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Fx Male I've got some damn bad intentions.


Talk to me, Goose.
Apr 26, 2019
bad intentions - niykee heaton

Who, me?
I’m a 30-something female, and that’s about as much as I like to say about myself. I like to keep a very firm line between RP and RL, although I still also like to have an OOC conversation alongside RP! I just make sure there’s a clear distinction between “my character” and “me,” and I would want a partner who does the same. The hot stuff is for the characters, while OOC chat is for coordination, banter, memes, even sharing woes about our days if you're so inclined. But if you enjoy working with partners who blur those lines, I'm probably not the partner for you!​

My characters can be all over the place, from feisty danger-junkies to cool, collected power-women to the sheltered and demure, almost all of my characters will end up on the submissive side in the bedroom, if you're into defining things that way. I don't always make a point to, but what can I say? It's true in generalizing. That's not to say the ones on the feisty-er side won't have their moments where they throw down and take what they want, though, it just won't be the prevailing dynamic. And, on the other side, even the demure ones have a mind of their own and will be putting it to use, so please don't mistake 'submissive' for 'no agency of their own'. My partner and I will share the responsibility of advancing a story!​

On that note, what about you?
When romance is expected in a plot, as I assume it will be here, I’m more comfortable writing with someone who’s closer to my age or older. Man, woman, somewhere in between… that part doesn’t matter, as long as you’re cool with me sticking with what I know and playing female characters.​

I tend to be drawn more to powerful male characters--ones with some presence and confidence (and muscles #swoon), but who still aren’t without their own flaws. Flaws and conflict and angst are what make a story really interesting. And at least a little sense of humor, too. If a character takes himself too seriously to the point of being deadpan all the time, it's harder for me to stay engaged.​

How are we going to do this?
I love me some writing, but it’s a hobby. I have a very full real life outside of my keyboard, so I can’t always respond as much as I might like to. That doesn’t mean I won’t get to it--just that I like to keep a lowkey pace to things, and you probably shouldn’t initiate something with me if you like constant rapid fire responses. On particularly busy days or weekends, it might take me a day or two before I get back to something. Then again, I DO have days where I’ll respond right away more than once. If you’re willing to be flexible with me, I’m certainly prepared to do the same for you.​

I prefer RP by PM here or email, though I'm willing to work out other options for the right plot if I need to. I'm least likely to bend for RPing on Discord.​

Can we get to the good stuff already?
If you come at me with a plot you’ve been itching to do, there’s a good chance I’ll bite. I'll even collaborate! I love the back-and-forth of setting up a story with a person. But that’s a key thing… plot. The smutty stuff is key in its own right, and I expect it to play a big role, but I can’t maintain it on its own. I’ll be much more invested if there’s a solid story to carry it through; my characters need motives and interests and nuance to fuel their sex drives.​

Unless I'm really in the mood for it, porno plots don't count. If the story thread is, "the repair man let himself into the wrong apartment and, oh no! That nubile, busty college chick is in the middle of trying out her new vibrator. But the batteries just died..." I'm probably* not going to bite. Figuratively or literally.​
*(Probably, for real, because sometimes I really am in the mood for something quick and dirty!)
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⟼[ Currently looking for: [ 1 ] more story/ies. Today's biggest craving: dark and gritty. ] ⟻
Spacingstuffwithspacingtext.Spacingstuffwithspacing text𐌢 𝕋hemes

As far as overall, general themes I'm into, here's my f-list (nsfw). I'll gravitate towards anything that includes things like...​
...non/dub-con that transitions to consensual. Very Stockholm Syndrome.
...master and apprentice, with my character as the apprentice.
..."we shouldn't be doing this!"
...age differences, with my character as the younger.
...just about anything not simple slice-of-life.​

𐌢 𝕀deas

Here's a few plot starters, though consider anything in here up for discussion. It's just a starting place, nothing is set in stone. Most of these could fit within a wide variety of settings, including fantasy, modern, or sci-fi. Now in handy tabs, for your perusing pleasure!
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  • a2906b3253ec2ad53f43c12a04225b4a14e4396e.png
    The only daughter of the CEO of a multinational, billion-dollar company, she is unexpectedly left as the sole benefactor of the entirety of his shares of the business after his untimely death. She’s young (age negotiable, ~16-20ish), inexperienced in the world of his business, and completely in over her head. And that’s not the worst part.

    She’s now become the target of an abduction attempt by an underground organization looking to ransom her for hefty profits.

    I see two paths for this thread…

    1) The Bodyguard
    He was hired as her Close Protection Operative, but he gets more than he bargained for. She’s not the bubbly little girl he was briefed on--she’s a woman in her own right, and she’s got a mind to be bad. Can he keep her in line? Can he focus on his work, or is she the distraction that causes her own downfall?​

    2) The Hunter
    He’s out for the bounty for bringing the heiress in alive, and he may or may not be attached to the organization that wants to ransom her. She’s not going in without a fight, and it turns out that keeping a hellcat of a young woman detained and alive is trickier than he expected. And when he finds out what the real plan is for this girl, not even he has the stomach to turn her over to that. He goes rogue with her, and now they’re both on the run.​
  • I’m not feeling this one as much lately, but I’ve left it here because I’ll still consider it if you come at me with some major plot direction.

    It was a tragedy, but it wasn’t the end. Her love was set to be ambushed, and she was the bait. But as he drew near, unaware of the threat that awaited him, she did the unthinkable to give him a chance of escape. The details will vary depending on the era we choose to set it within, but the ultimate result leaves her dead but him free to flee.

    But she hasn’t left him completely. Her spirit is bound to his, and now she goes where he goes. She remains his protector, and his lover, but only he can see or hear her. How long can they go on like that? Does he keep her around for his own benefit, or does he help her figure out how to move on?
  • e41f30ebcae84ccc42903b088c0873acbad1882d.jpg
    She’s up for loan to the highest bidder. Graceful, poised, polite… she is highly trained and has many skills to entertain and delight: singing and dancing, massage and pampering, and--the real reason people pay so handsomely for her companionship--a living encyclopedia of carnal possibilities. She travels the world and lives the high life, wanting for nothing… except freedom. Her choices are not her own, and she’s bound to live at the whims of others until a contract is paid out. A contract with dangerous overseers which seems to have no end.

    I see two paths for this thread…

    1) The Client
    It was bound to happen sooner or later. One client, too wealthy for his own good, wants what he can’t have. It’s all but forbidden for a client to reserve her services for two engagements in a row, but that’s exactly what he wants. And more. He wants to own her.​

    2) The Driver
    She’s always doing the charming, always so careful not to fall for the charms of anyone else. But she spends so much time with the man responsible for transporting her to each of her engagements. When they get waylaid en route to her latest appointment, the professional facades crack and sparks fly hot. They can’t pretend like it never happened now that everything is out there, so… now what? Do they try to run together? Do they try to carry on their affair in secret?​
  • tumblr_p774rl8I2h1wmd742o1_400.jpg
    From childhood, the princess knew who she was destined to marry. He was a prince, and their betrothal secured an alliance that would span across ages. She was a dutiful girl and was honored to play her part in something larger than herself, even though she only met her future husband a handful of times as they grew up in their respective kingdoms.

    When the day of their wedding came, she went to it with a smile on her face. Everything came together just as it should, and yet… the princess felt a hollowness she couldn’t explain. She wanted for nothing; why should she feel so incomplete?

    Enter the knight--a warrior from the prince’s personal guard and one of his closest friends. The moment he and the princess lay eyes on each other there is a spark so strong it’s nearly tangible. The princess should ignore it. She should treat him as politely as any other member of her court, but keep her distance. And keep her honor.

    But it’s just so difficult when he stirs something in her that fills that empty space.
  • 1d95988d22609d3beab6ff757b5e88f0300cc5b7.jpg
    Here’s some leftover plot seeds that haven’t sprouted yet. Always up for plotting out something in the vein of…
    -Pirates (high seas or space-based)​
    -365 Days-inspired​
    -Wild West​
    -Pagan-esque Tribe vs Invaders​


A few examples of faceclaims I like to use, or that I'd be absolutely giddy to have a partner use for me to play against. This is by no means complete, so I'm always open to other suggestions. Take it as a starting point rather than a limited selection. I'm also super open to using art as faceclaims (especially in fantasy settings), or nothing at all. Just no anime, please!

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Thank you to anyone who reached out so far! I'm considering this search closed for now, and I'll bump again when I have some openings. :heart:

Added a link to the title lyrics reference.
Redefined and reorganized listed interests.
Finally got that f-list put together.
General tweaks and updates to plots. New year, new-er me.
Additional information post: now with categories!
Too many categories. Trimmed it back down.
Trying something new with the plot list.
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