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Sweet Heresy (Demaron19xGoodManners)


Apr 26, 2019
Zanafar station, a redoubtable outpost of the God Emperor in the cold void of the Halo Stars. It is one of many such installations laced among the outskirts of the galaxy looking out from Segmentum Obscuris. They existed for millennia, the edict that mandated their construction dating back to the first contact with the Tyranid species Xenoform. They were a reactionary measure taken by an Imperium fearful of yet greater Xeno incursions from unprecedented vectors across the galactic plain. The stations still exist to this day, used now primarily as deep-space transit hubs or bastion outposts for beleaguered mining operations undertaken by the Mechanicus. Their operations may have changed since their inception, but this did not make them any-less of an imperial installation, mounted with all the guns a star-fort could muster, with system defense fleets patrolling the asteroid fields and gas-pockets that they were stationed in.

Zanafar station, is not one of these. Zanafar station, can barley be considered an operable station. Right along the trailing arm of the Halo Stars, perhaps the furthest out and farthest from the astronomicon. It is desolate and isolated, Rak'gol attacks are frequent and violent, and support is underwhelming. The station is a derelict, many guns are offline or do not function at all. It is a complete write-off in every sense, but still, Zanafar Station stands, and it is not without a means of defending itself. By old edict between the Ordo Hereticus' chamber Militant and the Ordos Xenos, A mutual defense pact had been placed along the outskirts of the Halo Stars, in this fashion, members of the Adeptus Sorroitas have seen themselves stationed upon the desolate void fortress. Of their number there are a great deal of novitiates and raw recruits, those still fresh from the Scholea Progenium and its grueling selection process. Battle Sister Amarine, was one of these recruits.

Amarine was in one of Zanafar's barracks, they were spartan and bare things made to house the brides of the emperor in great numbers. While this was appreciated, the fact that there were so few of them aboard the station usually meant that of the rooms meant to house at least fifty sisters, all of their wargear, and armor, that Amarien was often alone, with only usually three other sisters to keep her company during the few hours she had for reprieve. She was alone at the moment, such a thing was not unusual, her duty-roster placed just behind her two sisters when it came to patrols and drills. She had at least several hours before she was due to proceed to the central chapel within the station so that she may bow her head in Prayer with her fellow sisters.

For the moment, however, she was without any pressing matters to attend to. Her armor was old, far older than her and likely older htan her parents before her. Yet, all the same, it worked perfectly. By her cot, the furthest from the entrance, was a stand. She had finally removed it from herself, and now wore only the self-sealing pressurized under-suit. And unlike her armor, this took far less work in removing. She peeled it off of her lithe, toned body, she smelled of sweat and oil, as she knew she would. Hence, why she would be apt to take make use of the bathing facilities adjacent to the barracks. She was naked now, idly she covered her breasts with her arm and pulled open the heavy frame door to the locker room attached the barracks, the dull bulbs inside flickered to life hesitantly.

The cold tile floors felt like ice on the soles of her feet, she did not mind them all that much. She made quickly for the showers, walking around the tile wall partition between the lockers and communal showers. Much like the barracks, it was oversized for what it played host to. the air already smelled sour with disinfectant and sanitizer from previous uses, a low mist hung just above the ground from ambient heat and poor ventilation. Going to one of the further showers, Amarine was quick to sigh in relife as tepid-warm water spouted out from the dulled brass showerhead above her. She was completly alone, and in truth, that was just fine with her.
Mon-Keigh... those lesser then the Eldar like the numerous plague called humanity. In ages past they would have been culled and put in their place if not simply cleansed from the stars... but that was then and now the Eldar did not wield such power. The Eldar still had power however, and the humans could have their uses if the moment was right, or the need was enough.

This human outpost hadn’t even detected her craft as she came in and made her landing, a single lone Banshee on a mission of dire importance. Irlihish had felt honored to be chosen to serve her people even if it meant her body had to be modified and she must now lower herself with these human animals. The tall and lilith built Eldar female with long black hair had been here some time already. In her mission so far catching two of these ‘brides’ of the emperor off guard and doing what must be done. What must be done was breeding them, putting the wombs of these Mon-Keigh to work for Eldar plans. The sisters of battle were tough fighters, but outside their amor they were just human. A life of religious devotion depriving them of more womenaly endeavors. Virgins the both of them with hymen’s that tore easily once put to task by the length and sheer girth of an Eldar cock. At least Irlihish could find satisfaction from her mighty ‘spear’ drawing blood from these pathetic creatures, as their uncooth voices cried out in pain while they learned their proper place.

Irlihish had hidden both of the sisters but there was more to be done. She searched the outpost, dressed in nothing but a device on her forearm and a belt around her slender hips that held her blade and sidearm. She was here to breed, but if killing must be done... she came across a empty barracks, she could wait and hide for a sister to return. It would give her a bit of time to recover as well, that last human had proven to be rather greedy when the time came to seed her. Irlihish’s nuts were hefty but it seemed human wombs were rather well suited for large amounts of semen... sadly it seemed human birthing canals were less well designed to handle what Irlihish considered a rather average sized Eldar cock.

Once she was inside she heard something, the sound of water? She looked around and saw the armor and discarded undersuit. It seemed she had found another one already. With the silence and speed expected of a Eldar she reached the door and opened it. Slipping into the room filled with the steam of the water she saw her target. Another human female, another who would carry her Eldar seed.
The soothing low rumble of water passing through pipes. The gentle trickle of it against her skin, rolling over her body, shrouding her with a sense of warmth. She can feel the vibration of the station through her feet, the powerful plasma heart, beating to the will of the tiny beings that scurry through it's veins. Amarine was distant from her Sisters, in a way. Many, if not all of them, resented their stationing aboard Zanafar, seeing it as a sort of purgatory. They wished to be out slaughtering the foes of man and advance after them in dogged pursuit- instead they are stuck aboard a derelict star fort, waiting for the enemy to come to them and try their luck. They all felt cramped, cloistered away and sealed inside of a metal tomb. Amarine minded none of this. to her, these cramped conditions- despite the relative space- was normal for her. She grew up within a Hive, the Scholea Progenium she was raised in deep within the central spire of a massive hive city on one of the countless hive-worlds that dotted the Imperium of Man.

Amarine ran her hands over her sweaty body, she was shorter than most of her sisters, but she was no less a warrior. Her body was a temple, toned and beautiful in its own rugged way. Her skin was a sable white, hidden away from the glare of a sun behind plates of plasteel and ceramite,she was unscarred, not yet suffering a wound in combat, unlike her seniors who she saw had a great many old wounds of service. Lacerations, flensing cuts, divots where chunks of meat were blasted away, bullet wounds and augmetic replacements, she had seen Sister superiors who more closely resembled those of the martian tech cult than that of pure humanity. Amarine wondered if that would one day be her fate, or would she not be so lucky as to serve a long and fulfilling life for the gold throne? Would she die in a matter of days from now? Or was her fate still uncertain? It would be best not to pontificate too much on this.

The young Battle sister began to hum, soft and low, to herself. It was an Imperial Guard marching ditty that she had once heard a troop of Guardsmen sing while on patrol. She still remembers that day clearly, it was within the bowls of a Hive, she was with her Sisters, still in training, still learning how to use their armor without breaking themselves inside it. Under the glow of the lumen globes, the procession of Guardsmen seemed almost otherworldly, their flak armor spotless, their lasguns polished and bayonets glistening, they marched in perfect lockstep formation with the crimson garb of a commissar leading them in equally peerless fashion, the glint of a power-sabre against their shoulder almost blinding. She closed her eyes, bright blue things that seemed almost teal at times. She pulled her fingers through her hair, the ivory white locks that marked her as a Sororitas more than any armor or bolter ever could. Her hair was slightly longer than what was standard, having frown a fair bit while on the station. She would have to have it cut by one of her Sisters when she got the chance. , in the meantime, she worked the knots and ties out of it, grunting softly with each pull, pursing her lips in frustration. This was always a pain. Her helmet was the cause of this in the first place, but there was not much she could do. She was aboard a station, she needed the sabbat pattern helmet in case of depressurization.

She blinked, perking up, faintly, she thought she might have heard somthing. She glances around, the heavy steam filling the showers making vision difficult. The lights dim and brighten irregularly as was there want, and for a moment she spots movment and then it is gone, the shadows tricking her eyes. She shakes her head and scoffs at herself. Idly she itches the tattoo on her cheek, the Fleur D'Laise that marked her as one of the ordos militant. She goes back to her soft singing, lightly swaying under the water as she does so.
The poor eyes of these creatures. If she had been a Elder she would have seen [BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish for sure but those weak human eyes betrayed the ‘danger’ she was in at this moment. [/BGCOLOR][BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish moves about and watched the human bath for a little while longer. It reminded her that she to needed to bath at some point. Was off the sweat and fluids from these lowly humans she was breeding. The fluids of the last one still coated her long fat cock. [/BGCOLOR][BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish found the apperence of these human off. Her own body was say for her head hairless. These humans had hair everywhere, most strange was the bush of hair human females had around their groin. Even before she got a cock [/BGCOLOR][BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish’s groin had been smooth and hairless. Though this experience did leave her with a question... were humans suppose to have different colors of hair on different parts of their body? The first sister she caught had been bald but her pubic hair was brown... and the second had short white hair but her pubic hair was golden...[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish slips the blade and the sidearm from her belt and sets them aside. She didn’t need them to take on a unarmed and unarmored human who didn’t see her coming. With the silence of a ghost she walked up behind the human. She was almost one with the steam and dim lights as she came to stand behind the human female with ease. Looking down at her with those black Eldar eyes. This was too easy... what real value was to be expected from breeding these creatures? But the banshee had her orders. Like lightening she struck. A hand on the back of that head of white locks suddenly and with some force force slammed against the wall of the shower, as another hand grabbed her right arm and pinned it behind her back, close to breaking it and would if the human didn’t behave. “Scream, or try and escape and I promise you this will be worse.” She threatened in her best attempt at this low gothic. Her groin pressed up against the human’s tone curvy ass, and her thick meaty shaft pressed against the lips of her virgin pussy... wasn’t even erect yet and still it’s size felt very unhuman.[/BGCOLOR]
“Scream, or try and escape and I promise you this will be worse.”

Amarine's head was reeling, her consciousness in a daze. The impact of her head against the tile wall of the shower had nearly knocked her out. She wasn't in a position to resist anyone, much less understand what they were saying. her arm was brought behind her back, to the point of pain striking up her spine. It was enough to bring her back into focus, just in time for something bulbous to slip between her ass-cheeks with considerable girth. She blinked the stars out of her eyes, she tried to pull away slightly, uncertain as of what was going on, still locked in the semi-conscious state of having her head nearly cracked open.

The mass of flesh between her cheeks began to grow in size, rubbing back and forth until it shifted back downwards against her slit. THis- this got her attention more than anything else, she uttered something like a groan and tried to turn around, to turn over and look at what was happening- her wits were beginning to return but not fast enough, nowhere near quick enough to prevent the imminent penetration.
[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish keeps the human female pressed up against the shower wall with her ass sticking out well enough for her to be entered... ‘easy’ enough. It didn’t take too long for the thick fat Eldar cock to reach near its full mass rubbing against human ass and the plump lips of the human’s labia. The hand on the back of [/BGCOLOR][BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Amarine's head let’s go and grabs the huge shaft of the Eldar cock near the base of its head. That bulbous mass of Eldar flesh rubbing and softly probing the entrance to [/BGCOLOR][BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Amarine's virgin pussy. [/BGCOLOR][BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish in her Eldar tongue makes a little prayer to the relevant Eldar gods in a matter such as this, her superior didn’t want to take chances so around the base of her shaft was tatooed Eldar fertility symbols, and above that were a pubic bush would have been for a human was tattooed the symbol for the Eldar goddess of health and medicine on her smooth hairless skin.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Thus it started, with the humans arm pinned behind her back and pressed against the wall the Eldar started to push her pulbous thick cock head past her plump labia and into her little virgin pussy. From the start the difference in size was clear, but [/BGCOLOR][/FONT][BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish didn’t care. She just kept pushing, feeding more of that huge rod of Eldar flesh into the humans tight birthing canal. Ripping her hymen apart and drawing forth her virgin blood with the coldness her duty demanded. [/BGCOLOR][BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish didn’t care if this hurt or the human cried out in pain. Her hand having left her shaft and now holding the humans left hip as [/BGCOLOR][BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Amarine's pussy was stuffed from her lips to her cervix, that fat Eldar cockhead pushing hard against it forcing it to bulge inwards... just like the bulge along [/BGCOLOR][BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Amarine's abdomen.[/BGCOLOR]
There was a pressure, something intense and large, pressing against her outer labia folds, like a solid wall of flesh. Amarine squirmed, she opened her mouth to shout and turned around with fury in her eyes that turned to shock as she beheld a Xeno-

-and then reason, sanity, or anything else, ceased to matter as a train of turgid flesh ripped into her cunny. She screams, outright agony tearing through her most sensitive of nerves as her most precious of places is utterly savaged. Her hymen breaks, along with her rationality as she begins to cough violently. The mass of flesh that could not possibly be a cock forges onward inside of her. Her arms go limp and she slumps forward, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, drool dribbling from her lips.

She feels tingly, like her skin is on fire but she can't even feel it. There are black spots in her vision, they seem to increase as the Xeno forces more and more of her insane girth into her. Armine doesn't understand what is happening, thoughts and question surface to the forefront of her mind, only to be banished as the alien's hips meet her own, and the powerful member inside of her meets the entrance of her cervix. For a moment, she passes out, before being brought screaming back into reality.

Armine cant breathe right, there is a pressure, something pressing outwards from inside, shifting her guts around with blunt throbbing force that seems to choke her lungs. She forces strength back into her limbs, if only for a moment before being restrained again, there is no purpose to her movements other than to just move, just to understand what was happening to her. Every few seconds her mind goes blank, pain shatters her senses before that very same pain brings her back from the brink and into reality, only for the cycle to repeat itself.

But there was something else, something dreadful beginning to ply itself onto her mind. There was a heat, some searing burning sensation moving up from just below her belly, making itself known- and not at all was it a displeasure, it was the exact opposite, in fact.
Lubricating her little snatch was only water, the fluids now being forced of her pussy to make, and the blood of her broken hymen which smeared against the pale flesh of the Eldar cock. Just like the blood of two of her other sisters already had before her. She watched this human put on such a pathetic display... by the gods she wished to get this mission over with. [BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish tried to focus her mind on what waited her back home. Her love, the Eldar woman who already was carrying her true child. Now that was a experience of passion on a level these animals would never be able to understand.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish started to thrust, to move her hips in a slow but dedicated manner as she fucks the tight little cunt of this human animal. “I would say I’m surprised at your behavior but it seems during sex you primates only further show how devolved you truly are. I’m guessing you won’t make it past your first filthy orgasm before your begging me to breed you just like those other two.” The Eldar says with scorn and disgust in her voice. Her thin hips sending that huge fat cock in and out of that tiny human pussy with a force her slow movement seemingly shouldn’t be producing, and yet it was. This xeno was raping her and there was not a damn thing the sister could do to stop it.[/BGCOLOR]
The poor sister is of her senses now, but there is a hell erupting inside of her that cannot be quelled. A hateful heart is being crushed by the insane girth of the Eldar that drives her hips desperately into her pussy. There is warmth, warmth and a horrible sensation beginning to make itself known now. Pleasure, screaming pleasure that she has never felt before, never before, alone and furtively caressing herself has Armine ever felt a sensation this brutally intense. It was like the flares of a sun were burning up her nerves with nothing but pure ecstasy, her veins were catching fire with a brilliance of trembling purity that was so sickly wrong. Shame, and Need was ruining her mind. "Ah!~" Armine whimpered aloud, her hips shaking as an orgasm explosively ripped up her spine and careened into her brain, stars flashed before her eyes.

Even though the Eldar let go of her arm, Armine she made no move to struggle away- she couldn't even if she wanted to, her legs were useless sticks of meat that anchored her to the floor, her ass raised into the air, her face rubbing against the ground. Armine shook as she road along the wave of her orgasm, her ability to think once again being submerged, but now it was a well of pleasure that it was being forced into rather then that of pain. "N-Noooo..." She whined aloud, her voice peaking into a trembling moan as the cascade of hormones hit her, her pussy clenching tightly around the girthy Eldar cock- completely halting its movements for a tense moment as it squeezed around the Eldar like a vice of pleasure and wetness.
It seemed a life of training and spiritual devotion made little difference for a moment like this. Armine was trained to kill for the glory of the God-Emperor, her body and womb was to know nothing of the duty of motherhood less the Emperor himself ordain it. It left her utterly unprepared for this, to being raped and having her entire world turned upside down by the fat cock of a xeno. "You pathetic creature." The Eldar says, her black eyes looking down on her with pitiless disgust. "That little human cunt of yours, so desperately begging for my seed, to give it purpose , the purpose your primitive genetics demand of the females of your race."

Irlihish dreaded having to repeat this process 47 more times... but if it must be done. "Alight, lets put your pussy to the test." He says and starts thrusting harder, faster. If the human's cunt wanted Eldar seed so bad then she might as well hurry up and give it to her. That thick xeno cock throbbing and pulsing inside of the once virgin pussy of the sister. Heavy balls full of Eldar seed slapping up against Armine's clit as her ass is smacked against by the Eldar's groin.
"Gh, Ngh~!" Armine whines, tears begining to streak down her face and lost in the shower. Her body is rebelling against her in its entierty, as her juices begin to leak, out from around the Eldar's cock, her pussy quickly becoming not only used to the penetration by actively relishing in the act. Her hips began to twitch, and then began to rock in time with the artless, forceful thrusts of the Eldar. There was no tact or passion in them, just the crude mechanical motions of the act, and yet it was enough to bring pleasure to Armine, who had never known it before.

"S-stahhhp..." Armine hiccups, trembling as Irlihish increases the ferocity behind her thrusts. Armine curls her hands around herself, her heart beating fitfully in her chest, her small breasts rub against the tile floor, her nipples hurt from the abrasion despite the water. The heavy slap of Irlihish's balls against her clit send little shocks of pleasure throughout her body, each little slap accompanied by a sharp yelp from Armine, Her teal blue eyes open, crying fitfully she stares helplessly back over her shoulder up at Irlihish. "I-It hurtsss," She pleads. "It hurtsss-" she squeezes her eyes shut once more as yet another agonizing orgasm is pounded into her like a rapid fire burst of bolter rounds punching into her carcass without mercy or remorse, the pleasure nothing more than agony as the Eldar just continues to pound away, no tenderness, no compassion, no concern for Armine just a cruel mechanical subjugation.
Irlihish was here for a mission, not to find passion in the loins of a creature she saw as little above a animal. This universe was hard and cruel and sometimes to learn ones true place they had to endure that pain and cruelty. She should considering it practice for her future labor pains. Irlihish kept thrusting, kept fucking this poor little human's tiny little cunt with a cock too big for the tight warm birthing canal currently wrapped around it. Pressure was building in Irlihish's shaft and heavy nuts, her own climax was starting to build, the load of Eldar cum that would seal the sister's fate.

Irlihish reaches down with one of her hands and grabs the back of Armine's white locks, forcing her up, her small breasts no longer to rub against the rough shower floor. "Do you feel that Mon-Keigh? That throbbing in my shaft? I'm getting close, close to filling you with my seed." She says letting go of her hair and next cupping one of her small breasts. Though small the human's breasts were still larger then that of the almost flat Elder who was fucking her. "You've never thought of being impregnated have you? Your genes demand it and yet I bet it's never crossed your mind." She says as her fingers softly pinch Armine's erect nipple.
Armine couldn't help herself, passion overturning her reason and making her little more than a creature enslaved to her base desires- no longer a warrior of the golden throne, now just a woman shackled and chained to her womb. "N-No~" She pleads. "Do-Dont~" She shudders again, another orgasm destroying her voice, turning any words into a slur of garbled keening. Her cunt clenches down hard around Irlihish and and she Armine stiffens up, screaming again in a mix of pleasure and agony, her teeth grit but eyes wide, she feels like she's dying as the iron-like pole pounding into her continues to hammer away, she feels like she's dying because she is feeling so very alive, elation, pleasure, and agony, all mingling together inside of her as this damned Xeno fucks her cunt.

"You-You can't!" She whines, "You musn't~" Her voice catches as the eldar reaches around, cupping her breasts and with a light tug against her nipple she squeals, throwing herself back as her overly sensitive nubs shock her system. She leans back, trembling again, orgasmic pleasure radiating through her simply from the slightest of touches against her breasts from the lithe alien woman. "N-Not my breasts-" She whimpers. "S-sensitive!" Armine can now feel the hot breath of Irlihish against her neck, the smooth toned muscles of her arms, and stomach, she was so very close no, gripping her holding her upright as her hips thrust against her own, delving her cock in and out of her cunt in hard and heavy strokes.
The Eldar keeps pulling and tugging on her nipple as she human quivers and shakes, her pussy in a mess of fluids and trembling flesh. "Your breasts will grow fat with milk, milk to feed the child I plant inside you. You and all your sisters." The Eldar tells her, her tone, both a threat and promise all rolled into one as her hips kept thrusting and pre-cum was mixing with the fluids from Armine's cunt. "These bodies you all so foolishly have tired to make weapons will grow weaker, and softer as the fruit of Eldar semen grows in your Mon-Keigh wombs."

The thrusting once more becoming faster as the Eldar was getting closer and closer to her climax at last. She held her human captive close, one had grasping her tit and the other still on her hips as he plows into her loins deep and hard. "It's coming Mon-Keigh, time to fulfill your purpose." She spoke as suddenly she slammed into her deep and hard, that massive Eldar cock throbbing and pulsing and at last from its head a thick torrent of hot Eldar cum erupts into her womb and pussy. The rod of Eldar flesh throbbing and twitching as more and more torrents of the hot thick fluids stuffs Armine's little pussy.
Armine gives in. She can't take it anymore, the pleasure, the sensation, it's all too much, she can't fight back against something like this, something so primal, something so wonderful and horrible all at once. She starts to buck her hips back against her, meeting her thrusts with her hips, panting whines erupt form her mouth, she reaches back and hugs herself back against the Eldar, trying to stuff her horribly wonderful cock deeper into her, her abdomen bulging slightly with each thrust into her warm, wet passageway. "M-More!" She hatefully speaks. "Give- More~"

It comes, something hot, something sticky and sweet, like molten lust it begins to jet up into her womb. The Eldar pulls her back against her, holding her tight, tweaking her nipple Armine screams to the heavens as the Eldar begins to cum, and cum, and cum, it was almost never ending, hot and thick, so delectably warm. Armine shakes, unable to help herself she cranes her head back against the Eldar, burying her face into her neck, her tongue lapping out, licking affectionately just under her jaw with soft sweet moans.
The elder keeps throbbing and pumping more seed deep inside of the human woman. Feeling the thick seed go from her balls to her head as she watches the abdomen of the sister grow with the volume of cum inside her womb. The licking was... cute... like a pet she supposed as this human showed her... affection? It was hard to tell, maybe her brain just finally gave in and she was now nothing by a breeding sow? “That’s a... good girl, a good [BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Mon-Keigh. Take my seed good and deep, I can feel how greedy your pussy is now that’s it’s finally come, hopefully your other 47 sisters are till agreeable.”[/BGCOLOR]
Armine giggles, her eyes half lidded as she snuggles back against the xeno, shaking her hips slightly, trying to milk more out of the xeno. She was so... Full. She felt like she was flying- no, she was flying, she had grown wings and flown away from it all, off towards the golden throne. Everything felt tingly, her entire body, like gold, she was cast out of gold Everything felt perfect, her head, it felt so light... She moaned again, the last few throbs of the Eldars cock pumping out another smaller load of seed that swelled her belly, pumping her womb full, capping her off with nice warm seed. "Full..." She sighed. rubbing her head back against the Eldar, quietly taking the Eldars hand still clasped on her breast in her own, running her fingers over the Eldar woman's. She leaned back as the Eldar began to pull out, whining pitifully, not wanting it to end. "No...." She purred. giggling again, insensate.
“Well Mon-Keigh if I don’t pull out how are you suppose to suck my cock?” The Eldar says as she pulls her huge thick cock out completely with a satisfying pop as the seal in her tight little pussy was broken and thick hot Eldar cum was free to ooze from her abused little cunt. Her other hand softly rubs the other breast and nipple of the human female, it seems this one was being a bit clingy... she would allow it for the moment. “Come on Mon-Keigh, get on your knees and suck my fat Eldar cock.”
Drunkenly, still having her head spin like a top with hundreds if not thousands of countless conflicting emotions running thorugh her head and a heat unlike anything she's ever known or felt warming her body, Armine nodded. She turned around, still clinging to Irlihish partially. Finally, Armine got to see her tormentor, her lover, her abuser, her mistress- She was gorgeous, beautiful, heavenly, Armine could go on. She shivered as the eldar continued to play with her breasts, palming them, squeezing them, stroking her nipples, she smiled and laughed lightly, swaying before remembering that she has to do as she's told- she is a sister of battle after all, she has to do as instructed and purge... what was that last bit again? Oh well, it didn't matter, she crooned and went down on her hands and knees, shakily reaching out to caress the lightly throbbing mass of meat. It was all dirty, covered in her juices and cum. She smiles and leans forwards, licking the tip, inexpertly and clumsy, she makes up for it in dedication and determination.

It's big, that much is beyond certain, she can just fit her hands around it. She makes sure to work her way down the length of Irlihish's cock, her tongue lapping up the surprisingly sweet cum from her still leaking tip. She opens her mouth as wide as she can- only able to take the very tip of her head into her mouth, it will go no further unless her jaw wanted to dislocate. She whines at this, instead making sure to work her tongue as best she can everywhere else. Soon, she reaches the base, and ever so gently she brushes the eldars thighs with her hands, as she continues her cleaning- still in a state of mindless bliss, wanting nothing more than to simply Feel everything of this wonderful creature that could make her feel so insanely Alive and tingly and warm and- Before Armine can realize it she's standing up, shakily leaning against the Eldar banshee humming and singing that Imperial guard marching tune as she presses her lips against the Eldars own.
This human was certainly odd... had her brains been fucked out? So quickly? [BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Irlihish had filled her up with plenty of semen, she could probably leave her someplace while she continued on her mission. She would need to knock her out though just to be safe, Incase she snapped out of this daze. This daze that had her humming and kissing her rapists lips like they were lovers rejoined after a long time apart.[/BGCOLOR]
Armine still rides on the wings of pleasure, a thing she had never known before until now- and gifted to her in a most brutal and blunt fashion. For a blind man to first see the light, it is overwhelming, for a deaf man to hear sound, it is cacophonous. For a chaste woman to feel pleasure of a sort never thought possible, it is simply too much. Her womb was stuffed full of burning seed that seemed to bubble and slosh inside her, all the while thick streams of the Eldar's seed drooled out of her sore and abused gash. It was the pain of her ravaged insides, mixed with the forced euphoria of her many orgasms that had driven her over the edge. The Battle Sister was not of her senses from all this, and the unreality of the situation presented to her. An Eldar, a Xeno, on this station and violating her, it didn't make sense and now she was pregnant with its spawn.

The still engorged shaft of the alien rubbed between her thighs, grinding against her ruined nethers that still leaked the emissions of the Banshee Warrior. Armine hugged herself against this Damned Alien, she giggled and laughed softly, hiccuping and shuddering as her mind tried to piece itself together and make sense of all this, but each time she tried to pick up the pieces, the glass shards of her sensibilities would sting her with the horribleness of the reality presented to her. The only thing that Armine could do to keep the reality of her defilement at bay way simple- It was the Will of The Emperor. He had ordained for this to happen to her, He had decreed that she carry a Xeno child for reasons that were not for her to know. So, this was clearly then a holy task that she must preform, this Xeno clearly of divine mandate- there was no heresy here this was all the work of The Emperor. Naturally. Obviously.

Another clear truth, was that Armine felt the strength flow out of her by the second. She was tired, so incredibly tired. Even as she tried to slur her way through a prayer to The Empeor, something that came so naturally to her before, her eyelids felt heavy. She made a concerted effort to stay awake, to play with the long smooth hair of this Xeno, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to do so.
The xeno watched as the human woman was fading, weak little creatures they were after a hard fuck. She had a job to do, and this sister was already well bred. She took hold of the fucked silly sister of battle and picked her up, carrying her back out into the bedchamber of her barracks. Still alone, good. He takes her to her bunk and places her down on it. “Sleep now, soon all your sisters on this station will feel what you do.” She says as she presses the thick tip of her Eldar cock to her lips, a kiss in a way as a bit of Eldar cock leaks from the tip and onto her sweet red lips. With that the Eldar turns and leaves, her job here was done. The sister needed rest and she needed another zealous bitch of the Empeor to bend over and make beg.
It was time to leave, the Eldar leaving for her ship after the entire station had been fucked and bred by her thick futa cock.
A return home is what she needed, and her ship would provide exactly that. The familiar sloped and curved elegant walls of Eldar design were a welcome sight in contrast to the baroque and brutish architecture of the Imperium. And, while normally the return to that of more familiar sight would be comforting the truth in fact was different. There was something wrong. Something was amiss. The ship was silent, dormant, it was saved from being adrift solely by virtue of its covert connection to the Mon-Kiegh station-fort. Of the crew there was no trace, of the helmsmen and arms-men there was nothing. Desolate and dead, there was no sign of any Eldar. There was a scent in the air, what should have been unfamiliar but now over the course of repeated exposure was becoming violently more common. The scent of Mon-kiegh.

Within the holdings of the Eldar ship, amidst the brutally fucked forms of countless Eldar crew, a Goliath pushes off it's latest conquest. Rippling with slabs of muscle and the eyes of a corpse. It senses it's next Victim.
It starts to Howl:
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