Fx Male The Lady Storyteller: Seeking a Fellow Tale Weaver (Historical, Fantasy, and Even Science Fiction)

Lady Storyteller

Apologies for Delay - Homefront Challenges
Apr 19, 2019
Central United States
My apologies for the brevity of this, my first post. I am fairly new here, and due to life beyond the creative joys of writing, time is not friendly enough to indulge my inner editor too much.

What I Seek: A patient, gentleman writer who enjoys a tale well written in a lush environment well described - with the added bonus of well-hewn scenes that can range from a romantic embraces and seductive entanglements to intense encounters and "one night stands."

The Story Settings: I enjoy history from ancient Sumeria, to Egypt, even Rome, and Greece (mythologies included) - Move forwards to the Middle-Ages, the merciless Renaissance, even the Age of Piracy, the American Revolution, I'd even dabble with Steam-punk, and some Science Fiction. A note here: While I enjoy history, I'd like it as a venue, a setting, a flavor, I don't expect my fellow writer to have a degree in it, though, as one fellow said of himself here - I, too, am half-way to becoming an artifact. Let's just say I cut my Role-Playing Game teeth back when it was a table-top thing using Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, THAC0, and a Crown Royal bag filled with dice.

The Writing Board: I am shy about my writing - my intent is create and have fun with my fellow writer. That said, I prefer Private Messages, Email, or even Google Docs. During the work-week and during work-hours, I cannot access Blue Moon save through my phone, but email, and Google Docs are easily gotten to at any time.

A Caveat: Time and I are not friends (obligations from work of late has made this so), which means that I can post once a day, perhaps twice. On a rare day, I can post a multitude of times, especially if it's quick dialogue or action between two characters. For faster response during the work-week, email and Google Docs work best.

Character Concepts as a Seed to Story Ideas - Either Can be Used Anywhen:

The Sinister: Every noble has their "right-hand," the one everyone knows is loyal to said noble, and will carry out what is asked - also known as a strong right arm. The "left-hand" however, is hidden, unknown, and not even a thought in anyone's mind. To others she is merely the secretary, the accountant, the administrator, a loyal note-taker at best, a mere womanly eye-candy at worst. What she is, however, is a secret blade, a Sinister with a sharp memory, sharper observations, and the skills to be both a spy, as well as an assassin. What cannot be done by the light of day, she will attend to in the dark of the shadows, gathering information, manipulating rumors, and even seeing to a death, if the need arises. And she is not above doing it all without her noble's knowledge - "plausible deniability" - to pass any inquisitor's questioning and maintain their innocence in an act.

Death's Handmaiden: Truly, she hates the term, though it could be firmly affixed to her, a woman who can communicate with the dead, ghosts, spirits, finding their remains, settling their bones, and routing any necromancer should she ever hear of one. She makes her living as a spiritualist, as a mortician, and sometimes as an investigator, though the latter can get a bit more complicated when dealing with the living - even in death, people can have their own motives, weave their own deceits. Far from grim, Death's Handmaiden rather enjoys life as best she can, having died and been sent back to the lands of the living. No more life on a farm, she travels now, sees so many new, and interesting things, wearing the burgundy red that, for her, denotes what she does. The one thing that gets her goat, though she understands, is how people see Death as an enemy, as an end, and most especially as a skeletal specter haunting about ready to reap the lives for Its own. What keeps her going, though? Good people, both living and dead, and the annoyance that there are those who would twist Death to their own ends, and for power.
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