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Let me bee your Good Hunter (RWBY/Bloodborne crossover) (Platemailbikini & Potter-kun)


A piece of armour for the most discerning people.
Dec 28, 2016
Well, today had been an... experience.
First, she and Blake had woke up in this run-down old gothic city, then they'd been attacked by decidedly non-grimm monsters, then it turns out their semblances don't work, and then they find a weird magic lamppost that takes them to a creepy old house in the middle of nowhere, inhabited only by an even creepier old man and his doll, and then the doll had talked to them.

All in all, Yang was feeling more than a little worked up by the time the creepy old man -named Gherman apparently- had explained the deal: weird shit is happening because of monsters, and it might get less weird if we kill them. With nothing to lose, the two of them had set out into the city to do just that. Turns out their auras hadn't vanished with their semblances though, which made dispatching of the first pack of freaky dogs they'd encountered a cakewalk. A punch each from ember celica had two of them splattering in a very satisfying way across the nearest wall, and Blake tore into the remaining four with wild abandon, slashing them apart with almost reckless swings of Gambol Shroud.

Yang just stood and watched, feeling a smile creep onto her face as Blake sheathed her sword, her white coat splattered with blood, and her eyes strained in fury. Damn, she thought, my girlfriend's a badass.

She walked up to Blake as she was calming herself, her breathing evening out. She wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into her side. She could tell Blake was feeling slightly embarassed by what had just happened by the way her cheeks reddened as she noticed Yang's grin.

"You really hate dogs, don't you baby?"
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