Mx Female Pro's New and Improved Request Thread


The Half-Brained Prince
Jan 9, 2018
Hi there!

Welcome to my demented mind. Don't mind the dust, still rearranging from the last breakdown. Thank you for clicking my little thread and coming to take a look what the crazy guy has to say :D But in all seriousness, I'm not crazy, but I do like self-deprecating humor. If you can't laugh at yourself, who else do you have the right to laugh at, right?

So a little about me:

I'm older, In my mid-fifties. Due to a bad back, and my new work from home job, I'm online a fair bit.. While I do have other hobbies (Most notably MMOs), I do love writing. While I try to post daily or sometimes several times a day, I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that I can have lengthy periods of dormancy when things with one of the three legs of my life get out of whack. Usually its my back or my uncle's level of needs. Though it can also include stress/depression related to one or both, etc. That being said, most of the time, I can be reached either here, or more likely if you add me on Discord and message me etc.

What I look for in a partner:

While I know its probably not the most diverse way of things, I prefer to write vs female writers. While I have no issue with individuals of other sexuality, I don't find it appealing nor comfortable personally. So I will put that out there. Sorry if I offend you by this, I mean no offense at all. It's just what I am comfortable with.

I would prefer a partner who can give me 1-3 solid paragraphs. I understand a lot of people write on their phones. And a fifty word post of three sentences looks huge on a 4-5” screen, it's hard for me to get into something small like that. Unless you happen to be very skilled at getting a lot into a post. In me you can expect a rough average of 3 paragraphs and usually at the very least 350 words. I've been known to hit four digits for some posts. It depends on my partner, my time, and the story situation.

I like images. Not a mandatory thing, but it is something I prefer. I tend to lean towards either photographs or realistic art.

Communication. Nothing kills the mood or a game faster than a partner that neither replies to your messages or goes away without saying a word. I get that not every game is great for everyone. I am not arrogant enough to believe that I am the end all and be all of writers, and so I get that sometimes you will tire of what I write and want to move on. Or I rub you the wrong way or whatever. All I ask is simply, tell me that you are done. That's it. Call me an arse if you want, tell me my writing is abysmal if it makes you feel good, I don't care. Just let me know so I am not sending you pms that get ignored about our game that only one of us realizes is over. You can expect the same courtesy from me.

What flips my trigger(the good sort):

Female Adultery is a big kink, having been on the wrong side of this in the past, I enjoy writing the guy who wins. Not a necessity, but it is a kink.
Corruption is another big theme for me. Take a nice girl and turn her into something of a slut, or a really depraved one, gets the motor going.
Older men vs younger women. Given my age, and the average age of the women on these sites, I think you can figure its a given, right? Lol

I have a thing for clothing. A woman in sexy clothes, sexy undergarments, stockings (not nylons), socks, heels (the taller the better). All the evil male tropes. What can I say? Guilty as charged.
I do enjoy collars and the like, though D/s and BDSM are optional depending on my partner. I can be very light in this. I can also go further. I do draw the line at extreme violence however. I might be a toxic male, but I draw the line at beating the shit out of a women and calling it “sexy.” Call me weird, as I know there are people who are into that. And if you are, great. Enjoy. However we might not be the best match.

Recently, I've had an interest in video/photo stories, and the blackmail possibilities presented in our modern world. Be it a girl who takes some sexy nudes for her sig other and they find their way into somebody else's hands. And that person can make it difficult for them somehow. Or something like a cam girl who is trying to hider identity from people who she knows ,etc. Lots of options

One of the bigger turn ons for me is if not “Corruption” as such, but more the “can't help oneself” concept. She knows she SHOULDN'T, but its just soo.... good... the moth to the flame. That's part of why I love the cheating girl aspect, as she knows she shouldn't cheat, but she gets so much pleasure from it. This can be touched on in a lot of different aspects as well.

And lastly, the one that tends to get the most blow back given that many young women find it very scary (and I get it totally). Pregnancy. To clarify. I enjoy the threat of it, of cream pies that are unprotected. A woman worrying if she is. The idea that an illicit affair might have a consequence. Etc. While a rp based on the pregnancy can be fun if done right, that's not the angle I am talking about. I am more than happy for the actual fact of the pregnancy never coming into play as something played out. For me, its the drama aspect. For example: wife cheats with a man of another race, he cums in her, what will she do if she has a mixed race child? That's the angle I am going for. Again, as with all my kinks, I can live without this. But I wanted to be very clear what I meant, as some people who find the actual fact of pregnancy definitely unsexy, have found what I actually am interested in as not so bad. But again, not your thing? No problems at all.

For a fuller list of my kinks, check my f-list in my signature.

Things that turn me off:

The usual: death, dismemberment, toilet play, having my partner for a post coital snack, playing with animals, etc.

People who are rude ooc. A bitchy character is one thing. A partner who belittles you, an entirely different thing entirely.

Reading the same post for multiple posts in a row: I kid you not, I've gotten that on this site and others. Give me something to work with, pretty please with glucose free no sugar sweetener on top.

Ok So if you're still here, great! Thanks for sticking out my feeble attempts at humor in a very dry topic. So onto some plot ideas and parings:

Basic Pairings: My character will be on the left, your character the right. These are more slice of life than exotic,

Neighbor/young wife
Bad Boy/good girl
Older brother/younger brother's girlfriend
Popular guy/nerdy girl
Nerdy guy/cheerleader
Multiple guys/good girlfriend or wife
Criminal/undercover cop
Most things college related

While generally, I do prefer to be the older partner or the one in a position of power socially speaking, the flipping of things on their ear aspect of say a student having control over a teacher, or a subordinate able to seduce and have power over their boss can have an interesting twist to a story that can take things that would other wise be a tired trope and turn it over on its head.

Less basic pairings, including supernatural and other genres:

Demon/witch (the idea being she summons him and he takes control)
Star Fighter Pilot/naval officer
Star Fighter Pilot/civilian
Vampire/monster hunter
Anything related to the magical school theme (not necessarily fandom)
Magical being/normal cop (more detailed version in plots below)
Government Agent/special human run away


The Work Party

Woman goes to a party with (or perhaps without) her sig other. She gets a little tipsy, gets a little frisky, and then she winds up having sex with one or more co-workers (hers if alone, her sig others if she is with them). From there, the idea would be her descent from sweet loving wife/fiancee/girlfriend to a naughty girl as she finds herself getting passed around the office, until she is considered a "company perk" or part of the "Benefit package" for employees.

The False Date

Inspired by a story on Literotica, the basic premise is that a girl who is in a serious relationship with a guy she loves is asked to help his best friend out of a jam. It could be a situation like in the story where he has told all of the people whom he hangs out with that he's engaged because he doesn't want them constantly setting him up with people as he likes the single life, or could be he needs a date/fiancee for a business meeting where he is expected to have a loving girl on his arm as the owner of the company is very much into "family" etc..

The story would then follow her seduction by him but also by the people around them, until she finds herself having sex with him... And loving it. Where as the story ends with her telling him that she wants him to have sex with her "Every day" or whatever, I think that it would be interesting to play out the aftermath and see how she handles her newly found magic lover and her loving man who has no clue his best friend is a better lover to his girl than he is.

New Girl on Campus

Young woman arriving on campus for the first time, boyfriend at a different school but they are in love and just know it will last! How long will her morals last? Can she remain true to her boyfriend when he's hours away and will only see him on holidays when there are hot guys here who want her? How will her first parties go? Will she become the ice queen? Or is she destined to be the new campus slut?

But... You're a Guy

A while back, I wrote a very sexy piece with a wonderful writer that ended abruptly due to non-story reasons. The idea was super hot to me, and I thought I might try to figure out something similar while not trying to recreate it specifically. The premise is that YC is or at least thinks she is a lesbian. Maybe our characters once were a thing years ago before this revelation (as was the case in the original) or just people who meet randomly or whatever. Or maybe co-workers, classmates, friends whatever works best for you. While out one night watching something either at a sports bar, or dancing at a dance club our characters get stupid drunk, and hook up. In the morning, YC wakes up in my bed, and rushes out embarrassed and horrified that she slept with a man!

Then some weeks later, she discovers she is pregnant. With no means to support the child, but for story reasons, decides she wants to keep it, she reaches out to MC the father, hoping for support both emotionally and financially. Romance develops?

Caught Cheating:

YC is a senior in HS, with a bright future ahead of you. But you are so busy getting ahead you have to resort to cheating on an essay, turning in the same essay your older brother/sister/cousin turned in five years ago. Nobody will know right? However, somebody does know... And she winds up getting blackmailed. Now the who is optional. Could be a principal who was the teacher that the old paper was turned into, who kept a copy of it because of how wonderfully written it was as an example to show students how to do these sorts of papers. Could be some minor technician at the school charged with putting it into the computer who discovers that file already exists.. Could be a fellow student who learns her dark secret.

Taming of the Shrew 21st Century Style:

YC has it all. Upper class upbringing, heiress to a huge fortune. Trust fund for when she finishes college. Never had to work a day in her life, nor will she ever have to. The charmed life so many have nots would dream of having. But the downside is, your family has instilled in you this attitude in you that you and your class are the only ones in the world that matter. Everyone else lives simply to serve you and make you more money.

Enter MC. He has next to nothing. Oh he's not dirt poor, but in your eyes, he might as well be. From the wrong side of the tracks. Spent time in prison. The two meet somewhere, be it her favorite Starbucks or what have you. Could be somewhere she doesn't want to be seen (buying a pregnancy test or something that could harm her rep). And although she is mean to MC, I know she wants me, just doesn't know it. The story would center around how he brings her down to his level. This can go a number of ways, could be a romantic story where she falls in love with her. Could be darker. Could be blackmail, could be he gets her through trickery. Could be Dub-con. Non-con is an option but would need to be discussed.

Unusual Investigations

Inspired by movies like Alien Nation and Bright, I thought it might be interesting to write something set in an alternative version of our world. One where humans aren't the only intelligent bipedal species on it. Be it Aliens who have arrived and have special abilities, or mankind coming to realize that magic and thus magical creatures from fairy tales are real, I like the idea of two investigators: one from each world are thrown together to solve a case, and the potential hijinks and naughtiness that could ensue. This would obviously require some world building, and more extensive plotting than what I will go into here. Alternatively, YC could be a single cop/detective/bounty hunter like Blade Runner, going into an underground of people with magic and other powers. And trying to navigate her way through it.

Genre mash ups.

I love ideas where elements from more than one genre are put together. Be it a supernatural aspect to an otherwise normal slice of life style thing. The college aspect can be a completely different story if its a supernatural college, or a college for “the gifted” or whatever.

Or take mythology and add it to the modern day via archaeological findings/artifacts etc, or Aliens, or whatever.

Semi-Retired Plots:

These are plots that have garnered less interest, so I am moving them here to keep the above more focused on newer ideas. I would still be interested in any of these!

The Military Wife:

While this works in any era, my ideal preference would be during WW2. For the simple fact is that it would be easier to get away with. YC is a young military bride, your husband is deployed overseas. You try to fill your loneliness by working on base either at the hospital, base exchange, officer's club, whatever. Helping men who are in the same unit as your man, etc. MC is a wounded pilot, who's injury disallows him to fly anymore at least militarily. He's bitter as he's never wanted to do anything else but fly. His long term girl dropped him while he was in theater, and so he is doubly angry. YC tries to help him with his injuries, both physical and mental, either as a nurse or just as a friendly face. MC decides he has to have you. How they get there is something for us to discuss.

Unwitting Porn Star

Girl is either a streamer or social influencer, model etc. Somebody that lives their life online or in the media's eye. Along comes either a guy, an agency, or some other method that finds a way to get her to get kinky on camera either with or without her knowledge, and slowly, her videos find their way to sites like Pornhub or other similar sites and how that changes her life. It could be a blackmail thing, could be a lot of different ways to play out. My biggest interest in this is the way it affects her as things get out. Does she find she loves the attention of being a woman who people are paying to see fucked? Or does it mess everything up for her as people now see her as a slut and every guy that sees her figures he can score with her?

Undercover Work Gone Sideways

Be it a reporter, cop, federal agent, superheroine. But there is just some really bad shit going on in the world. Be it a prostitution ring, drugs, gangs, cults, etc. There are always bad people wanting to do bad things to good people. And she has a mandate to stop them. To expose them if she's a journalist, or bring them to justice. Only problem is, they are onto her. And as she gets deeper into this dark world, she is the one getting exposed. Getting turned.

Final Thoughts:

There are so many other great plot options out there, and I already felt I wrote a novel here. So if you don't see anything that says "yes please" but you feel we might work well as partners, please drop me a pm, and I will be more than happy to hear your thoughts. I only bite if you ask me to. While I *usually* like to be the older partner in an age story, for a good plot/partner, I would consider playing a younger man getting an older woman. While I would prefer the age disparity be smaller than middle aged vs teen, I will always discuss. And I pinky promise, I answer all pm's.

Edit 3/9/20: changed wording count and such like. And Final thought.
Edit 12/02/20: Added a couple of plots, redid some of the rest of the text to update it from previous versions.
Edit 08/28/21: Added some new plots, retired a few. Added new non-mundane pairings
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