Ava's List


Dec 4, 2012
Plot ideas all subject to change

Ones with ** craving
Ones that need fleshing out
Lovers separated by war When they reunite things have changed for them both. She is not the quite one that hated the war she had joined with the "rebellion". (This one needs a lot of development).

A friend had made a promise if something was to happen he'd look out for his bestfriends girl.

Medieval/middle ages
**War and love
one of the characters is wounded in battel having to be helped. They had grown fond of the person that had aided them. Alas they had to return to their land. Neither of them knowing if they would ever see one another again. Both unaware how important the other was to their people. As time goes on they still think about each other one day. The one who aided the fallen comes to their land unaware this was the land of the one that plagues their dream. The reason for him/her being there is a matter of war or alliance

The Princess Slave
young princess is taken when her homeland is invaded. She's sold as a slave to a cruel man. After some time of her being in this man's "custody", she ends up coming across another from her land who has been sold as well only to a kinder person. The others owner takes a liking to her while her owner is in his home.

My Stolen past
It's a young Elven princess who has always thought she was just different than her family with her powers, but discovers one night that she was stolen as a baby from completely different elves all together. After her protector who had told her was charged with treason and killed. She decided she was going to leave the kingdom and seek out her true family.

**Healing in War
A lords bastard daughter goes to the rebellion (her half brother is there with the banner men fighting) with news of her father and betrothed were killed. Along the way she is caught by the rebellion troops thinking she is from the crown's people. Once brought to the rebellion leader she explains to him who she is and that she has urgent news for her half brother. Once she tells the half brother he turns her away, the leader convinces her to stay, she agrees on the condition that she does healing.

The Ninja and the Priestess
A young boy and girl grow up together both having paths already set for them. Her to be a priestess and him to learn the art of ninjitsu, At the age of 10 they are taken from their village to fulfill their destinies. 8 years later they are reunited. Will love blossom like it had started or will it breed anger and resentment.

Finding the past
One night, when watching a movie with handsome kings and vast kingdoms, lightning decided to strike the house. What happens when you get trapped into the movie? Will you be accused of being a witch then be killed? Or will romance spark up?
Kings and Knights have been fighting each other seemingly forever but one day something magically happened. A hole in the Sky appeared and strange a girl fell from it. Is She a witch? Is she something more? How can someone concentrate when you see something so strange yet beautiful?

**When the war for the thorn has many casualties
MC's house lost the lord and eldest son in a battle. The second born son left (For reasons to come out later.) This leaving his twin MC and the 3 born as well as the 4th born and the lady of the house to have to deal with the wrath of the new wardens of the area. YC's house and MC's hose have been rivals for some time. YC and father are away fighting this leaves YC's brother in charge of the house till YC or the Father returns. YC's brother takes MC as a ward to the house to keep MC's family in line after the 3 born was killed by the new warden's son. After a period of time YC returns home MC is there being mistreated by YC's brother and the soldiers. AS well as during this time MC's twin has returned from across the sea after many raves and begging of his sister MC who he is unaware has been taken as a ward to the house of YC. She doesn't think he's coming back.

Will you still Love me if you know the truth
Guys you're family is well to do you're not the Richy rich kind but very well off and high on the financial ladder. To you its not what you want you want to be a normal person just regular old plain guy with out all the hassles. So you start leading a double life portraying like you are one of the average joe's
Girls you've had to work for everything you have you're whole life never given any thing you actually pity the ones who have had everything handed to them their whole life. You meet this guy he seems genuine like he doesn't want anything from you just you but you can tell there's some thing he's not telling you What happens when the truth comes out will it all fall apart or stay the same or will that trust never be re-given?

In Need of a Tune up
Guys you're working at the local mechanics shop been there for quite a while you meet this girl one of your friend's friend brings to a party you can tell she's unhappy you struck up a conversation with her things go well then you don't see her again for a while one day she shows up the shop and she's looking for you...
Girls you're in a relationship but you're unhappy you think he's cheating but don't have any proof he takes you to a party you meet a guy and you too chat a few weeks later you get your proof the only thing you think to do is find the guy you chatted with the night of the part...

Summer Love
Guys;;She came up to you asked "Will You be mine for the summer?" You said sure thinking it was a joke but in three days you fell for her. You don't want her to leave at the end of August. Can you convince her to stay?
Girls;; You've left you're home town for reason known only to you. You ask him to be yours guy for the summer he says yes and you see you're self falling for him. You wont stay with him once August is over. Will you love him enough to change you're mind?

What do we do now
You two have mutual best friends, you guys on the other hand? Well, you don't hate one another, but if conversation between you two can be avoided, then that's the route you opt for. But what if those best friends die in a car accident and you two now have to become the sole caregivers for their year old child? Is it possible to even put your differences aside and raise this child..

What's done in the dark
A guy or gal had lead a double life for a long time not telling their partner about their second life till one day they disappear on a mission. Their partner was told they were killed but he/she doesn't believe that they are dead something tells them that they are alive so she/he sets out to the location that the missing was last known to be at to find them. Meanwhile the missing has been found not having any memory only knowing their name due to something found on them. What happens when the truth comes out?

MC has been free of this organization that used her gifts for not such a great cause. She knows they are going to be looking for her. This makes her continue to stay away from the one person that could help her the most her best friend. A situation arises and they end up brought back together. The question is will she let him help her or is she going to let the fear make her run from him

Drunk Girl (NEW)
After a night of heavy drinking in the wake of a breakup, Character A wakes up at home, lying in her own bed, powerfully hung over with no idea how she got there. She's still dressed for a night out, except for her shoes, which are neatly sitting near the door. When she makes it to the kitchen for water, she finds a handwritten note sitting on top of her cell phone. 'Hey, you were pretty wasted last night and passed out in the cab. I got you in and got you to bed, then bailed. I wouldn't mind seeing you again sometime. Call me.' It was signed with a phone number and Character B's name, who was also getting over a breakup last night. With last night a haze, will Character A give Character B a call? The photos on her phone, which she doesn't remember taking, seem to show they had a good time.

Running away
A secret organization has been working on experimental human prototype to be the perfect assassin trained to have no emotions no mercy only thing they are trained to do is follow orders and complete assignments. What happens when what they have worked on so hard to perfect flaws and one (or more) of their experiments get emotions and can't complete the job assigned to them . Causing them to go rogue

Is this the end
A spy has been sent to watch over a person who has a gift that can be helpful in the right hands but in the wrong hands it could be a horror. The spy is supposed to keep their distance and not get to close. One night they are spotted by said protected causing them to fee like they have to interact. Then protected is kidnapped as is spy (to keep lose ends tied) The protected was kept in the monastery till she was older and they decided they couldn't help them then put her/him into the mental hospital.

Criminal Minds
Game of Thrones OCxOC
Harry Potter (after school 18+) OCxOC
**Carpathian truly want to do this one right now
Capitan xBucky
Captain xStark
Bucky or Captain or Clint xWidow
CanonXOC (Open to discussion)
The children of the avengers
Captain America found love with a woman that was sent to destroy the avengers from the inside. She fell in love with him as well because he was nothing like she was taught they were. He was caring and kind with understanding. Well they ended up with a child but, the truth came out. She was killed it's unknown if it was the people who raised her to do a job she failed or one of the avengers took matters into their own hands. Any now it is 20 years later that baby has grown up She/he has had some trauma with the avengers and is trying to stay away from them as much as she/he can.
Other spin offs to this fandom available

Other paring/ages
Post apocalyptic

Song inspired
Your guardian Angel.
How to save a life
as I was listening I was thinking what if say best friends both are going through rough life but some how are always able to help each other. What happens when he problems in ones life gets too much can the other save them?
You save me
More to come in time
Far Away
This means war
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