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Mx Female Another Reluctant Cuddle Dom Nothing to See Here


Feb 16, 2014
I don't know how to start these so the following will be a stream of consciousness/blog. Please excuse me.

Uh, I've been roleplaying forever now. I took a break for a few years. I'm back. I'd say I'm still a good writer. I definitely have a different style than I did when I first started writing here, simply due to a difference in world view (5 years is a long time).

Although I might come off as picky, I'm actually pretty simple to please. I enjoy smut heavier scenes. I have a short attention span so I'll likely only muster out one or two posts a day. If I give more, consider it to be unusual. I'll probably still idle on the site and I've been enjoying the chat for the most part. I'm mostly vanilla in terms of kinks. I'm dumb so I like what most guys like; scenes with lots of girls, girls with unrealistic hip-waist ratios, that sort of thing. While it doesn't do me much good in the first few posts, I really like the idea of girls being pregnant with my baby- it makes me feel really warm and fuzzy inside. Though I understand that's not everyone's cup of tea, so forget I said that.

I don't like modern scenes and I especially don't like mundane slice of life. If I want something more relaxed, I enjoy exploration themed scenes. I dislike urban cities. I'm mixed on sci-fi, though I am told I'm good at writing it. An exception to not liking modern scenes would be super hero settings. I'm more of a DC guy than a Marvel guy, but I know both and can play characters from both.

As far as series I like, I'm not a big consumer of media in general. I enjoy lowest common denominator manga and anime. If it's been relatively popular within the past 20 years, like My Hero Academia's been lately, I've probably heard of it and will have some knowledge on it. I'm a big player of card games like Magic the Gathering and Yugioh. I spend a lot of time on MTG Arena and I'm familiar with a lot of Magic lore and would be cool with roleplay set in that kind of setting. I watch the Yugioh anime and I think Kaiba would be a very fun character to play, but not for ERP. There are canon characters I'm willing and unwilling to play, but uh, inquire with me in PMs for more details.

If there's any more information, feel free to ask. I'll probably organize this whenever.
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