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Mx Female A wide variety of stories waiting to be told!

Apr 26, 2019
Pennsylvania, USA

First of all, hello!

I am new to this site, but have been writing for over 15 years harking back to dial-up AOL chat room days. I tend to think of myself as a literate to advanced writer who prefers, but isn't limited to, the modern fantasy style genre. I do have a rather strange job which keeps my hours unpredictable, but I always do my best to make sure any writing partners of mine are given notice should I be unable to reply within the span of a few days. That said, I would prefer the same courtesy when at all possible. Yes, I know life can happen at times, but it only takes five minutes to log on and fire a quick message.

Now then... Some more detailed information about what I am looking for and expect.

- Please speak fluent English. I dabble in other various languages, but English is my main.

- Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are important, but I am more than forgiving to typos.
(No, that does not excuse text speak or any of that jumbo)

- I prefer to RP in an average of two to five paragraphs, requesting detail over length when we get into any action scenes. Though I will admit the more I am enjoying a story the longer my posts tend to be outside of areas that demand rapid a response before continuing.

- I am over 21, so I request any partners of mine be as well. (Characters we play being at least 18
years of age.)

- I am a bit old school... I hate character pictures. If you have them and want to share? Great. I on the other hand absolutely hate hunting them down and keeping a catalogue for my vast array of characters.

- On that note, I have no set list of characters. I make them all up for each different RP because,
seriously... Who wants to keep playing the same person over and over???

- I prefer to RP over E-Mail, but can easily go through PM's on the site if you feel better about it.

- My stories tend to be around 60/40 mix of story/smut, but there are definitely days where I can easily
be swayed to change that ratio.

Some character ideas I have had in mind...

Atlantean Gods: Perhaps one of my more broad ideas as I have a few different concepts on how this could play out. Be it against another god or goddess from a different pantheon, someone from the same Atlantean Pantheon, or maybe even a normal human who for some reason gets involved in the affairs of divine beings. There is so much room to modify this idea, but I have very little in mind for actual plots as of yet, I just love mythology of all kinds and want to try a quasi-fictional type for a change!

Genie: Not your typical trope spirit in a lamp type though... My idea has been broken down, cracked apart, and completely reworked to become a more modern and believable creature that has nothing to do with most legends and myths out there. To simplify it greatly so you can have an idea, he is basically a mage whose soul was enslaved and attached to an object, cursed to be bound to the wearer of that artifact. No, he cannot be ordered around completely like a mindless slave. Yes, he does grant a semblance of 'wishes'. When he does not have anyone as a 'master', he has very little in the way of power. He has become more of a symbiotic being with the controller of his artifact, using his powers to protect himself and his partner even while needing that partner to be able to even do that much.

Sci-fi: For this story I had in mind more of a space age theme going on. I got this crazy yet intriguing idea to play as an actual ship AI. It has a android body it can use to leave the confines of the vessel or even perform repairs on itself and all that, but the bulk of the story would be revolving around the AI of the ship itself. It is a rough idea that needs to be fleshed out more, but one that had me wondering what I could make of it.

Superpowers: Really, anything and everything related to superpowers. Any combination of hero and/or villain in most any case be it learning their powers, first gaining them, or the cliche struggle of good vs evil that is always oh-so-fun to play! Seriously, if you have an idea for this feel free to bring it to me!

Fantasy Kingdoms: This one can go a couple different ways, but the main points are thus. I wanted to play the cunning and cruel prince vs the intelligent but naive princess bit. This wouldn’t be one of those Disney level stories, tending towards the much darker side of things, and would more revolve around who would come out on top within the dynamic. Would the kindly princess change the ways of a battle junkie prince, or would he corrupt and debase the wholesome princess? (Had one of these going a while back and it turned out MUCH more entertaining than I thought it was going to be. Can go into a few different ideas I have for this if you are interested. Note this is a story based on darker points and thus if you aren’t comfortable with that, just pass it up.)

Really really craving either WoT or Demon Accords fandom RP!
Demon Accords
Wheel of Time
(All of these are OCs in the universe setting)
(***Except for Demon Accords... Would love to play a Declan x anything!***)

Many, many more available to fit just about any story.

These characters and ideas are by no means the cream of the crop nor the limits of what I have in mind. They merely represent a few of my more interested cravings at the moment and are subject to change at the drop of a hat based upon my mood. I will try to keep my post updated with various ideas or characters I am craving to use.

With that said, by all means... Please, please, please bring me any and all of your ideas if you feel like there is a chance of making a RP work. The worst case scenario I say no or I ask to modify certain points to make it more enjoyable for myself. This applies to all form of dark or exotic kinks you may want incorporated, since I am more than willing to do a lot of things many people don't want to touch with a ten foot pole.

So, if you have made it this far in reading this... Congratulations! Perhaps it isn't as long-winded as some, but I feel it got the points I am trying to make across. Oh, sure I probably forgot a dozen things but I will add on stuff as it comes to me. Send me a PM with questions or ideas and perhaps we can work something out! (Please don't post on thread as I will not be checking up on it all that much.)

Disclaimer: RP's are first come, first serve and I only ever do so many at one time so I can devote the attention to the story my partners deserve. So if I say I am full up, don't freak out and if one of my stories ends or drops I will contact the next person on the list to check interest.

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