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Digimon Chaotic Net


Jupiter Bound
Jan 27, 2019
US East Coast
Written by BrightChaos

(Luke, Lucy, Renamon, and Gabumon)

"Fox Leaf Arrowheads!" A fox like Digimon with silver fur launched several energy blades to strike the attacking Digimon. It was nothing like the world they had known before.

"Black Ice!" The virus Gabumon spat out ice on the ground and the lumbering Tyranomon fell onto the ground shaking it.

"Hurry! Before he recovers!" Renamon called and the Gabumon followed closely before. While these attacking creatures must be Digimon they did not show the independence that a Digimon should. It was like they were an imitation of some sort. They knew this was not the Digital World they had come from. But it was like it in many ways.

The due reached what they were told was Kowloon level 2. The two stopped to take a rest.

"Where do we go now? Our world is lost..." Gabumon asked. Renamon did not have an answer and simply looked to the ground.

(Steve and Liollmon)
"Watch out! That thing will hack your account!" Someone called and several people starting moving cautiously away as a small lion like Digimon walked through Eden's Comic Mania Forum. The chatting about the most recent comic issues stopped as the Digimon looked up to the people. Some headed to the circular platform and vanished as they logged out. But Liollmon looked around confused. How had he arrived here? And where were his friends?

"Where am I?" Liollmon asked curiously. But no one seemed to want to answer.

"No, someone just hacked their avatar." One person tried to calm everyone down.
"Yes, and it can hack ours just as easily!" A more panicked person explained.

(Daniel and Plotmon)
"Nothing to be afraid of. This isn't do bad." The blond-haired boy said to himself looking over the freaky landscape of Kowloon level 1. Once could see what it had once been. Long ago it was coded as a play place for children. But now it was distorted by all the hacking and corrupted code. Several monitors were stacked up to the left and to the right a giant torn up stuffed bear stood. He looked to his Digivice as his class mates mockingly asked if he had been hacked yet on the DigiLine.

"Chances of being hit by a hacker are low." Daniel told himself and took a deep breath and a few more steps further in. All he had to do was make it through an hour and they would be satisfied and stop bothering him.

(Seth and Alraumon)

Seth sat at the computer desk and took the headset in his hands. This had become so routine for him. He put on the headset and his body grew still. When his eyes opened he looked at Kowloon level 2. His eyes scanned it until he found the DigiMarket. If he was going to make it in this business he was going to need a Digimon. The group he had been working with broke up and of course they up and vanished along with the Digimon they had.

When he looked through the Digimon on display in cages one behaved different then the others catching his eyes.

(Michael and Blacktailmon)

"Digimon not found!?" Micheal shouted in disbelief looking at the game screen. He had all been ready to start battling the other tamers but his character was gone. He heard people in line behind him complaining so he sighed in annoyance and logged out to let the next person play. A beep came from his Digivice and he looked at his DigiLine mostly as something to do as he walked. But the message was addressed from the missing game character? Was this a joke!? Had someone somehow stolen it and wanted money?

He reluctantly went to public computer and placed the headset on. Even though he had never seen it before he know from other's descriptions what Kowloon was. He could even tell he was pretty far in.

"Now or never..." He said walking further in. He just hoped he had enough money saved up to pay these freaks off.
(Luke, Lucy, Steve - Enter Liollmon - Eden - Comic Mania Forum)

They knew they were extremely rare--- Identical twins, being uncommon enough, were never opposite genders. Of course, they had started as a single zygote (We call her LeeAnne) with the XX set of chromosomes, but she split into two identical females. Then, somewhere along the first trimester, nature had its way, and Baby A mutated into XY. LeeAnne and Lucille became Lucas and Lucille, and they wouldn't have had it any other way.

Firstborn Lucas, the Master Manipulator, wore his light blonde hair on top, shaving the back and sides down to a stubble. Lucy wore her hair long and parted it drastically to the right, and kept the left side of her head shaved as well. Their eyes were muddied swirls of hazel, shifting the dominant hues between green, gray and blue. They stood at the exact same 5'3 height, and had identical industrial piercings in their left ears' cartilage.

The duo were lingering around Eden's Comic Mania Forum when they heard the commotion. A golden lion cub creature with a blaze of electric red mane was prowling around, hissing fiercely as the players scattered the scene. Many vanished into the circular platform as they logged out, but Luke and Lucy wanted a closer look.

"No, someone just hacked their avatar." Lucy tried to calm everyone down.
"Yes, and it can hack ours just as easily!" A panicked Luke retorted.

Lucy was always more brazen of the two, while Luke the more reserved, but he wasn't about to leave his little sister here to investigate on her own.

"Look out bro!" Luke exclaimed as the territorial creature stalked toward Steven, a schoolmate of theirs.

"Critical Bite!" Liollmon cried out in fear as Steven turned to face to commotion.

"Shit!" The muscular boy cried out, sending his elbow out, in either self defence or attack, he wasn't sure until contact was made...Luckily for Steven, it was the latter... Instead of being bitten by the Holy Beast Digimon, the execution of the low success rate attack was flawed; Steven's elbow collided with the Rookie Digimon's lower jaw, and the static electricity of his mane surged.

Landing into the pair of twins, Liollmon cried out... They stumble in hesitation, but ultimately they want to see if the creature is alright.

"Steve, you're such a jerk!" Lucy complained. "Can't you see he's afraid?"

"Well, shit, kid..." Steve said, running his fingers through his curls. "He attacked me..."

(Daniel and Plotmon - Kowloon Level 1)

"Woah, don't be scared..." Plotmon told herself. "Almost out of here now..."

The small pet-like Digimon padded her way along the outskirts of Kowloon level 1, desperately trying to put as much distance between herself and the DigiMarket as possible. Her eyes swelled with intimidation as she sensed other Digimon present. She just wanted to get home, and she was certain that home laid just outside the place she had suddenly found herself in.

This place was a creepy, run down playground with chunks of streaming data particles dissipating into the electric air. The growling voice of nunemon could be heard in the distance as the sky darkened into eveningtide. Plotmon darted behind a stack of old broken monitors as she trembled in fear. She could see a tall, lanky boy, presumably one of the hackers who locked Digimon in cages.

(Seth and Alraumon - Kowloon Level 2 - DigiMarket)

Alraumon sighed, her purple vine fingers wrapped around the bars of her cage; she had been a prisoner since early this morning. It had been a long grueling day as a ware in the DigiMarket, sitting alone in a cage among other Digimon on display. The flower petals upon her head perked for the first time as she laid eyes upon a human boy.

He had jet back hair and friendly green eyes, and something about him piqued her interest.

"Hello," She meeped. "I'm Alraumon."

(Michael and Blacktailmon - Enter Kowloon)

Blacktailmon had somehow managed to escape from the Digimon Battle Games, but yet, she felt a bit of a kinship with the boy who had tamed her. Twitching her violet and ebony tail swiftly, she lurks silently in the darkness. A quiet gasp escapes her lips as she watches Michael log in, and then quickly back out in frustration. The virus-type Digimon tapped into his DigiLine and penned a short message to her boy partner.

"Meet In Kowloon"
Written by BrightChaos

(Luke, Lucy, Steve - Enter Liollmon - Eden - Comic Mania Forum)

As the strange creature were making around frantically as this frightened Liollmon. One a larger one surprised him he lunched with his Critical Bite attack. But it was a hard move to execute and he messed up and ended up crashing into his target felling the hard elbow on his jaw. He growled from it as he quickly scrambled back to his feet.

The beast let out a low growl as he slowly took a step forward.
"Are you looking for a fight?" The lion-like Digimon asked in anger as he began to circle the trio. He looked to Steven in paticular and eyed him.

"You seem to be a fighter. Are you these people's leader?" He asked demanded.

(Daniel and Plotmon - Kowloon Level 1)

Daniel moved cautiously but heard a quite voice. He looked around but saw no-one. Where had it come from? Was one of these monitor's on? He walked up to the screen only to then hear something behind him. He turned around to lock eyes with the stalk-eyes of a Numemon. The boy jumped back startled crashing into the monitors and soon found himself covered in them.

"Owee...." He complained. He heard a beep from his Digivice but didn't have time to look at it as the Mollusk Digimon crawled closer.


(Seth and Alraumon - Under Kowloon Level 2 - DigiMarket)

Seth stopped to look at the plant Digimon that even introduced herself to him from the cage. Her behavior was so different and his curiosity spiked.

"You got a good eye. We just caught that one recently. An older teen who seemed to be running the sale said. He had jet black hair and brown eyes and wore a cap.

"How much for this one." Seth said quickly wanting to get to the point.

"8000 bits." The seller said with a slight amused tone.

"8000? For a Child-level Digimon?!" Seth protested.

"Take it or leave it." The seller said smugly. Seth realized he had made the mistake of showing to much interest. He wasn't going to get a good deal now. But for some reason he knew this Digimon was important.

"7500." He offered.

"Deal!" The other guy agreed. He took out his Digivice and transferred the bits. The seller let her out of the cage. Seth reached for her "hand" to lead her.

"Come with me." He said not wanting to say more while at the DigiMarket for fear of drawing more attention.


(Michael and Blacktailmon - Enter Kowloon level 1)

"Okay! I can do this." He said as he logged in. He ran a hand through his brown hair as he looked around at the strange landscape. He stepped off of the circular platform and glanced back to his Digivice. He saw the new message and then send a reply.

I am here. Where are you?

It confirmed with a beep as he sent it. He didn't immanently see any hackers. Were they able to conceal themselves somehow? He forced himself to relax as he waited.
(Black Gabumon, Silver Renamon - Kowloon Level 2)

A group of three Hackers watched as two very unique Digimon worked together to take down a Tyranomon. One virus Renamon launched an energy attack with a critical hit, she wore teal blue gauntlets over her silver pelt. She was paired up with a virus attributed Gabumon who successfully executed an ice-type attack, effectively eliminating the Champion Level opponent. He had white scaly skin and wore a black pet down his back, hiding his face.

The Silver Renamon seemed to be calling the shots, as the Black Gabumon followed her away from the scene. The Hackers trailed behind, eager to observe further and capture the pair as they rested in Kowloon Level 2.

(Luke, Lucy, Steve, Liollmon - Eden - Comic Mania Forum)

Steven let out the merry ha-ha he was known for, brushing his fingers through his curly brown hair again.

"No way, little buddy." Steven responded to the growling Digimon circling their feet. "I wouldn't want to fight you bare handed!!'d slice me to ribbons!"

Steven approached the monster at the Theriaux twins' feet, but only to extend his hand toward Lucy. Lucy rolled her eyes, she knew the only reason Steven stood so close, his hand hovering near her head, was to put her in a compromising position near his waist. She shoved him away at the hips as she knelt beside the feisty Digimon. Luke stood on his own accord when the lion Digimon asked if Steven was their leader.

"No way Lucy would ever take orders from me." Steven retorted, harassing the blonde with an elbow to the shoulder.

"Well that's because you couldn't lead a cat out of a paper bag." Standing finally, Lucy scoffed. "And don't be such a liar, you're the biggest bully in school!" To be fair, he had pushed Lucas around more than enough times throughout middle school.

"Oh, when will you let that go?" Steven groaned.

(Daniel and Plotmon - Enter Numemon - Kowloon Level 1)

Plotmon scattered behind the big, torn up Monzaemon plushie and hid behind the neighboring tower of monitors as Daniel came over to investigate.

Ooooh, this is bad... She thought to herself. I'm going to get poached for the DigiMarket for sure...

Suddenly, the boy shouted out as he toppled over the stack of monitors Plotmon had just been trembling behind, sending it crashing down on top of himself. A slug-like Digimon retracted its long slimy tongue to bear its teeth at Daniel as growls rumbled from its huge mouth.

Two green slimy arms extended from Numemon's side, palms full of dung piles, and he began hurtling them toward the blonde.

(Seth and Alraumon - Under Kowloon Level 2 - DigiMarket)

Alraumon listened intently as the two ebony haired humans haggled the the price on her head.

"Hey!" She shouted as Seth tried to talk the older teen down on the price. They came to an agreement quickly and just like that, her cage was open... "Huh?"

She watched curiously as the boy extended a hand towards her. He asked for her to come along, and since the boy had just eagerly paid for her freedom, she assumed she must oblige; at least until she got out of the busy Marketplace.

She hopped down from her imprisonment and took her leafy purple hand into his, walking quickly along.

(Michael and Blacktailmon - Enter Kowloon level 1)

Sure enough, the boy courageously showed his face in the mysterious depths of Kowloon. Edging along the shadows, Blacktailmon watched as the boy nervously looked around before picking up his Digivice.

I am here. Where are you?

The Digimon scoffed, was that the best he could do? Nevertheless, she pridefully stalked her way out of the shadows, her golden eyes blinking as they adjusted to the light. She used her big purple gloves to push herself up onto two feet and put her paws on her hips.

"There you are." She said, not pleasantly.
(Black Gabumon, Silver Renamon - Kowloon Level 2)

Renamon kept her battle posture as her eyes still kept an eye out for trouble. It almost seemed almost to quite. Gabumon, now knowing better plopped down to catch his breath.

One hacker looked to the other. He sent a message.

We can sell these two in Under Kowloon for a good price.

Renamon's ear perked up as a light buzzing sound appeared.

"Look out!" She called but it was to late as a large land swiped Gabumon sending him flying and he fell unconscious. Renamon looked up as the Kabuterimon diving in for another attack. A hacker rode on the insect's back calling it's attacks.


(Luke, Lucy, Steve, Liollmon - Eden - Comic Mania Forum)

Liollmon slowed as the trio seemed more playful if obnoxious then an actual threat.

"Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I am Liollmon. What is this place known as?" The small lion Digimon relaxed his composure to appear less threatening. If he was going to make sense of his current whereabouts he was going to have to work with the natives here.


(Daniel and Plotmon - Enter Numemon - Kowloon Level 1)

Daniel had to cover his nose as one of the dung only missed his head by abit. Why was the virtual world even able to imitate that smell? He turned and started to run as the Numemon chased after him.

"Haha you loser. Already Numemon he doesn't have any Digimon." A voice came out and a hacker appeared disabling his stealth program. It was a young man with a white mask on wearing a suit. The Numemon stopped his attack and waited.

Daniel stopped and stared at the guy in disbelief. What was he to make of this.

"I thought there was a Digimon who escaped the DigiMarket here. But if you had one you wouldn't be cowering like that. But I can take your accou-" The masked man stopped at catchinng Plotmon out of the corner of his eyes.

"-or maybe I was wrong. You're a better actor then I thought. I'll be taking that Digimon." He stated firmly. Daniel's expressing changed form shock to confusion. He didn't have a Digimon.


(Seth and Alraumon - Under Kowloon Level 2 - DigiMarket)

Seth was glad that the Digimon cooperated. Once they were out of earshot of the DigiMarket he turned to look at her.

"Tell me. Where you instructed to act that way back there?" He had to ask. Most of the Digimon he met were made from the DigiConversion process to ensure loyalty. But this one just seemed different.

(Michael and Blacktailmon - Enter Kowloon level 1)

Micheal stopped at seeing the Digimon reveal herself. There was no mistaking it. That was his character from the game. He looked around half expecting there to be hackers waiting to ambush him. But there was no one else.

Then to his surprise the game character talked. And seemed upset.

"I'm sorry....are you?" He wasn't sure if he should just flat out ask if she was Blacktailmon. Was this some kind of hacker trick? He wasn't will educated on the subject.
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