- Joined
- Apr 27, 2019
Greetings your beautiful pups! My name is Garro and welcome to this old wolf's thread!
*Dramatic sound.*
After a long absence between personal issues, i've decided to try my hand at finder some new stories to write.
I don't do these often, but i truly need someone to help distract me if one would be kind enough to do so.
I am currently looking for a partner to RP and a friend if possible, so please stay a while and see where phantasy could lead too.
A little bit about me:
*Dramatic sound.*
After a long absence between personal issues, i've decided to try my hand at finder some new stories to write.
I don't do these often, but i truly need someone to help distract me if one would be kind enough to do so.
I am currently looking for a partner to RP and a friend if possible, so please stay a while and see where phantasy could lead too.
A little bit about me:
- I have been RPing for a long time, and am fairly experienced Roleplayer.
- I am serious about what i write about and do get invested in a story.
- I can play as vanilla or a twisted dark as needed as long as the story interests me i care not if its silk or leather.
- I mean to post a few times a week if possible, but life can sometimes come in the way. Adulting can be time-consuming...
- I'm looking for someone with a decent writing ability, I'm not asking for 10 paragraphs but enough to properly convey whatever the scene requires to push the story forward.
- I usually play dominant, the wolf does not submit lightly...
- I can play multiple personae's if needed but prefer to not have too many. Secondary characters is fine but playing as too many people can get tiresome.
- Although i do love me a good erotica moment, i want some meat around it, enough to sink my fangs into, this is a story we are creating not a one night stand.
- I am looking for a M x F only. Sorry boys, this wolf don't play with bones..
- I tend to ramble, IC and OOC. A paragraph might turn into 5 without me noticing so be prepared.
- I work in a cookie factory...
- I have just lost a good friend/partner and apologize if i seem melancholic or moody.
Favorite Settings:
With that said, here are a few settings for RP's that i am most comfortable playing in.Dark Sci-fi
Dark Fantasy
Generic pairings...because...I guess those are needed. These are in no way the limits of what i will do, i just can't think of anything else at the moment.Prisoner of War x Enemy Royalty
Knight x Princess/Queen
Gladiator x Dominus/Handmaiden
Gunslinger x Madam
Twisted Angel x Unburdened Demon
Warrior x Succubus
Incubus x Huntress
Monster Guy x Girl
Guy x Monster Girl
Monster x Monster
Monster x Adventurer
Demon x Summoner / Paranormal Investigator
Master x Pet/Slave
Alien x Explorer/Survivor
AI/Robot x Mechanic/Scientist
Mech Pilot x Mechanic
Fantasy/ Supernatural Races X Fantasy/ Supernatural Races*
Human x Supernatural*
Supernatural x Human*
Egyptian Slave x High Ranking Official
Troubled older brother X Younger sister
* Werewolves, vampires, etc.
Alrighty, so…plots…these are general starter ideas for scenarios that I though up/ stole from somewhere. All have an open endedness to them when speaking of YC, depending on the style of person you would like to play. Are you the shy princess, the fierce warrior or the dominant queen? YC can be of any race and whatever social class as long a she be a woman.

This is sort of a Master/Pet RP i guess...YC found MC as a youngling, abandon and wounded in the forest surrounding her village. Not knowing what ill fate befell his parents to have left such a young dragon to their own perils, she decides to bring it to her home and take care of him like her own child, keeping him as her familiar. Both grow up together happily but after several years the dragon gets far too large to keep at home so the family relocates him to a cave near the village.
YC still comes to see him every day, bringing his food from the townspeople to keep the creature satiated and happy. In return the Welp, now a Juvenile helps keep the village safe from other creatures and bandits. As times goes by and hormones start to seize them, both start getting feelings for each other and their relationship grows into something more. Yc can be from a rural maiden to the princess of the land if desired.

YC finds MC in a clearing in the nearby forest close to her village surrounded by dozens of corpses, the emblem of the enemy on his breastplate. YC’s king assaulted MC’s Empire and shattered it into pieces after betraying their cease-fire.. One of those pieces, a handful of knights, attempted to give a final blow to YC's king by trying to assault the castle.
There gamble failed due to treachery in the squad and most of the survivors were hunted down and killed. MC survived such an attempt but not without grave wounds. Does YC’s help the perceived foe, hiding him from his would-be assassins or call in the King's forces to finish him off? Is she a loyal servant or the disgruntled queen looking for a way to topple her husband?
There gamble failed due to treachery in the squad and most of the survivors were hunted down and killed. MC survived such an attempt but not without grave wounds. Does YC’s help the perceived foe, hiding him from his would-be assassins or call in the King's forces to finish him off? Is she a loyal servant or the disgruntled queen looking for a way to topple her husband?

The Castle township of Illisia is in chaos. During the night, windows are bared and children are ushered back inside houses in sheer terror. Something has been brutally killing people during the night, leaving blood splatters and shattered corpses in its wake. Even if it seems that this Night Haunter is only targeting so-called criminals but no one is taking any chances because of the brutal fashion his victims are disposed of. With its true purpose unknown to the castle has been locked with wards and glyphs to protect intrusion but left the township around it at the mercy of its predation. YC can be a victim of an assault that falls to sinful men in an alleyway, a monster hunter of some kind sent out to bind or kill the Night Haunter or possibly some of the royalty that had strayed out of the castle at night.

MC is a trans-human soldier in the armies of the Emperor of Mankind, as one of humanity's finest warriors, it falls upon him and his brethren to conquer the galaxy for the Human Empire. Mostly Xenophobic the Empire does tolerate some species as vassal states under their dominion. After a particularly grizzly campaign against the Megarachnid on the aply named planet of Murder, MC returns to the light cruiser “Gorgon’s Fist’ in successful glory, but battered and bruised, his armor and his body in need of maintenance. The ship is a relatively small vessel compared to the bigger gran cruisers and battleships, but a dependable one none the less.
It crews only a few thousand people but inspires unwavering loyalty from the officers running the ship to the menials tasked In keeping the cruiser and its people maintained. YC can be many things, from MC’s meek personal serf that takes care of all his needs, a spunky Armorium mechanics that fixes his warplate up to the dread-inducing Ship’s Captain. Whatever she may be, both would act very professional when given to the eyes of others but act very much different when left alone.
It crews only a few thousand people but inspires unwavering loyalty from the officers running the ship to the menials tasked In keeping the cruiser and its people maintained. YC can be many things, from MC’s meek personal serf that takes care of all his needs, a spunky Armorium mechanics that fixes his warplate up to the dread-inducing Ship’s Captain. Whatever she may be, both would act very professional when given to the eyes of others but act very much different when left alone.

I applaud any who got this far into this thread, good...good on you, have a cookie.

So if you are interested in any of these things or have any plots that you would believe i would enjoy, please PM me, or add me on discord, im always open to new ideas.
"Wanna Rp?" or similar messages will be ignored.
Show me something beautiful and pique my interest...
"Wanna Rp?" or similar messages will be ignored.
Show me something beautiful and pique my interest...
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