Fx Any Granger Danger!

Run Rabbit

Mar 9, 2015
The Brightest Witch of Her Age
"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long."



Hermione Granger was in trouble. A lot of trouble.

The deck had always been stacked against her, in a certain manner of looking at things. After all, she was muggle-born. She didn't grow up knowing her witchy destiny, didn't get a jump start on the culture and ways of an entirely hidden world; no, her parents were dentists. And they hadn't even been able to give her a perfect set of orthodontics before sending her off the magic school. Nonetheless, she had been able to make up for those shortcomings the simplest way she knew how: studying, and lots of it. Her fingers were smudged with parchment ink so often and so thoroughly that even after she scrubbed up, her hands still smelled like a library (this was not a flaw, in her estimation). And by never having the opportunity to swish a wand without proper training or understanding of technique, her studiousness could only lead to properly practiced techniques rather than the bad habits of her pureblooded peers.

But that was the problem, in a lot of ways. Hermione had never grown up understanding just how dangerous the world most people never even saw could actually be. Sure in the muggle world, there were house fires and runaway cars and criminals, but the wild animals were generally of a reasonable size, getting lost in a book was only ever a metaphor, and wars of racial purity had pretty much been settled several decades prior. The wizarding world was an exceedingly dangerous, peril-filled place outside of the safe walls of scholarly institutions such as Hogwarts, but most pureblood wizards and witches were brought up to know the worst of what might be lurking in the dark.

For all her studying and knowledge, well, there were some things for which a clever young witch could be woefully unprepared.

Like oh, say, this.



This being a situation from which there is seemingly no escape, of course. I'm seeking perilous, damsel-in-distress type play set in the Wizarding World, starring Hermione Granger. And while such sticky situations can often be resolved by a last minute bout of cleverness, pluck, and luck, there are just as many times that they may .... not. In other words, I'm going against the general grain of most request threads in saying that not only are snuff, vore, mind-breaking and other very bad endings possible, they're especially encouraged. But I'm not entirely mean to Miss Granger; a conceit I'd be happy to include in any scene is one where just in case anything ever happened to her, Hermione kept hold of the Time Turner after her third year. Thanks to a little well-researched enchanting, if things ever got truly dire for her, she would be able to reset back some length of time. Long enough to at least get her completely free of any danger, though maybe having the memory of things going so badly remain is its own kind of bad ending? At least, hopefully, it would keep her from getting into another perilous situation ...

The lovely images here might depict Nagini and Aragog getting their just and witchy desserts, as well as an unfortunate situation with a Ravenclaw friend, but I'm open to all sorts of dangerous, heart-pounding, knee-wobbling problems to confront our plucky Gryffindor with. Just about any sort of magical creature or devious spellwork to get her into an adrenaline-filled situation can be negotiated, but I do have a few requested restrictions: I'd prefer non-human partners, really. Demons, werewolves, and other human-adjacent creatures are a different story, but I'd rather avoid simple Death Eaters or classmates overall for any of these scenes. Which isn't to say they can't facilitate what happens to her, or be directly responsible for her fate, just that I'm more interested in non-human beings getting their hands, claws, coils, limbs, psuedopods, and so forth on her. And of course, an element of danger is all but required, but that's not to say adrenaline can't make the body react in interesting ways.

So come along with me as we do terrible, erotic, and terribly erotic things to my favorite characters. Pound away the perfect prefect's inhibitions and resistances until she has no choice but to submit to her dire fate. And if she's lucky (??), live to do it all over again, and again, and again afterward.


Some fine print: All characters will be played 15 or older as per site rules. Yes I'm sure you might like to play with me without the dark tone to everything, but I'm not interested right now, and I'll be sure to let folks know when I am. Non-fatal vore is the dipping-one's-toe-into-the-water of extreme kinks and you really just need to get in or get out, people. PMs are the best place to contact and play with me. I'm actually a little bit lit-picky, but really not that much as long as I can understand you. While I'm happy to have OOC conversations and shoot the shit, please make it clear to me early on whether or not you're actually looking for play, as I'm not especially interested in idle chit chat that will not lead to roleplaying. Please do not PM me just to ask for the full resolution of the included pictures. All rights reserved, RR Inc. Unless you're really gung-ho otherwise, the kneesocks / stockings are staying on. :) <3 Ask extra nicely if Ginny, Luna, or anyone else is coming along for the ride, and the answer just might be yes.
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