Fx Any MCU and DC


Jan 15, 2019
A bit about me to start us off: I can do anything between one paragraph to multiple paragraphs. I roleplay in third person and first person. I like to keep framer and spelling correct but I can also be chill with a few mistakes because I know I will make some as well. I also roleplay through pms and discord. If I roleplay through pms my reply rate will be slower, as in maybe three to four reply’s a week. Discord is easier for me to reply daily to. I don’t mind casual conversation outside of the role play. If you have any other questions, please just ask I am a pretty open book.

Now on to my cravings and ideas!!

MCU Universe

Female OC x Loki

Now for this plot line I would love to pretend that infinity war and endgame didn’t happen. I’m actually looking to start up right after Loki lost the battle for New York. In the world I am looking to create, Thor and Loki never went back to Asgard and stayed on earth. Thor would deem Loki’s punishment to be staying with the Avengers and helping others. This sounds all fine and dandy to the Avengers, but they see a small problem with Thor’s plan: who is going to keep up with his wayward brother not only on missions, but also in everyday life. That would be where my OC comes in. Nick Fury calls her up and asks her if she would be up to the task of keeping up with Loki. My OC would be known as a sort of Anti Hero that doesn’t always fall under the “do gooding” category. She is a fallen goddess type who is about 2200 years old with the ability to cast powerful spells and control fire. Her abilities with magic make her the perfect candidate to be able to keep up with Loki. Totally want smut here, but I am looking for this to be somewhat of a slow burn. If you’re interested then hit me up!

Female OC x Captain America

Looking for a lot of smut in this one!!! My female OC would just have the ability to control fire in this one. I am craving for the Captain to be a bit of a dirty soldier if you know what I mean. Would love for him to take a liking to her as she is welcomed in as a new recruit to the Avengers. I am open to plot lines regarding this pairing but I am also looking for a lot of wild smut. If you’re interested then hit me up!

Tony x Steve

Come on...we all know this needs to happen. I don’t mind who play who: I just need this in my life. Not looking for a plot, but if you want one then we can brain storm like nobody’s business. If you’re interested, then hit me up!

DC Universe

Female OC x Captain Cold

Looking for them to meet while Leonard Snart is on a job. Like they were after the same prize or artifact. This will take place in the flash universe, not legends of tomorrow. I am looking for there to be a heated rivalry between them that turns into some rough smut later along the plot line. I am open to ideas to help flesh this out.

Female OC Meta x Harrison Wells

Looking for this to be the Harrison Wells from earth Two. My female meta would be brought in for evaluation. She has telekinesis as a result of the explosion. I imagine Harrison would have a lot of rough and angry sex happening. I would love a ton of smut in this one. Again, ideas to flesh this out would be great appreciated and welcome.

So that is what I am craving right now. I don’t mind doing cross overs and such! Throw anything at me and I’ll totally discuss it! Happy typing, friends!
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