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Can't keep away... (Private)


Jan 11, 2009
Somewhere in hell...
Ryu yawned softly as he walked out of his room. His short black hair messy and covering his face a bit. He yawned softly, walking in somewhat of a haze to the kitchen, grabbing a bit of food as he sat at the table. He was pretty normal looking, black hair, slightly tanned skin from being on the swimming team. But it was his eyes that made him stand out the most. He opened his eyes softly, the ice blue of them very contrasting from the rest of his face, it could be very intimidating if used right, but also it made him somewhat popular with the girls. He sighed softly, stretching a bit as he saw a note on the fridge,"Hmmm...?" he said softly, grabbing it,"Kids..." he read, mostly to himself,"Gone on second honeymoon... be back in a few weeks..." he really couldn't comprehend what he was reading just yet, his mind still in a fog. When he did realize it, he smiled, moving towards his sisters room, holding the note in his hand. He couldn't wait to see her reaction. He'd been keeping her as his pet for a good while, keeping it secret from their parents, knowing they wouldn't allow it, but he wouldn't let any one else have her. He would play with her now and then, sneaking into her room, teasing her in the middle of the night, and now, he had a good while to play with her.
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