Fx Any Artimi's Ideas


Mad Little Mage
Apr 25, 2019
Hello! I'm Artimi, and this is the place where I keep my ideas for RPs. Fun times!

Now, before I get to the fun stuff, some important stuff so you know what you're dealing with.
- I play either through PM (Preferred) or here on the forum (If you prefer). Discord is a no-go, sorry.
- Life is a thing, sometimes it gives me little time. I can't guarantee to always be able to respond right away, but I'll try my best!
- I either describe my characters' appearance or find an anime-style image or something. I do not do face-claims. That also extends to me not playing as (or with) real persons.
- Other things I've forgotten to mention and will add when my mind reminds me to do so.

Next up, some things I'm into. Because that's always good. Not ranked in order.
- F/F, F/M, F/M/M, F/F/M, etc. It all goes! I'm willing to do RPs either playing multiple characters, RP'ing with someone who uses multiple characters, both, or RP with multiple people!
- Playing a Sub. (I can switch/play dom if I have to, but I really prefer sub)
- Con/NonCon/DubCon/PretendNonCon. All work
- Playing the smaller character. I don't enjoy being taller, but equal height is fine.
- Light Bondage. Tie me up and stuff~
- Fantasy/Magic Stuff! This is a really big thing I like.
- People GM'ing for me. This is something I'm very interested in, and if you'd like to GM a story for my character, go ahead!
- More stuff I'm probably forgetting!

Then, some stuff I'd rather not.
-- Anything related to the toilet
- Certain types of incest (As long as they're of the same/similar age. So siblings/cousins, etc. can be fine. No parent-child, uncle-niece, whatever)
- Anthro stuff. Catgirls and such are fine though
- Oversized body parts. I'm not a fan of huge breasts and such. I don't mind if your male character is big, as long as it doesn't do things like cause stomachs to bulge and stuff.
- Asphixiation, wounding, death, etc. No lasting harm please.
- Other stuff I might add

And here's some miscellaneous stuff:
- I prefer playing characters that, physically, are between the ages of 16 and 30. Their actual age also has to adhere to the forum's guidelines.
- I enjoy clothed sex, but I'm completely fine with unclothed sex too.
- I prefer fantasy and historical settings over modern-day or future settings.
- I'm interested in doing something with a group, so hit me up if you're looking or got ideas.

With that settled, here are some ideas of mine, with some I may have borrowed and/or edited from others.

First up, the things I'm... craving? If that's the term? Bonus Points if you're willing to play any of the things in here.
- Something FxF. Some ideas:
- YC and MC are adventuring partners
- YC is MC's older sister
- Any of the ideas mentioned below as an FxF
- Maybe something with this image?
- Maybe a mix of practically everything? (YC is MC's older sister, they're adventuring partners, and YC just really wants to screw her younger sister)
- The Stranded Magician idea mentioned below
- The Fancying your Familiar idea mentioned below

Next up, some pairings. Bold is the role I'd like to play (* indicates that I'm especially interested)
Big Bad/Adventurer*
Big Bad/(Former) Noble
Tentacle Monster/Adventurer*

Also, here's my F-List, in case people are interested.

I've also collected a bunch of images HERE. If something on there gives you an idea for an RP, it can't hurt to send it to me, can it?

Below here are things I've found on other people's request pages. I'll be linking back to the person who originally posted them so you can see if you're more into their take on the stuff!
Did you not see the tag? Or were you just curious? Either way, have a cookie~

And below, some Plot Ideas!
Striked-through plots are once I've got RPs for so am not looking for per-say, but if you've got interesting ideas, be sure to let me know!

Stranded Magician
MC is a Magician/Sorceress/Magical Being, that has found herself in YC's world, and has ended up stranded there, in a world completely foreign to her. YC finds her hiding from the rain or something, utterly terrified of everything, and takes her in. It doesn't take long for the fact that MC has magic to become obvious, while there is no (at least, no publicly known) magic in YC's world. And so, the two go about their daily lives, with MC being oblivious to how a lot of things work. How YC treats MC is up to you. Perhaps they care for her, or they decide to treat her like their servant/toy/whatever. And perhaps there are even organisations/people/entities that want to capture MC for themselves... the details can be discussed in-RP!

Fancying your Familiar
MC is YC's familiar. A magical servant that can be summoned and dismissed by her owner. What they do in their day-to-day life is up to discussion, as are the specifics of their familiar contract. Can MC say no? Is she visible to others or not? Can YC control MC's appearance? Etc. It's all open to discussion!

Realm of Another
This idea is quite different to my other ones, but it's popped up in my mind recently. YC encounters MC, the details of which we can discuss, but the main point of the RP remains the same. MC is a powerful entity, and YC finds themselves in her realm, a place where she has control. From there, this can go several ways, but it's a rather sandbox-y RP. MC can control the world, so it can go from a fantasy world to a sci-fi spaceship if desired. It could be a simple smut RP where YC and MC just enjoy eachother, or an adventure that MC sets up for YC. A lot of options here, so feel free to throw specific ideas my way.

Unearthed Servant
MC is an ancient being that has been sealed away for ages. YC is a well-off, potentially powerful person, and has had MC uncovered/unsealed and transported to his base/home/lair/whatever. MC has no memory of who she was, but she does still have her powers, and YC intends to turn her into a loyal servant, as her empty mind is quite open to suggestions

Valuable Catch
YC is some kind of Big Bad-esque being, and their eyes have recently fallen on MC, an insignificant adventurer. The reason for this? MC has a potential. Perhaps they hold a rare form of magic, are a descendant of a legendary bloodline, or they have some other trait that makes them desirable. Beyond that, YC would also like to... have MC in bed with them. So, YC does the logical thing, and has them abducted and brought to their lair, where YC intends to make MC theirs. However, they can't completely break them, as if they do they risk MC losing said potential. So, they need to make MC submit to them with a healthy mix of punishment and abuse to get them to be submissive, but not mindless.

Lonely Mage
A young mage (MC) who lives alone in the woods one day has guests of the unexpected and possibly also unwanted kind (YC). What they do and where it goes from here we can decide~

More stuff to come when my brain decides to come up with stuff!
Last edited:
Bump! Added another plot, detailed some things, added an F-List and added 2 more images to my collection~
This may or may not be a bump! Only one way to find out~
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