Fx Any Ever Changing Needs


May 2, 2019
The Playroom
Allllllllllllllllllllllrighty, lets get this baby going.

My name is Morgana le Fay, or well... my stage name is ;)
My real name is Victoria, which just doesn't sound as intimidating I think.

As my title suggests, I'm here for a lot. My needs and desires change on a daily basis, which can even variate from one hour to the next.

What does this mean for you? Well, it means I'm IN FOR A LOT, just not all the time. You can come with an idea, and I might reject it at first, but when either my mood changes, or I've given it some thought, I may end up comming back on my descicion.

One negative thing though; this does mean I cannot guarantee daily posts to everyone. :( If our story issomething I cannot force myself to write that day, I will have to skip and wait for a better oppurtunity. This is for the better for both of us, keeps me from getting frustrated, keeps you from getting bad posts.

Where does this take us? I guess for now I'll just throw some of my current preferances in this thread, AND NOTIFY YOU THAT MY PROFILE WILL HOLD ANY UPDATES ON PREFS ETC. So, if it is not (yet) on here, check my profile or check with me in pm.

Currently I'm really looking to do a F x F roleplay. It is just so new to me... I want to dive into those.

What more? Currently not looking for romance, actually the opposite, give me rough, nonconsensual, give me hate and fury. (Again, just my current mood when setting up this thread.)

I will throw plots and pairings and all that jazz in here later, I promise. For now I just want something out there to communicate with you lovely beings.

Please don't post in this thread, DO please usr my profile page as your own little decoration wall :)

Btw; Anyone who brings pictures to their pm or request thread will always have a one up. Just feel like you put in the extra effort than just hitting keys on your phone/keyboard. :)
Still looking for that batman thing on my profile, though anything else jit me up too :)
Feeling something of a dom x sub respected relationship build as well oddly...
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Looking to play a bit of a slut, anyone who can use/handle a real slut properly? If you can, convince me in your first message :)
Tried this with another player, but unfortunatly we did not get to terms. If you want to play this with rhe real master though please contact him! @

Either way, I would still like to play it myself. Either with males and or females. Here is the idea;

Basically I'm looking for either two girls or one girl playing as two girls or guys or whoever really, who are captured and put in a prisoners dilemma by MC or YC. It's definitely a mind fuck non-con or dub-con type of RP.

Essentially the two girls will be very close to each other - besties, cousins, sisters, whatever. MC (or YV) may be related or know them, or maybe not. When the girls are out together (maybe on a get away road trip) they are drugged and wake up locked in separate rooms. They will have no way to escape and no way to communicate with each other or the outside world.

Just like the prisoners dilemma each girl will be offered scenarios of things that can/will happen. Either they give themselves up to help the other or they save/limit themselves, definitely punishing the other. There would be multiple rounds of "the game" because MC (YC) is a sadistic fuck and wants to sexually exploit them both while also tearing their relationship apart. Eventually he may give one of them a chance to escape...

It's definitely dark and will be sexually themed but also have plenty of humiliation and possibly other forms of sexual torture. I have some of the beginning planned out and it takes a while to build up into the darker stuff, so don't expect to just dive right into kinky bondage... it needs to build to develop the relationship between the characters.
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Looking for someone to ruin my life, in some specific and non specific ways.
Bimbofication and the use/abuse of friends and or family should be in it at the least.
Going to bed now, when I wake up I want a group assembled to gangbang me ;) (pm for gangbang roleplay, noncon, dubcon whatever.)
You better bring the cavalry and not just a lazy post asking me to play!

(Responses to play will come tomorrow as well! Holiday is (almost) over)
Looking for a bit more of a writing challenge... see who can come up with the naughtiest/sexiest/roughest... scene discussed beforehand? etc...
Looking for a bit more of a writing challenge... see who can come up with the naughtiest/sexiest/roughest... scene discussed beforehand? etc...

Almost feel like hosting my own gameshow with this haha
Looking to play a bit of a slut, anyone who can use/handle a real slut properly? If you can, convince me in your first message :)

Weirdly enough I do not have a play going on where I play an absolute fucktoy nympho...
Can no one handle?
I can handle if anyone wants to be the nympho no problem ;)
Looking for this;

Rape training.

This is part of a larger piece I’ve been craving to write, but comprehensive stories are prone to failure here on BM so I’m looking for the perfect partner to write this installment of particular interest with.

Your character is a soldier training to become a field operative directed mostly at sensitive infiltration assignments, black ops and such. She’s part of a small unit all of whom I will likely play. Most of your character’s compatriots are male, only one or two others at most being female. An imperative part of their training — and a specific part of which I want this story to focus on — is resistance to torture and interrogation in case of capture in the field. These operatives would often possess valuable intel and it makes sense that the army would make it difficult, and preferably unable to be extracted.

Now, there’s an important addendum to this training for female operatives, as interrogations of women in particular are found to most often, quickly take a turn toward sexual abuse. Sex, rape as a weapon. Therefore female operatives in training are required to submit to an infamous, mandatory program not required for men and uniformly loathed by all female applicants: a series of exercises that operatives in training fearfully reference to as Rape Training.

I want the story to consist of those exercises and what goes on in between. Your character will be subjected to several sessions in which she’ll face actual rape, doled out by either superiors, or compatriots happily volunteering for the task. Sessions will progressively get worse and I’m well able to make each and every one different enough from the other for things to remain interesting. I want a partner that is massively into this story and kink, a competent writer that is able to emotionally explore her character as she works her way through these sessions which will not be for the faint of heart. There will be plenty of action but also plenty of dialogue and opportunities for reflection and quiet time and interaction between sessions. This is not a short story, even though the synopsis is concise.

In this story: pushing pseudo-consensual rape to the limit, physical abuse, severe humiliation, fear and misogyny.
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