Fx Any Slice of life - japanese high school/Persona

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Local Busty Vampire! ~ LBV
Sep 17, 2018
Hello there and thank you for checking out my thread!

First a little about me, on bluemoon i go by the name of Tania but since this is a roleplay site i believe i’ll go by many different names before my time ends on this site ^_^. I’m a lady in my late 20’s and that is about as much as you’ll get regarding my personal life as i enjoy to keep it seperate from my fun escapades in roleplaying.

A few details:

  • I prefer story oriented plays this means 70/30, 80/20 or thereabouts plot to smut ratio.
  • I am semi-literate at best, i will make mistakes and for that i apologize, but i do consider myself more creative than literate if that is off any interest to you :).
  • Since the thread is based on fandoms i feel like i should say that i also enjoy original settings and brainstorming.
  • I enjoy writing long openings and posts when the time calls for it.
  • My thread isn’t done so maybe check back once i get around to finishing it ^_^
  • There is no kink list as i am Limitless, that said if you have a kink that is more out there, keep in mind that just because i am okay with everything doesn’t mean i want your kink to be the SOLE focus off a play.
  • If you read my other thread you will notice that dark themes catch my interest far more than light hearted ones, but i do enjoy lighthearted plays as well just a matter of my mood :)
Next up is a few topics i think tends to come up a lot and i apologize if i come off as rambling but hopefully you can understand what i mean.

I want to state i am fine with playing multiple characters and i do enjoy it, what i don’t enjoy is “MC is the only man alive, please play all the women that are head over heels for him” i find it hard to imagine myself in a situation where i would be portraying a character that would still be interested in your character knowing he sleeps with everyone i know around me, that said if you want to play into the aspect that MC is the one you really like but accept she is indifferent due to your actions. that is more interesting.

Quid pro quo:
I have been struggling with how i would explain this, but i’m a little tired of “yuri” being accepted while “yaoi” is not, this is not to make any sort of statement about it. I just prefer the idea of your character saying no thanks, or even react aggressively to the notion. If you want me to play out two ladies having some fun with one another before your character i find it perfectly fair that the girls ask for a show in return, and based on how you play that out is likely how i determine if the girls go through with it. Your character saying no can itself be cute especially if he’s almost outraged at it.
I hope this makes any semblance of sense? If not please tell me so i can change this section :).

Separated scenes:
This is something i have noticed, i enjoy when i get to tell a story alongside my writing partner, i enjoy exploring your character just as well as my own and to me i find this freedom when i get to write a scene with my character interacting with someone separate from yours. just as i really enjoy reading the conversation between YC and his friend for example. what they discuss that sort of thing, again this is open ended and by no means a must, i enjoy the back and forth in RP’s just as much i just want to emphasise that our characters shouldn’t be stuck together like glue.

Japanese high school.

I would really like to do a play set in a japanese high school, much akin to that of anime & manga though we can certainly use real faceclaims if you prefer.

I would like to explore various situations such as romantic relationships, blackmail, drama amongst friends and various other things.

In general i like to keep a wide cast to allow for multiple relationships, and bonus points for those not afraid to dip into some MxM themes, though i think the main pair should allways be MxF, but i want a diverse set of characters to keep me interrested.

Looking to brainstorm with someone rather than preplan a specific, though i may add some ideas later.

For those looking for more fantastical RP's i am also interrrested in something Persona based.

Currently inspired by this Doujin

Pornstar faceclaims(will be expanded):
Kagami shuna
Sara Shina
None asian
Busty option
Piper perrie
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