Fx Any Looking for smutty, fun sci-fi or fantasy stories with any gender


Dec 31, 2018
Hi there. This is my smut request thread, for stories that are 50% or more smut. You know the kind, the ones that give you that instant gratification that is so rewarding in the middle of a boring day.

Of course, just because I like smut doesn't mean I like *only* smut. Even in short stories, characters are important. I like to make characters who are unique, brilliant, flawed, and human (even if they're an elf or a halfling or.... you get the idea). I think, ideally, what I'd love to do with a partner is come up with an idea (or maybe 2 or 3) and write short, smutty "episodes". Maybe these episodes will lead to a larger plot, maybe not. But I do enjoy having opportunities for character development even in my smut, and so I prefer having one, or a few, consistent characters we play across stories.

I’m a big fan of fantasy and sci-fi. Adventure and survival interwoven with smut is my absolute jam.

I'm looking to write something steamy, with a partner who shares my interests. I tend to be very flexible as far as partners go - like I hinted at above I just want someone who's willing to write a fun, interesting character, even if it's for a shorter story. I am perfectly fine leaving dom/sub dynamics by the wayside, but if they are included, I prefer to play on the submissive side. I always play women as my main characters, and will always happily play secondary characters of any gender.

Kinks are a way to really get a feel for writing compatibility, so below are some of my faves and some of my nos. Most things not on here are negotiable. I've got a more in-depth list on my f-list.

- public sex
- edging
- orgasm delay/denial
- multiple orgasms
- marathon sex
- overstimulation
- bondage
- sex in unusual places
- unable to keep quiet during sex
- foreplay
- body worship
- non-con (I'm okay with having non-con be part of a story if it makes sense, but I don't want to glorify rape or make it into something MC enjoys)
- scat
- watersports
- vomit
- incest
- race fetish (different races is fine, fetishizing different races no thanks)
- age fetish (same as above - age difference is fine, fetishizing that isn't my cup of tea)
- furries/anthros and monster girls

Finally, below are a few simple plot ideas I had. I welcome other ideas as well!
The Healer's Guild of Arliss provides their services to adventuring parties at a modest cost. Priestesses of Arliss accompany those adventuring parties who have paid their dues to the temple, providing their services as needed. Adherents to Arliss are able to transform sexual energy, the energy of life, into healing magic. So in order for their powers to work, it's imperative that the adventuring party keep their priestess(es) hot and bothered at all times, lest their services be needed.
Elizabeth De Spoelberch has it all; an amazing job as the youngest tenured professor at Stanford University and an amazing co-professor and significant other whom she lives a Hollywood-style life with, traveling around the world to solve ancient mysteries. A fateful trip to an Aztec ruin changes everything, as the two of them find themselves under a sex curse, driven to sleep with someone once every 24 hours. Luckily, they have each other, but is it their imagination, or is the time between the sex curse activation getting shorter and shorter as they try to find the mystery behind these ancient ruins?
(Okay it is) In a not-so-distant future, human-kind has taken to the stars. In the lawless realms of the Outerbanks, Courtesans are well-respected ambassadors and diplomats, as well as sexual companions. It made being a Courtesan the perfect cover for the galaxy's most notorious thieve(s). (YC could either be a fellow Courtesan or could be someone else - perhaps a mark or a security officer chasing her down?)
This is an experimental idea and really only for people who know D&D 5e decently well. I've been interested in experimenting with a "co-DMing" game where we both get to play the main character in the game, and we also both come up with enemies / encounters to move the story along. It would also involve dice and stats, adding an element of chance to how the story progresses. How does that work? Haha like I said this is an experimental idea. We don't necessarily have to play strict mechanics, but it could be interesting to roll a D20 + attack and see who "wins" a fight. Or have opposed athletics check to grapple and see who gets to be tied up this time in bed ;) In any case, this is a super rough idea of how we could use D&D mechanics to help add an element of chance/surprise to the story we write, while both getting to enjoy the surprise and delight of learning about the world around us. With lots of smut of course :) So if this sounds interesting, we can go more into depth about how this might work and what the story might look like.

Oh, one last thing about my writing style. Like with my smut, I like to jump into it pretty quickly :) Don't get me wrong - I love to plot, and plan! But after 2-3 days of that at most, I usually feel ready to jump into writing. I do, however, love to plot and plan as we write, and usually do a separate thread for that.

And with that, I feel like I've gone on long enough. Looking forward to hearing from you if any of this catches your eye! Please tell me a little about yourself and what plots, or what about this post, interested you when you message. Happy RPing!
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