layed down gently.She bit her lip and looked up at her shyly as she heard those lovely words slipping out of her silky lips and blushed deeper."I....I love you too..."She said softly,gazing up at her.
Ryoumou then began to kiss her long and slow, letting her hands softly stroke Kohaku's soft sweet body, as her tongue softly began to slip inside of those cute pink lips. She kept her eyes open though, looking right into her lover's eyes as she got more into the love making...she softly tried to move her hand down to softly massage the girl's soft supple bumcheeks.
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